Heights Happenings
Eastern Heights Elementary School, August/September 2024
Welcome Back Eastern Heights Elementary Families,
I hope that you had a wonderful summer and that you are rested and ready for the 2024-25 school year to start! Our custodial and maintenance staff have been working all summer to ready the building and it looks shiny and ready to welcome you.
The first newsletter of the school year always contains a lot of information that is important to your child's success at school so please be sure to take time to read through it.
Get ready for a year filled with learning, growing, laughter and fun. We've missed you Heights and cannot wait to welcome you back!
It's A Great Day To Be A Pioneer!
Mrs. Brenda Wittman
Meet Our New Assistant Principal
Hello Eastern Heights Families!
My name is Cori Adams and I am the new Assistant Principal here at Eastern Heights Elementary. Prior to accepting my new role here, I taught for eleven years- most recently as an intervention specialist with Elyria’s Early Childhood Village. I am so excited to get to know you and your students this year and am honored to be a part of the Eastern Heights Family! Each month, I look forward to sharing some tips and tricks to practice with your students at home!
12th & 13th ~ Kindergarten Screening
15th ~ Kindergarten Open House 5:30 - 6:30
19th ~ Staggered Start ~ Last names A-G
20th ~ Staggered Start ~ Last names H-O
21st ~ Staggered Start ~ Last names P-Z
22nd ~ First Day for All Students
22nd ~ 1st - 4th Grade Open House 5:30 - 6:30
September 2024
2nd ~ Labor Day ~ No School
5th ~ PTO Meeting 6 - 7pm
18th ~ Picture Day
20th ~ Apple Festival begins
26th ~ Fall Conferences
Back To School Reminders
- All families are strongly encouraged to complete the free & reduced price lunch form before the school year starts. Find the form using the link HERE.
- Complete an updated information form for each student using the link found HERE.
- School Supply List can be found HERE.
- School starts at 9:10 and ends at 3:10; our doors at 8:55. Students will be escorted inside the building by school staff and during the first few weeks of school, we will be sure that all students know how to find their classroom. Please be sure that your child is on time and ready to start the school day with us each morning and if your child is going to be late or absent, call the main office at 284-8011 to let us know.
- Join Class Dojo to stay in the know with all the latest going on at school HERE.
- Sign up for text alerts from Elyria City Schools HERE.
Campus traffic rules are in place to keep all students and staff safe during arrival and dismissal times. We appreciate you honoring these rules to keep everyone safe!
- Drive slowly and stay alert while on campus; refrain from cell phone use while driving on campus
- Drive slowly and follow all building staff directions while driving on campus
- Use crosswalks when walking your children to & from the building
- Cars must not stop in a crosswalk; while cars are waiting to move, crosswalks must be free for people to cross
- Cars should enter campus for drop off and pick up at the Prospect/Cornell entrance and follow the ring road around campus. Using this entrance allows the smoothest flow of traffic.
- There is no parking in the pickup lane during drop off or dismissal; this helps the flow of traffic move smoothly
- Cars should make only 1 lane of traffic on the campus (inside lane closest to the building); do not pull out and pass cars that are in the pick-up lane
- Cars should refrain from entering the bus lane on the north side of the building; this lane is used for all ECS busses as well as all daycare and after school program vans.
- Drop-off & pickup your student using the spaces between the 2 orange cones directly in front of the building
Thank you for helping us make drop-off & pickup safety the #1 priority!
Interested in PTO? See Below!
Safety Drills
With safety as a top priority of the Eastern Heights Campus staff, we want you to be aware that you may see us outside practicing a drill as we start the school year. Part of this practice includes having drills during chilly days or on days that there is a little rain. If you see students outside near dismissal, please remember to drive slowly and/or stop to allow the drill to proceed safely. And, be sure to have your student dress appropriately for the weather and know that we practice these drills with all our students to keep everyone safe!
2024 - 2025 Approved Snack List
Sending a special snack into your child's classroom? Please use the 2024 -2025 Approved Snack List below to help you select treats for your child's class. We thank you in advance for selecting snacks from the list, which ensures the health and safety of our students and staff.
- Learners thrive when school is engaging and personally meaningful
- All Pioneers have a voice in decisions that affect them
- Excellence is achieved through vision, commitment and moral leadership
Eastern Heights Elementary School
Email: wittmanbrenda@elyriaschools.org
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 528 Garford Avenue, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: (440) 284-8011
Facebook: facebook.com/EasternHeightsElem