UBMS Update
Academic Year Theme: Chase Your Dreams
In case you didn't know... We have a UBMS Blog! Check it out: https://ubmsmarian.blogspot.com/
After School Connections This Week
Tuesday September 10th: FIRST DAY! Program Expectations and Student Handbook
Thursday September 12th: Ice Breakers and Team Building
Summer Academy Evaluation
The UBMS Program is in its 12th year! With that being said there are always strengths and weaknesses to everything we do. We have an evaluation form linked below that we ask you complete. This is so we can get feedback on what we are doing well and what we may need to change up.
Monthly Progress Report
The due date for the September MPR has been changed to September 13. Due to the UBMS fiscal year ending in September, the MPR will have to be submitted earlier than the original due date. Please submit your September MPR by September 13. As always make sure you address 3 out of the 5 listed categories for the areas of service provided by UBMS with at least 2-3 sentences for each.
Your engagement, participation, and attendance in UBMS along with your MPR will determine your September stipend.
MPR - September 2024 Due: September 13
Schedule a Meeting with Alena!
If you would like to schedule a 1 on 1 meeting with Alena please utilize this link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=eNHFzvCtTUm-rPj8MzR_eFDC_knzcAVMgjvevZEi0VtUMEcwUUVPTk9SNEU0Sk1ZSVhTSjNNU0pDRi4u
Community Events
Saturdays: Farmer's Market - 8:00am-12:00pm
Contact Info
The best way to reach us for quick communication is through text. (920) 266-9397, this number gives staff access to a text message from you. If you call it, we cannot answer.
Our office numbers are:
Garry: 920-923-8621
Tori: 920-923-8620
Alena: 920-923-8959
Our Emails are:
Garry: trio.ubms@marianuniversity.edu
Tori: tkjuoni00@marianuniversity.edu
Alena: asyang01@marianuniversity.edu
Please know that if we are not at our desks, you have to leave a voicemail or we will not know you called.
- While some of us may see messages during non work times, please remember that our work schedule is 8:00-4:00. If you text us late at night, we may not see it until the morning. Try your best to communicate your needs in advance.
- The next best way to communicate with us is through email.
- Remember, if you tell us something in person that is important, you need to follow-up with an email.
Please DO NOT use Snapchat or social media to communicate important information. We may share from time to time on SM, but your primary contact should be via text or email.
UBMS Contact Information & Social Media
LinkedIn: LinkedIn group
Snapchat: @ubms.marian
Email: trio.ubms@marianuniversity.edu
Website: https://www.marianuniversity.edu/special-programs/upward-bound-math-and-science/
Blog: https://ubmsmarian.blogspot.com/
Location: 96 South National Avenue, Fond du Lac, WI, USA
Phone: 920-923-8630
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarianUniversityWI.UBMS/
Twitter: @MarianUBMS