June 10-14
Upcoming Dates
June 11 - Year End Mass @ Sacred Heart Parish at 9:30 am
June 13 - Year End Awards Ceremony @ 1:30 pm
June 16 - Father's Day
June 20 - Grade 9 Farewell
June 21 - Eagles Nest Cafe Last Day
June 26 - Last Day of School for Students
June 27 - Last Day Office is Open
June 28 - Summer Holidays Begin
St. Lorenzo Ruiz News
Don't Miss out!!
It is your last week to order SLR 1st Year Yearbooks. You won't want to miss this!! Our yearbook committee has been working so hard to capture all our firsts and exciting moments in this amazing keepsake. The cost is just $20 and the deadline to order is June 16, so secure your yearbook before it too late!
10 Tips & Tricks for Studying
Don't Delay - Deadline to Register for 2024-2025 School Bus is June 15!
Avoid a $50 late fee (per student) by registering for school bus service prior to June 15.
Click here today to check if your child is eligible for service and to begin the registration process.
Grade 9 Farewell Fees Are Due
In case you missed it, this is the reminder we sent out this week regarding Grade 9 Farewell fees.
We wanted to send a friendly reminder regarding the $10 Grade 9 Farewell fee. This fee will directly support various aspects of the event, including refreshments and cake for the evening of June 20th, pizza for the students on June 24th, and a small token of appreciation for our graduating students. In order for our organizing committee to finalize our budget and make necessary arrangements, we kindly ask that all families submit the Grade 9 Farewell fee no later than June 13th. This deadline gives us ample time to ensure everything is in place for a memorable evening on the 20th. Please remember to submit the fee through Rycor or cash to your child's teacher. Your contribution will greatly contribute to creating a special and memorable experience for our Grade 9 students. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to celebrating with you and your child on June 20th.
SLR Dress Like A Student Day!!
Ooooh this was so much fun! SLR staff got creative on Thursday and this is what they came up with! Students loved to walk the halls and compliment us on our creativity! Some students thought it would be fun to have a Dress like a Teacher Day. We say, Game On!
Ice Cream Sandwich Sale!
Blendations will be selling ice cream sandwiches this Thursday, June 13th in the gathering area at lunchtime. Ice cream sandwiches will be 50cents each. All proceeds go to the blendations program.
SLR Exam Week Parent Letter
In case you missed our SwiftReach earlier today; please review this very important parent information letter regarding SLR exam week. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Grade 9 School Transfer Forms
Student Information Update Forms are PAST DUE
UPDATE: Thank you to all our families who got their forms completed, we only have 42 forms left! It is mandatory for each student to have this form to Alberta Ed each year. We will start calling families on Monday to ensure each form is completed by June 26.
You should have received notification that the 2023-24 Student Information Update form was sent to you. This form is MANDATORY and required by Alberta Education. The information in this form must be updated and current. Please pay close attention to medical and legal alerts as these are often out of date and need to be current. The form can be found by logging into PowerSchool on your browser (not available on the app) and clicking on SchoolEngage at the bottom of the menu on the left hand side. Please take a few minutes to complete this form and submit. CHANGES MUST BE SAVED FOR EACH PAGE BEFORE CLICKING NEXT.
YMCA Afterschool Program at SLR!
One more week of YMCA Afterschool Program! Permission forms can be dropped off at the school office anytime for students wanting to participate. Let's pack the gym this Wednesday!
PAT Info
As you know in Grade 6 and Grade 9 students have Provincial Achievement Exams (PAT's). Here is the exam schedule for the PAT's.
Grade 6 Social Studies June 19
Grade 6 Science June 20
Grade 9 ELA Part A Writing May 13
Grade 9 K&E ELA Part A Writing May 13
Grade 9 ELA Part B June 12
Grade 9 K&E ELA Part B June 12
Grade 9 Math Part A June 13
Grade 9 Math Part B June 18
Grade 9 K&E Math June 18
Grade 9 Social Studies June 19
Grade 9 Science June 20
Board of Trustees Decision Regarding St. Gregory The Great Students
Please click here to view the letter from Mr. Coumont and Mr. Peterman that was sent out February 28, 2024 detailing the Board of Trustees final decision to temporarily move St. Gregory The Great students to St. Lorenzo Ruiz.
School Fees
To pay online, please log into your Parent PowerSchool account to view your outsanding fees and make your payment online through RYCOR. If you are unsure how to pay using RYCOR, please follow these steps:
1. Visit your school's website and click on the PowerSchool quick link (or use link above).
2. Sign in using your PowerSchool Username and Password. If you have forgotten either/or please contact the school office for assistance with resetting your password.
3. Click on link, "School Fees and Forms", located on the left-hand side.
4. Please follow the instructions provided on the screen when you are taken to RYCOR. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
**RYCOR can only be accessed via PC/Tablet, the program does not work using the PowerSchool app.
Old T-Shirts?
Do you or someone you know have old t-shirts to donate? Our shop CTF class is in need of rags for stain applicaiton and old t-shirts work perfectly! If you have some to donate, please send them with your child to the office and we will make sure Mr. Visser gets them. Thank you!
We would like to remind our families to please use our North parking lot when parking and exiting vehicles. This is especially important on game nights when we have an abundance of visitors parking near the school. In an effort to show kindness to our community, we are asking our school community to please be considerate of our neighbours across the street and leave that parking for residents only.
Contact Us!
As always, if you need to reach our office for any reason, please contact our main line at 403-406-7365. This is also the number to call should you need to call in your child's attendance. This number is always available on our website.
Flying with the Golden Eagles
Counselling Corner
We provide grants to help cover the costs of registration fees so that all kids aged 18 and under in Red Deer can play a season of sport.
Our chapter accepts applications and administers grants of up to $250 per child/year, for kids who live in Red Deer or one of the other communities we serve. If you live outside of Red Deer, please contact the Provincial Office to find your nearest chapter or go get support through the Provincial Fund.
Golden Eagle Athletics
Track & Field has come to an end. We are so proud of all our students who participated in Track this year! You all represented our Golden Eagles well!
If you still owe athletic fees please contact the office to arrange for payment. The fees associated to our sports teams cover ONLY the cost to play including, transportation, facility rentals, ref costs and tournament fees. Without payment of these fees, we do not have the funds to pay the fees.
For anything sports related, please see our SLR Sports Calendar for the most current dates and times. This calendar is updated regularily and is the best way to stay on top of everything SLR sports. If there is ever a change in the schedule, this is where you will find it.
Cafeteria Menu
Eagles Nest Cafe
**Eagles Nest Cafe will be closed for the summer starting Monday June 24**
Online ordering for the Eagles Nest Cafe is available at slr.hotlunches.net
Parents can order in advance using this online system. Students are still able to pre-order at the school as well. For more instructions on how to sign up and use the system, please read this letter.
School Council
Save On Foods Program
Want to earn money for our school by simply shopping for groceries? It's really easy, shop at Save on Foods, bring in your receipts and we get 5% back! Please see the poster below for more details.
School Council Meeting
General Information
Unpredictable Spring Weather
The muddy and unpredictable spring weather has arrived! We know it can be tricky to convince teenagers to wear their jackets and proper footwear, but we ask that you please remind your children to dress for the outdoor recess weather.
As noted in the signage at our front entrance, to support the safety in and around our school we have indoor and outdoor cameras.
Division News
First Rider Event
Summer School Registraiton Deadline
As the end of the 2023/2024 school year is approaching, we at RDCRS Summer School would like to remind you that registration for RDCRS Summer School will be closing on June 14 at noon. If you have not already registered for Summer School, please go to https://summerschool.rdcrs.ca/ for the registration form and a full list of courses offered.
Students already registered will be receiving important course information about Summer School during the last week of school. Please check your RDCRS email for this information before the first day of classes on July 2nd.
**This includes current Grade 9 Students going to Grade 10 next year.
JR Cougars Spring Camp 2024
Please see attached information posters for 2024 Bantam (grade 8 and 9) Cougars Football! These are for any current grade 7 and 8 students in your schools.
Scan the QR code to sign up. When signing the permission forms online, parents need to use a desktop (no phone or tablet) computer.
Have a great weekend and GEAUX COUGARS!!!
Community News
Cornerstone Youth Threatre Presents Alice in Wonderland!
Welcome to the 2024 Football Seasons! There is a new Flag Football Program, the Central Alberta Fire has added a Junior High Girls Program, and Spring Camps will be happening soon. Visit www.reddeerminorfootball.ca for more information. Flag Football starting late April/Early May: U14, U12, U10, and U8 Divisions! Central Alberta Fire Female Tackle: Sr. High and Jr High Squads - practices happening now! Peewee Tackle Football - starts late August (11 and 12 year olds) Atom Tackle Football - starts late August (8, 9, and 10 years olds). Please email questions to info@reddeerminorfootball.ca
Canada Homestay Network
We are excited to extend an invitation to you to become a homestay host for international students enrolled in our school. Your participation in this program is vital, and it is through the support of families like yours that we can provide an enriching experience for our students.
By opening our doors to students from around the world, we enhance our programs, strengthen our community, and offer life-changing experiences to our Canadian students, shaping their perspectives in a meaningful way.
Our dedicated hosts have discovered that homestay has not only brought them lifelong friendships but also created lasting connections across the globe. They take pleasure in sharing Canadian experiences and customs with their international students, fostering cultural exchange and understanding.
To support our homestay host families, we have partnered with the Canada Homestay Network Society (CHN), a family-led, not-for-profit Canadian organization that has been a leader in homestay since 1995. CHN provides comprehensive orientation, 24/7 emergency support, a host allowance to help offset expenses, and the opportunity to bring the world right to your front door.
If you would like more information about becoming a host for one of our students, please reach out to hostinfo@canadahomestaynetwork.ca, call 1-877-441-4443 ext. 2264/2176, or visit
To start the process of becoming a CHN host, please visit: