Pouncing into Patton
September 13, 2024
Tiger News
We survived the first full week of school! We hope everyone is able to rest and enjoy the weekend!
Band starts on Monday. Students will have practice two times a week during advisory. The schedule is below:
Woodwinds: Monday & Wednesday
Brass/Percussion: Tuesday & Thursday
As the school year is coming into full swing, grades are starting to get entered into Skyward. Please make sure your student checks their grades weekly to prevent them from falling behind.
This week, students began their Social Studies project on Neolithic and Paleolithic villages. This project will be an important part of their learning experience, and each student will be working in groups.
Please note that students are welcome to bring additional materials from home to support their group’s success. For further details, please refer to the email from Dr. Dennis.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Reinhold- ELA/Math
Dr. Dennis-ELA/Social Studies
Ms. Eigenberg- ELA/Science
Academic Focus
Selfie: the Changing Face of Self Portraits
RACE Method of Writing
Rational Numbers
Changes in Matter
Social Studies
Village Prep.
Lunch Menu
Important Dates
Sept. 20 - Early Dismissal
Oct. 4 - Early Dismissal
Oct. 11 - No School
Oct. 14 - No School
Oct. 17 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM - No School
Oct. 18 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM - No School
Questions to Ask Your Student
What is one goal you want to accomplish this school year?
Eat breakfast!
Bring a snack.
Need to Contact us?
Amy Reinhold areinhold@usd207.org
LaTonya Dennis ldennis@usd207.org
Natalea Eigenberg: neigenberg@usd207.org