Riverview High School
October 1 , 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
9/30--Homecoming Spirit Week Begins
10/2--Fall Student Count Day
10/2--Football Boosters present Homecoming Bonfire, 6:30 - 8:30pm
10/4--Homecoming Assembly, 1:30pm
10/4--Homecoming Parade, 5:00pm
10/4--Homecoming Game vs SMCC, 7:00pm
10/5--Homecoming Dance @ RCHS, 6:00 - 9:00pm
10/7--FCCLA & SADD present, Pumpkin Palooza, 2:50 - 4:30 in Rm. 128
10/8--Parent Club meeting, 5:00pm
10/10--Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 - 7:00pm; FAFSA presentation from 5 - 6
10/10--Picture Retake Day
10/15--Cosmetology present Trunk or Treat, 6:00pm
10/16--PSAT / NMSQT testing; early release for all 9 - 11 graders at 11:00; 12th grade, virtual
10/25--Connection Club presents Trunk or Treat, 5:00pm, staff lot off Longsdorf
Homecoming Dance Tickets
Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to buy Homecoming tickets!!!
Tickets are $20 per person.
For RCHS students:
Please use the STUDENT NAME when purchasing the ticket.
Students who purchase a ticket via Vanco will use the electronic ticket sent to them and their picture ID to enter the dance.
The password is the studentβs school ID number.
Homecoming Parade
Congratulations to our 2024 Homecoming Court!
Queen/King Candidates:
Samantha Bucciarelli & Chris Sarnacki
Salma Ibrahim & Michael Gilleran
Kyra Murphy & Nick Burns
Josephine Ortiz & Trevor Spencer
Averi Westbay & Arturo Escobar
Junior Representatives: Giana Torres & Gian Torres
Sophomore Representatives: Jessenia Shaya & Cam Schoenberg
Freshmen Representatives: Sienna Logan & Chase Burkhalter
Our court and class representatives will be in the Homecoming Parade, along with our class floats, marching band, and other groups / clubs that represent RCHS. Hope to see you there!
Picture Retake Day
Pictures - Make-up/Retakes
School photos are ready to view and order! Visit
RETAKE/MAKE-UP Day: Thursday, October 10
MAKE-UPS: If we are missing a photo for your student, we will call them down for their photo taken and student ID.
Cosmetology Trunk or Treat
Come and join our Riverview School of Cosmetology for Trunk or Treat on October 15 @ 6pm.
October Staff Birthdays
Happy Birthday!!!
10/1--Mr. McLaughlin
10/5--Mrs. Weber
10/17--Mrs. Rebeka
10/18--Mr. Mikonczyk
10/30--Mrs. Bollin
Meet Our New Counselor
Hi my name is Ms. Welniak. This is my first year a RCHS but 2nd year as a school counselor with many years of experience working with families. I am very excited to have become part of the pirate team and look forward to a great school year. I will be servicing students with last names beginning with G -O. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at 734-285-7361 or at swelniak@riverviewschools.com.
Sarah Welniak, MA
School Counselor, G-O
Riverview Community High School
734-285-7361 Ext. 2228
Main Office Entrance Location
Main Entrance & Office Location
It was the first event of Senior Year! Senior Sunrise -- The Senior class grabbed a blanket, enjoyed morning snacks and the beautiful sunrise while symbolically welcoming their senior year as they watched the sunrise with their classmates! Thank you to our Senior Sponsors, Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Bollin, as well as our parent volunteers who made this special morning possible.
Powder Puff 2024
9th grade team
Pumping up the crowd!
12th grade team & coaches
Yesterday, Spirit Week kicked off with our annual Powder Puff games. The freshmen and seniors were victorious on a misty, cloudy Sunday that, for once, didn't compete with the Lions! Our band sounded fantastic in the stands and did a great job leading some cheers, and our athletes and their coaches conducted themselves with class and grit. We are very proud of them and the sportsmanship they showed on and off the field. Huge thanks to our Parent Club as well as the staff & parent volunteers that event possible!
Congratulations to the Class of 2028 Representatives
President: Patrick Zick
Vice-President: Macy Rebeka
Secretary: Moorea Leslie
Treasurer: Maisy Turner
Reps: Jordyn Allen, Franzine Baluyot, Lara Geiger, Ashley Robinson, Megan Southward
Thank you to all of the candidates that participated, and congratulations to the winners!
Culinary Demonstration Day
Demonstration Day for Culinary 1 featuring recent graduates, Elizabeth Adamczek, Sayyaf Johnson, and Andrew Laesser, returning to RCHS to demo for our Culinary 1 students. They featured their Thai Red Curry Pasta from last year's Michigan Prostart Invitational and did a wonderful job! This year our Advanced Culinary students are entering three different competitions and have started a Culinary Skills Club for all levels to work on refining their skills for future competitions.
Non-Homestead Millage Information
Wayne County Enhancement Millage Renewal
New Food Service Online Payment Service
This year we have a new online payment platform for cafeteria payments called Meal Magic. Breakfast and lunch are free for everyone this year, but if you wanted your student to have funds available for a la carte items, please set up an account.
- You will need the student ID number for this.
- You can find this link from our website, riverviewschools.com>departments>food and nutrition - scroll down to click on the Meal Magic icon. Click the My Account button and then βI need to register as a Family Portal user.β Complete the information and verify your email address to complete the registration.
- Enter your deposit amount Check-out
DID YOU SET UP AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS ON MYPAYMENTSPLUS? Please log in to MyPaymentsPlus and remove your payment information. Current balances and recent payments will be transferred over to Meal Magic.
While you are in the Meal Magic Family Portal, please take a moment to APPLY FOR BENEFITS...
Why should I fill out the School Meals and Summer EBT Application or Household Information Report?
School funding. Please fill out this form so RCHS can continue to provide all students with the highest quality education, including funding for things like computers, books, school supplies, and more.
Technology funding. RCSD receives more funding for student internet access and computers.
- Summer EBT grocery benefits. If your household qualifies, you may be eligible for money for groceries over the summer.
- Athletics. If your household qualifies, you may receive discounts for fees associated with participating in athletics.
- SAT, ACT, and AP test discounts. If your household qualifies, you can receive discounts for academic testing.
- College application discounts. If your household qualifies, you can receive discounts for college application fees.
Riverview Fall Sports
Parent Resources
RCSD Technology
Please make sure you have access to your PowerSchool Parent account and Schoology Parent Account. Please regularly check Schoology for School Updates.
What is Schoology?
Schoology is our LMS, Learning Management System. It is a web-based platform that we use to manage and implement student learning.
In short, with Schoology, your student will access their courses, and homework, and view current grades.
From a parent's account, you can assume the role of your child to view their courses and work. You can set up notifications to your cell phone or email. And you will find important building updates for your school including student and family events.
Please join your child's school building group with the associated join code below.
For more instructions on joining or leaving a group you can refer to this document.
RCSD Technology
Please make sure you have access to your PowerSchool Parent account and Schoology Parent Account. Please regularly check Schoology for School Updates.
What is Schoology?
Schoology is our LMS, Learning Management System. It is a web-based platform that we use to manage and implement student learning.
In short, with Schoology, your student will access their courses, and homework, and view current grades.
From a parent's account, you can assume the role of your child to view their courses and work. You can set up notifications to your cell phone or email. And you will find important building updates for your school including student and family events.
Please join your child's school building group with the associated join code below.
For more instructions on joining or leaving a group you can refer to this document.
Join the high school and your student's class group to stay up-to-date with class information:
Class of 2025: RDMG6-4W3JW
Class of 2026: V76B-V5F8-SWHV8
Class of 2027: CPTQ-WXKJ-522RQ
Class of 2028:PV55-78TH-3XNVJ
Schoology Group
Student Parking Permits
Student Drivers - Parking Permits
Yearbook Ordering Information
Senior Yearbook Ads
The MICareer Quest 2024 will happen Tuesday, November 19th. If you would like to come talk to professionals in the Medical, Tech, Construction or Business/Manufacturing fields, join us for the fun event. Mrs. Nichols will be sending out more information soon.
Riverview High School
Website: riverviewschools.com
Location: 12431 Longsdorf Street, Riverview, MI, USA
Phone: (734)285-7361
Twitter: @RCHSPirates