The RISE Report
November 8, 2024
News You Can Use
Happy Veteran's Day!
Thank you to all veterans for your time, bravery, and sacrifice for this country. Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all.
Health Reminders
Cold and Flu season is here!
Fall is here and cold and flu season is upon us and we are seeing students with cold and flu symptoms. To prevent the spread of these common viruses in the close confines of the classroom, we are cleaning daily and encouraging handwashing in the class. To decide whether or not to send your child to school, please consider the following guidelines.
Consider keeping your child at home for an extra day of rest and observation if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
· Very stuffy or runny nose and/or a cough
· Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep)
· Headache
Definitely keep your child at home and consider seeking medical attention if he or she has any of these symptoms:
· Fever (greater than 100 degrees by mouth. Your child may return to school only after his or her temperature has been consistently below 100 degrees, by mouth, for a minimum of 24 hours without medication)
· Vomiting (even once)
· Diarrhea
· Chills
· General malaise or feelings of fatigue, discomfort, weakness or muscle aches
· Frequent congested (wet) or croupy cough
· Shortness of breath
· Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
To help prevent the flu and other colds, encourage good hygiene habits:
· Wash hands frequently
· Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth
· Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw it away and then wash hands
· Avoid close contact with people who are sick
The flu shot is one of the best ways to prevent illness from the seasonal influenza virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends adults and children receive the flu vaccine each year. Yearly flu vaccination is needed because immunity against the flu wears off over time. In addition, the flu virus strains often change, so the vaccine also changes from year-to-year in order to match the flu viruses expected to be circulating in the community.
Grove Express 5k is coming soon!
Join the Grove Express 5K Annual Thanksgiving Tradition
The Grove Express Foundation warmly invites the District 58 community to partake in this enjoyable family run/walk event. With a shared vision and purpose, three esteemed nonprofit organizations - the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58, the Rotary Club of Downers Grove, and the Roadrunners Soccer Club - have united to carry on a 20-year legacy that champions education and empowers youth.
By taking part in the Grove Express 5K, the funds raised will support important initiatives such as Select 58 and Teachers Grants for District 58, facilitated by the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58. Furthermore, your generous support will enable Transition 99 (T99) to provide ongoing educational services to hundreds of students with special needs through the Roadrunners Soccer Club, as well as offer scholarships to high school students at both DGS and DGN through the Rotary Club of Downers Grove.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 28th, at 8:30 a.m. as we gather in downtown Downers Grove at Maple & Grove Streets for this annual Thanksgiving Day tradition. Secure your spot today by registering at https://runsignup.com/groveexpress.
Attendance Makes a Difference!
Related Service Resource Corner
Looking Ahead
Important Dates!
Monday, November 11: Board of Education Regular Meeting
November 27-29th: No School- Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 9: Board of Education Regular Meeting
Monday, December 23 - January 3, 2025: No School Holiday Break
Monday, January 6, 2025: School Resumes
New Ways November
Weekly Learning Highlights
RISING Stars at Indian Trail Elementary
Mrs. Kollintzas & Miss Broughton's Classroom
Ms. Price & Mrs. Wanderer's Classroom
Mrs. Hamilton's Classroom
RISING Stars at Pierce Downer Elementary
Mrs. Acevedo's Classroom
Miss Barc's Classroom
Mrs. Billotta's Classroom
RISING Stars at Herrick Middle School
Mr. Klebenow's Classroom
More Learning Fun!
Parent Trainings and Resources
Giant Steps is hosting 3 Zoom Parent Education Presentation this fall
Please join us for a Series of 3 Zoom Presentations:
Tuesday evenings this Fall from 6-7pm on Zoom
Meeting ID: 602 591 8375
Passcode: 860182
11/12/24: Planning for Adulthood & Continuity of Care
Presented by Oak Wealth Advisors:
With decades of personal and professional experience on the topics of special needs planning and financial planning, we can help your family sleep better at night, have more fun in your lives and increase the amount of money that you have available. (Spoiler alert - no insurance products have to be purchased in order to achieve a more successful special needs plan!)
Oak Wealth Advisors understands the challenges that your family is facing because we are also living with those same challenges. We have been educating and empowering families with special needs members by providing them with specific planning strategies that will make their lives, and the life of their loved one better.
ZOOM #3 11/12/24 6-7pm Planning for Adulthood and Continuity of Care:
Please join us for an informational hour with Founder and President of Oak Wealth Advisors, Mike Walther. This presentation will focus on planning and decision-making for individuals entering adulthood. Parents and guardians will learn about Guardianship, Powers of Attorney, & Supported Decision Making. Housing, employment, transportation, & other planning challenges will also be discussed. We will review the essential need for a care guide or letter of intent that will document your loved one’s wishes, routines, health care needs, strengths, and challenges so that future care givers can be effective at retaining their quality of life. This presentation is beneficial for families with a loved one who is in high school or has recently entered adulthood.
Mike Walther received his BS degree in Economics and MBA with concentration in Accounting from Vanderbilt University. He holds all three of the most respected financial services professional designations: the CPA/PFS designation, the Certified Financial PlannerTM designation, and he is a CFA charter holder.
Mike has a brother on the Autism spectrum. After nearly two decades as a fiduciary financial advisor serving wealthy families, he founded Oak Wealth Advisors in 2008 to provide planning and wealth management services to families like his own. Mike’s passion is sharing his knowledge and experience to enhance the quality of life for families that include loved ones with special needs.
Mike has written articles for the Chicago Sun-Times and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, New York Times, and other national publications. He has presented at conferences around the country and taught classes about special needs financial planning at multiple universities.
Mike was the first financial advisor in Illinois admitted into the Academy of Special Needs Planners (ASNP).
He founded and leads the Special Needs Planning subject matter study group for the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA). He is also a member of the NAPFA DEI Committee. In 2023, Oak Wealth Advisors was recognized by NAPFA as their Excellence in DEI Award Winner for mid-sized firms. In December 2023, Mike was recognized by Investment News as one of their inaugural Hot 100 whose contributions have helped shape the wealth industry.
Community Resources
Share the Find Food IL Community Food Map
The Find Food IL Community Food Map is an excellent tool for individuals to find places offering free food or meals; school and Summer Meal programs; and grocery stores and farmers markets accepting SNAP/Link, WIC, and senior vouchers. ISBE partnered with the University of Illinois Extension to help families identify what is available in their community more easily.
Many students rely on school for access to meals. Especially as we enter the summer months, you can help by sharing the Find Food IL Community Food Map with your students and families. Those interested in linking to this resource can download hosting guidelines on the Illinois Nutrition Education Programs website. Contact Caitlin Kownacki or read the press release for more information.
Building Bridges
To learn more about Building Bridges:
Building Bridges is a parent group under the Downers Grove D58 Area PTA Counil. Building Bridges works on building relationships between families with children who have special needs and our school community.
Whether you are a parent/guardian of a child with an IEP or 504, sibling, caregiver, teacher, librarian, or community member... Building Bridges would love to see your participation in our event for the 2023-2024 school year!
Please join our Facebook Page (Building Bridges Parent/Teacher Group)
Dr. Jackelyn Cadard
Email: jcadard@dg58.org
Website: www.dg58.org
Location: 1436 Grant St, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Phone: 630-719-9478
Special Programs Coordinator Downers Grove Grade School District 58