February 2025
From the Desk of Mrs. Schrag,
Roosevelt Bears,
And just like that.. it's February! How did that happen?
We love watching your student grow and blossom through this season. The academic progress really starts to take off and the celebrations just keep happening!
I encourage you to talk to your students about areas they feel are going well at school! We love to let them brag! ;)
As always we appreciate your patience and understanding in carline at the end of the day. Adherence to expectations makes sure everyone stays safe and pickup goes smoothly!
Thank you for sharing your RES Bears with us each day! What a true gift they are!
Mrs. Schrag
Building Announcements
Boxtops- Don't forget!
Please download the boxtops app and snap pictures of your receipts. You can choose which class to donate directly too, or do a RES whole school donation. This costs nothing for you and goes straight to your students!
Battle of the Books Teams are Set!
Congratulations to the following students!
4th Grade:
5th Grade:
Olivia H.
Drop off in AM
Breakfast doors open at 7:30am; students that are having breakfast at school may enter then.
We are keeping track of tardies and should a student reach 7 unexcused tardies, they will be sent to the office to serve time after school on the bench. K-2nd grades will serve 15 minutes and 3rd-5th grade will serve 30 minutes. The tardy bell rings at 8:05am, please have your child to school by 8:00am so as not to be late.
School Facebook
School Calendar
Please check our website for up to date calendars and information!
Lunch Menu
February Lunch Menu
Capturing Kids Hearts
Click the picture for more information about our
February Character Trait - Kindness!
Ask your student about the traits they have learned about already: Empathy, Self-Direct, Teamwork, Responsibility and Respect!
Dates to Remember
Monday, February 3rd
PTO Meeting 6pm
Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6
STUCO Meeting 3:20pm
Tuesday, February 11th
Tribe Day! Students need to wear an RES or Tribe shirts to school!
Friday February 14th
Classroom Valentines Parties
Monday, February 17th
Tuesday, February 18th
Book Fair 3:30-6:30pm
Wednesday, February 19th
Book Fair 3:30-6:30pm
Thursday, February 20th
Family Bingo Night 6-7pm
Tuesday, February 25th
Principal Chat N Chew
Click link for RES calendar!
The Pre-K application window for the 25-26 school year is now open! If you have a child that will be 3 or 4 before Aug 31st and you would like to enroll them in Pre-K please contact the Early Childhood Center at 620-241-9590 or ask Mrs. Trenckmann for more information.
Kindergarten Float Meeting February 13, 3:20pm
1st Grade
First Graders will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 14. Students are invited to bring valentine cards for every child. Look for your child’s class list in their backpacks.We would like for the students to create their own Valentine holders at home to hold the Valentine cards they receive. Students could decorate shoeboxes, cereal boxes, paper sacks, etc. Let your child be creative. You may send everything on Friday, February 14.
2nd Grade
Second Grade News:
We look forward to hosting our MHS pen pals on February 14th!
We have a learning trip coming up on February 27th. Be on the lookout for a permission slip coming home soon.
3rd Grade
Trolly Field Trip coming up- be on the lookout for more information!
4th Grade
Please remember water bottles to school!
5th Grade
DARE Thursday Afternoons
From the Nurse
Sick season
School-aged children can experience many colds and viruses throughout the school year. Most of the time common colds will not keep your child home from school but there will be times that your child should stay home. Please follow the guidelines below to know when you should keep your child home from school because of illness.
A fever of 100.0 or higher. They should also be sent home if their temperature is elevated and have symptoms that indicate the onset of an contagious illness such as nausea, a headache, cough and/or sneezing. It is important to remember that your child must be fever-free for 24 hours without Tylenol or any other fever-reducing medications before returning to school.
Vomiting or diarrhea. These could be signs of a contagious illness and your child should be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Strep throat. Your child must be on antibiotics and fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school after a diagnosis of strep throat from a doctor.
Contagious skin conditions. Your child will be required to stay home for 24 hours after treatment has been initiated and will need a physician’s written approval to return to school.
Pink eye. Your child must be on antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours before returning to school
There are other illnesses that may keep your child home that have not been listed above. Please contact your school nurse if you question whether or not your child should attend school.
Family Bingo Night
PTO Meeting - Monday, February 3rd 6-7pm