Monday Notes
September 23, 2024

September is quickly slipping away and with that the pace of the year is quickening. Please find a few reminders below about auditions, the state marching contest, and the 2025 conference. Have a great week!
Directors' Trumpet Ensemble
Exciting news! The NMMEA Executive Committee has introduced a new honor ensemble category for Alternative Ensembles. While there were no submissions this year, we are thrilled to announce that the conference will open with a special Directors' Trumpet Ensemble! This ensemble will rehearse early Wednesday afternoon, just before the opening concert.
Audition Registration Deadlines
Deadlines to sign students up for All-State Audition deadlines is quickly approaching! Audition dates and deadlines can be found on the website as well as below:
2025 All-State Audition Dates
- Choir, Guitar, and Orchestra
- Oct 16 – Oct 26 (Window closes at 3:00 pm on the 26th)
- Band and Jazz (including Vocal Jazz)
- Oct 30 – Nov 9 (Window closes at 3:00 pm on the 9th)
Registration Deadlines (5:00 pm)
- Early Registration Deadline - 2 weeks prior to 1st day of audition (5:00pm)
- Late Registration Deadline - 1 week prior to 1st day of audition
State Marching Contest
Mark your calendars now to attend the first official NMAA/NMMEA State Marching Contest to be held on October 26th at Rio Rancho High School. See you there!
Audition Registration Reminders
Remember that a PO must be on file or auditions paid for prior to the opening of the upload window. If you need a quote to generate a PO, a template can be found here.
Advocacy Challenge
This week's challenge is a great gesture of thanks to people who make the school function!
- Give a small gift to the school secretary.
Where Are They Now?
We're kicking off an exciting new campaign for the 2025 conference, spotlighting the incredible journeys of past All-State musicians! We're looking to feature individuals who have pursued not only music but also those who’ve made their mark in other fields. If you know a former All-State musician whose story should be shared, submit their name using the form below. We can’t wait to celebrate their achievements with you—thank you for helping us showcase their inspiring paths!
Town Hall - State of the Association
Join us on September 30 at 6:00 PM for a special "State of the Association" town hall and business meeting! We'll be voting on a proposed constitution change and sharing an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at what's happening within the association. To wrap things up, we’ll be reviewing the All-State Auditions. Don’t miss this important opportunity to stay informed and get involved!
Proposed Constitution Change
To modernize the NMMEA constitution, the Board of Directors is proposing the following language update, which will be up for a vote during the September 30th business meeting. The revised language is highlighted in underlined bold italics.
Article XIX
SECTION 2. The altering or amending of the By-Laws of the Corporation may be initiated by a majority of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, or by a petition signed by no less than twenty percent (20%) of the membership of each of six (6) NMMEA District Associations. The petition with appropriate signatures of paid members is then to be presented to the NMMEA Board of Directors for approval. If an amendment is approved by the majority of the Board of Directors, it may be presented to the membership at a regular meeting or by electronic voting for approval or rejection.
This change will enable future amendments to the constitution to be voted on electronically, rather than limiting votes to the January Luncheon and Business Meeting.
Conference Registration
Don't forget to follow this link and register for the 2025 All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference. Quick and easy, so don't put it off! See you in January.