MES Weekly Scoop
It's A Great Day to Be A Bulldog! Bulldogs Don't Quit!
Principal's Note
September 23rd - 27th, 2024
Dear Students, Staff, and Families,
As we continue to progress through the school year, I want to emphasize the importance of fostering a strong communication between school and home. Together, we can ensure that each student receives the support they need to thrive academically and socially. By keeping open lines of communication, we can better prioritize learning and work as a team to help every child grow.
- Early Release Reminder- Please note that we will have an early dismissal on Friday, September 27th, at 1:30 PM. Dismissal procedures will remain the same, just at the earlier time. Thank you for making any necessary arrangements.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences- Parent/Teacher conferences will be approaching soon. This is a critical time to meet with your child's teacher, discuss their progress, and collaborate on ways to support their continued growth. These meetings provide invaluable insights into your child's development, and your involvement plays a key role in their success. Please look out for more information regarding scheduling. There will be no AM preschool on Wednesday, October 2nd due to the early release time of 11:50 AM on this day for all students. Conferences will be held from 12:30-8:30 PM.
- Candy Bar Fundraiser: Our candy bar sales were extended to Monday, September 23rd, so please remember to bring back any unsold candy bars and your collected money on Monday. Funds are used throughout the year to cover costs associated to our scholastic news articles, planners, school-wide events, and rewards for students. We will announce the Top 10 Sellers by the end of the day Monday or Tuesday morning and these students will get to have lunch at Pizza Hut with Mrs. Doebele!
As a reminder, the end of the nine weeks is October 18th, and conferences provide the perfect opportunity to review your child's progress before report cards are issued.
Thank you for your continued partnership in making this a successful year for all students!
Mrs. Janine Doebele
Marysville Elementary Principal
Weekly Classroom Highlights 📷⭐
This week our preschool classrooms are the highlight at Marysville Elementary School. We have three, very dedicated and wonderful preschool teachers; Mrs. Jamie Anderson, Mrs. Terry Harries, and Mrs. Kristi Roesch.
Our preschool classrooms play a crucial role in a child's early development, offering foundational experiences that help set the stage for future learning. Our classrooms are designed to nurture and support the "whole child," providing experiences that promote readiness for Kindergarten and beyond!
Take a look at some of the great happenings in our AM preschool classes!
New Staff Highlight!
Marysville Elementary PTO-Open for All Parents to Join!
We have a wonderful PTO organization here at MES! If you'd like to be apart of the PTO, please reach out to Mary Feldhausen or Megan Smith. They host monthly meetings that keep parents informs of different events and ways to support the school.
Bulldog Tattoos!
Our PTO sells tattoos before school on certain Friday's during the football season. Tattoos are $1 each. Check out their facebook page for updates and notifications on these events!
Important HANDBOOK Policy Updates
24/25 MES Parent Handbook
Please review the revised 24/25 MES Parent Handbook
1) School Start/End Times are NEW this year!
- School Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:15 PM
- Morning Preschool Hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Arrival time 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM)
- Afternoon Preschool Hours: 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM (Arrival time 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM)
2) Please Be Advised
Please refrain from dropping your child(ren) off or having them walk to school before 7:30 AM. There is not an adult on supervision until 7:30 and this is a safety concern if they are out there without supervision.
3) Student Personal Technology
The usage of personal cell phones and other electronic devices (tablets, handheld games, kindles, smart watches, etc.) are not permitted on school property (classrooms, hallways, gym, blacktop, playground, bus line, route buses, etc). If devices are carried to school by students, the devices must be silenced and not visible (in backpacks) prior to entering and exiting the school property. If this expectation is not met, the phone or other personal electronic device may be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. After the first offense, parents will be contacted to retrieve the device. Any subsequent offenses will result in an office referral and a parent meeting with the principal. The ultimate decision will be finalized by the building administrator(s). If a student needs to contact a parent during the school day, they should let their teacher or the office know. If a parent needs to contact their child during the day, they should call the office and a message will be given to the student. Watches and cell phones should not be used as recording devices for any purpose.
4) Visitors
We want parents and families to feel welcome at Marysville Elementary, but your children’s safety is our top priority and does not interfere with classroom instruction (See BOE Policy KM). Please follow the guidelines below when visiting MES:
If you are needing to meet with the building principal please call ahead and schedule an appointment to ensure they are available to meet with you.
If you are needing to meet with your student’s teacher please contact them, or our office.
If you are dropping off student materials or belongings, please come to the front door of the school and ring the bell. The office staff will either grant you access into the building where you will need to check in with them in the main office, or they will have you leave items in the vestibule.
If you are entering the building for a special event, please go to the office to check in and receive a visitor pass before going to your designated area.
If you plan to eat a school lunch with your child for a special occasion or by invitation from the school, please order through the school office before 8:30am on the day you plan to eat with your child. If you are bringing outside food in, please let your student’s teacher know your plans to visit and that your child will be bringing lunch from home that day. See attached food and drink policy prior to bringing an outside lunch into the building. Please refrain from bringing in non-food items (i.e. toys).
Please do not park in the BUS LANE if your visit will be longer than 5 minutes. There is parking on the other side of the concrete wall that visitors are welcome to park.
Candy Bar Sales Extended and will end on Monday, September 23rd!
Top 10 sellers will be announced at the end of the day Monday or Tuesday morning! Way to go, sellers!
🍂 September Calendar of Events! 🍂
❗❗ Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 2nd ❗❗
Please note that Parent/Teacher Conferences may look a little different this year than in the past. Students will be dismissed at 11:50 (no lunch served) and conferences will run from 12:30-8:30. Each classroom teacher will be in contact with parents on signing up for a time. Many of our teachers use SignUpGenius. If you have not scheduled a time, please reach out to your child's teacher or call the office at 785-562-3641.
September 23-27 Breakfast and Lunch Menus
National Food Service Employee Day!
Homecoming Information-Please plan ahead!
📚 The Book Fair Is Coming! 📚
All proceeds from the book fair are used to purchase books and materials for our school library - over the last year we've purchased around 175 books and several STEM items for the students here. We appreciate your support more than we can express!
Save at School has started! Save at School is a great program that encourages good savings habits at an early age. Save at School is every Tues. morning at MES at 7:35 am - 7:55 am.
Bulldog Skill of the Week
Doing Good Quality Work
We follow the three R's in our building.
Be Ready
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
AND Be Safe
Our Bulldog Skill of the Week for September 23-27 is Doing Good Quality Work
The Second Step Skill of the Week is focused on Goal Setting & Growth Mindset.