Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - September 24, 2020
¡Gran característica nueva en Smore! Haga clic en el botón Traducir en la parte superior derecha para que Smore traduzca el boletín al idioma que prefiera.
Message from the Principal
We've made it this far, and we are learning and growing together every day. I am so proud of our teaching staff and how hard they are working to provide engaging lessons and getting to know their students. Some days are easier than others, but the feedback I've been getting from parents so far is very positive, and our teachers are so excited to be working with students again.
There is a lot of information below about our Chromebook exchange next week. If you need help registering for a time slot, please call the office. We are excited to get the new Chromebooks out and in students' hands.
A few items that I need to communicate about that have come up the last week and a half...
1. If your student is having trouble getting in to Zoom, they must be using their BSD account and signing in through the SSO. Here is a link to an instructional video.
2. Attendance in Advisory is mandatory every day. We are seeing a higher absenteeism in Advisory, so I just want to make sure everyone understands that attendance in all classes is required.
3. Wednesday, October 7th is a regular school day. Students will follow their Friday schedule that day. There is no school for students on Friday, October 9th.
4.The expectations for student behavior while in a synchronous learning session (Zoom) are the same as they are for in-person learning. Students need to be seated, fully clothed, not eating a huge meal (snacks are fine), not playing background music (or video games), etc. A good rule of thumb to discuss with your student: if the behavior would get you in trouble at school, it will get you in trouble in online school.
5. Back to School Week is October 12-15. Like CDL, we will have recorded and live session. You will be receiving a separate newsletter with links to recorded videos and links so Zoom sessions to meet the teachers. Expect that to arrive around October 7th.
6. If your student is having tech issues, and the cue for the help desk is too long, you can have your student call the school. Our office staff can often help, and our TSS may also be available to help.
7. In addition to getting photos and Chromebooks, students enrolled in art will pick up an Art Kit next week, and 7th graders will be given additional items for their science kits.
8. Please make sure you look at the event maps closely as it's a new procedure. Students will be dropped off on Berkshire (back of the school) and have their photos taken under cover. They will walk a path, get materials, and be picked up at the front of the school.
9. We are forming a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Parent Group to help inform our school decisions and to further our school and district commitment to becoming an Anti-Racist school. If you are interested in being part of that group, please email Tona_Hattery@beaverton.k12.or.us. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, October 21st. When you email Tona, please indicate the most convenient start time for that evening so we can try to make it easily accessible. I look forward to partnering with our families in new ways.
Chromebook Exchange and Picture Days
September 30th - 12:30 PM - 6:00 PM
October 1st - 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
October 2nd - 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Map for Chromebook Exchange and Picture Day
Important Dates for September/October
September 30 - October 2 - Chromebook Exchange and school photos at CPMS
October 7 - This is a regular day of learning to make up for the Staff Development day.
- PTC Community Meeting @ 6:30 via Zoom
October 9 - No school for students - Professional Development Day
October 12-16 - Back to School Week
- We will send a separate newsletter with information and links
Translation for Everyone!
BSD has purchased Google Read&Write (with the pdf translator) for every student in the district. This Chrome extension allows students to view web pages (including Canvas) in languages of their choice, convert text to speech and speech to text, as well as making text more accessible. if you can, please make sure your students have this Chrome extension and please model how to use it.
Library Resources
Please share this brochure of passwords with your students through Canvas or SeeSaw. These passwords are not to be shared on the open web. (Students will need to be signed into their BSD Google account to view this document.)
You can also find a link to this brochure on your school library’s “Start Research” page by clicking on the “Passwords” tab.