Hawk Happenings!
Holy Rosary Bilingual Academy
Happy Wednesday...the Final Wednesday!
We want to thank all of our families for this year. A school year is always filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows. We are so happy to have gone through all of this with you, since we are a family. Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you back in the Fall. Please scroll through the newsletter for a few important items. Don't forget to join us for the Volunteer Appreciation pancake breakfast tomorrow.
Katie Dempsey
Upcoming Events...through the end of the year!
Wed, June 12
Used Uniform Sale from 3 - 4 pm TODAY.
Report Cards go home
Adios Amigos at 10 am with noon dismissal
Kindergarten graduation at 6 pm
Thurs, June 13
Volunteer Appreciation Pancake Breakfast from 8 am - 9 am in the auditorium/lunchroom
Last day of school
Noon dismissal
No after school extended care
Volunteer Appreciation Pancake Breakfast
Missing Report Card??
Please remember that an outstanding balance after this Friday could mean the loss of your child's spot for next year and a re-allocation of the registration fee. If you have billing questions, please contact Kelly at finance@holyrosarybilingual.org or call 253-272-7012. Thank you!!