Week of August 28, 2023
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- AM Crosswalk is covered from 7:15- 7:35 am
- During AM and PM drop-off, please stay in your car. If you need to help your child get prepared to drop off in the morning, please park in the parking lot. At dismissal, if your child needs help buckling, please allow us to put them in the car. You can then pull into the field by the school or in the parking lot to help get them buckled. This will keep our traffic moving.
- Our tardy bell rings at 7:40 am. Please arrive on time for school. We will start counting tardies this week. Our instruction starts at 7:40 am each morning. If your child is late, you will need to escort them inside and sign them in for school.
Attendance Matters
Our School Wide Attendance Goal for the Year is 97%
Attendance Incentive- The classroom is working on spelling out ATTENDANCE. Each day everyone is in attendance (including the teacher), and the classroom earns a letter of the word. Once they spell out ATTENDANCE, the class will celebrate! The teacher will decide on the celebration in his/her classroom.
The winning grade level each week will earn a special dress-up day: Hat Day, PJ Day, etc. Teacher choice for Friday of the following week.
K- 94
1- 95
2- 94
3- 95
4- 96
5- 98 Winner!
All- 95
Instruction starts immediately at 7:40 am. If your child is consistently absent or tardy, they will have gaps in their learning.
Grade Level Newsletters!
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, August 29th- Big Kahuna Fundraiser begins
- Monday, September 4th- Labor Day Holiday- no school
- Wednesday, September 13th- PTO Spirit Wear sale ends
- Thursday, September 14th- 5th Grade Parent Academy 5:30-6:00
- Friday, September 15th- Dot Day (wear dots head to toe)
- Tuesday, September 19th- Big Kahuna Fundraiser ends
- Friday, September 22nd- Grandparent's Day * details to come; 1/2 day release 11:40 am; end of first six weeks
- Thursday, September 28th- 2nd- 5th grade Report cards available in Skyward Family Access
Email: kkimberling@bisdmail.net
Website: https://www.burlesonisd.net/brock
Location: 12000 Oak Grove Rd S, Burleson, TX, USA
Phone: (817)245-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057506085306
Twitter: @BrockTigers