GPPSS Update

Preschool applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now open until THIS FRIDAY (Jan. 31). Applicants will be notified in February as to whether they've been accepted into the preschool program and if their choice school is available. APPLY ONLINE HERE: https://www.gpschools.org/preschool
3rd Annual Special Needs Resource Fair
Join us for the 3rd Annual Special Needs Resource Fair featuring a wide ride of educational recreational and occupational resources along with mental health, legal, and government services for all ages. This event is for parents and caregivers looking for supportive opportunities for their Neuro diverse children. Tuesday, February 25, 3:30 PM to 7 PM at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore Dr., Grosse Pointe Farms. This is a free event and open to everyone. 50+ vendors. Families and strollers welcome. Quiet room with self directed activities available.
Police Vehicle Redesign at South
In collaboration with Officer Jim Labeau, Alex Finney, art teacher, and Nathan M., Class of 2025, designed graphics for the Grosse Pointe Farms' police vehicle stationed at South. These opportunities prove the value of a strong Visual Arts department and allow students to experience real-world work experience in the creative fields while collaborating with the local community.
Grosse Pointe History Day
Sarah Neely's second graders at Maire are creating an exhibit for Grosse Pointe History Day about the day that Martin Luther King Jr. came to Grosse Pointe. They started their wondering by looking carefully at a large portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. that hangs in their library. They found out that the person who took the photo was Ahmed Ismail. He came to tell his story. They also borrowed the artifact of the chair that King sat in when he was on the Grosse Pointe High School stage. They have looked up lots of other primary and secondary sources from local archives. Come and support them and other local young historians on Feb. 4th from 5:30-7pm at the Ford House.
Super Bowl Fun at Parcells
After studying persuasion and analyzing different types of ads in past Super Bowl commercials, Nan Sabella's 6th graders created and performed their own commercials. On our half-day celebration, we transformed the classroom into a football-themed party, complete with persuasive bumper stickers and a photo booth filled with foam fingers, pom-poms, and fun props. Parents generously donated blue ring pops, Hawaiian Punch, stickers, beads, bracelets, Lions Memory Match games, and more! Students worked in teams to tackle challenges, earning small prizes along the way. The energy and GRIT were incredible as we flicked paper footballs and ROARED along to songs like "Game Day" and "We Are The Champions."
Detroit Lions visit Mason & Defer
Students and staff at Mason & Defer had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Detroit Lions "Lions Leaders for Life" Assembly. Lions coaches and Roary, the mascot, brought energy and excitement as they shared valuable lessons about the qualities it takes to become a successful leader. Students also had a blast playing games, sharing in laughter, and engaging in activities that made the lessons fun and memorable. It was an inspiring experience that reinforced the importance of leadership both at school and in life!
Food Drive at Richard
Mr. William's class organized a food drive for Gleaner's Community Food Bank! Students created scripts and went to each classroom to discuss the importance of community partnerships and caring for each other. Over two weeks, they collected hundreds of pounds of food and monetary donations to support Gleaners!
Team Jake Toy Drive at Mason
The Mason Student Council worked hard in the month of January on a community service project. They collected toys for the 'Team Jake Toy Drive' benefitting Children's Hospital of Michigan. The annual toy drive is in honor of Jake Pennar whose dream it was to provide kids in the hospital with joy and comfort through toys.
Happy Birthday Michigan!
Carnival Night at South
The South Class of 2027 hosted their annual Carnival Night at South on Saturday, January 25th. Elementary students from across the district came and enjoyed carnival games, a bounce house, face painting, and concessions. The 2027 class council put on a wonderful evening and learned a ton about planning and running a large event.
Interact Club at North
For their January project, North's Interact Club made thank you cards for Operation Gratitude. The cards will be included in care packages going to the firefighters working to control the fires in the Los Angeles, California area.
Scholastics Art Awards at South
Students at South have been awarded many Gold Key, Silver Key and Honorable Mentions in the Scholastics Art Awards, this year! Gold Key winners go on to compete in Nationals - wish them luck! Congratulations to all who were awarded, this year!
Student Heart Checks
Corewell Health will be hosting another Student Heart Check screening on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 9 am to 1 pm at West Bloomfield High School. Student Heart Check screenings are for ages 13-18. Learn more here.
Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education Spring Grant Cycle
The GPFPE Spring Grant Cycle is now open, with a submission deadline of March 1, 2025. Forms, as well as an online grant application, are also available on their website at www.gpfpe.org.
With their fall cycle they awarded over $58,000 in grants across the district, spanning all grade levels and disciplines. They look forward to receiving innovative proposals to continue the success of funding these valuable educational opportunities for our students!
Unified Basketball
On February 26th at 2:30 PM, our Unified teams will face off against each other at Little Caesars Arena. After the game, attendees are invited to stay and watch the Detroit Pistons host the championship-winning Boston Celtics!
Event Details:
Game Time: Unified Basketball game at 2:30 PM, followed by the Pistons game.
Tickets: Every ticket purchased will send $5 directly back to support the Unified Basketball program.
Seating: Use the correct link for GP North or GP South to ensure you can sit with your friends.
Special Option: Tickets in sections 201 and 202 include an all-you-can-eat package (hot dogs, popcorn, chips with cheese, soda, and water).
Want to support our programs but can’t attend the game? Contact Coach Kisskalt at kisskad@gpschools.org for GP North or Coach Smith at smithk@gpschools.org for GP South to learn how you can help!
Softball Clinic at South
South will be hosting a softball clinic on Saturday, March 15, from 9am to 12 pm. This clinic is open to grades K-8. Make sure to register early, the clinic always sells out! Find the form here.
Blue Devil Digest
Click here to see the latest athletic news from South.
Choir at Parcells
Three Parcells singers, who were selected to be a part of this year's State Honors Choirs, performed in Grand Rapids as part of the 2025 Annual Michigan Music Conference. Ellington S. (grade 6, SA choir), Tommy M. (grade 7, TTB choir), and Laila A. (grade 8, SSA choir) performed challenging, enriching, and uplifting choral music with auditioned singers from the whole state of Michigan. These students (and their families) have worked so hard preparing their music, traveling around the state for weekend rehearsals, maintaining excellence in their schoolwork and being a positive influence to their choir peers. Congratulations to all!
Once Upon a Mattress at Pierce
Pierce Middle School presents "Once Upon a Mattress Youth" on Thursday (2/6) and Friday (2/7) at 7:00PM at Pierce Auditorium. Tickets are available at the door 30 minutes prior to showtime. We'd love to see you there!
Calling all graduates!
As part of the CTE reporting requirements, GP staff is conducting a follow-up survey of CTE students who exited the district in June 2024. Please encourage your student to complete the survey using the link and pin that was emailed to them. If they didn't leave an email, we are happy to send their pin! Alternatively, they can complete their one minute survey over the phone; staff members are busy calling students to follow-up. Please encourage your student to answer when they see the (313)432 number calling.
For a link and pin, or if you have questions please contact Andrea Gruenwald- gruenwa@gpschools.org
Off & Out of Sight Reminder
All secondary students are to have access to a technology learning device. The GPPSS BYOD Handbook supports the district's strategic plan for student learning and growth. Students use their technology learning device to access Schoology -- the GPPSS's Learning Management System.
Additionally, cell phones are OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT all day for middle school, and during class time for high school students. If students need to be reached during the school day, please continue to contact the main office.
Middle school students may use their phones before the first school bell and after the final school bell. High school students may use their phone during passing time and at lunch, as well as before and after school.
How Snow Day Decisions Are Made in GPPSS
As winter approaches, we wanted to provide you with important information about how inclement weather may affect school operations. Our top priority is the safety of our students, staff, and families, while also striving to maintain as much instructional time as possible.
Decisions to close school or adjust schedules are made thoughtfully, with careful consideration of the impact on our community. While the District reviews all available information to make the best possible determination, we recognize that winter weather brings inherent risks. Ultimately, parents have the authority to decide what is safest for their students under their unique circumstances.
Meeting Summary
On Tuesday, Jan. 21st, the Board of Education held a regular meeting where they approved the following:
- Regular Meeting Minutes for January 7, 2025
- HR Report for January 21, 2025
- Special Meeting Minutes for December 26, 2024
- GPEA Update - LOA
- Interim CFO Contract
- Paving Contract
- Superintendent to Continue to pursue Bond Proposal
- Vacate Resolution for Independent Board Counsel
- Reinstatement Committee’s recommendation
On Monday, Feb. 10th, the agenda action items will be:
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2025
- First read through of Budget Parameters
- Approval of Out-of-Country Field Trip - Rebecca Petrilli
You may review each item on the Board of Education agenda by visiting the district calendar and clicking the date of the meeting, then clicking the agenda, then each hyperlinked action item.
Please watch the district calendar on the website for the latest information on board and committee meetings. Upcoming BOE meetings now include:
- BOE Regular Meeting, Monday, February 10, 2025, 7:00 pm, Brownell
- BOE Regular Meeting, Monday, February 24, 2025, 7:00 pm, Brownell
Upcoming Events
Feb. 4- Grosse Pointe History Day
Feb. 10- Communities United in Diversity
Feb. 17-21- Midwinter break, No School
Feb. 25- Special Needs Resource Fair
Feb.26- Unified Basketball at LCA
Feb. 27- Skilled Trades Night