RHS Weekly Newsletter
November 15, 2024
New This Week
Weekly RHS Newsletter
Each week, our students share what's going on at RHS. Please take a few minutes to learn more: RHS Newsletter - 11.15.24
Early College of Macomb
RHS sophomores are invited to apply to the Early College of Macomb. Early College sends information home to all 10th grade families. This is a program for highly motivated students to attend RHS and Macomb Community College during 11th and 12th grades and then attend Macomb their 13th year. Interested students and families should plan on attending one of Early College's information sessions at Macomb Community College's South Campus on November 19 or at the Macomb Intermediate School District on November 20th. Information about the program, eligibility requirements, and the application process will be shared at these meetings. Additional information about the Early College of Macomb program can be found on the Early College website and in their brochure. The application is online through the Early College website. The application window is open December 2, 2024-January 10, 2025.
Romeo Theatre Company
Romeo Theatre Company's fall show, The Play That Goes Wrong, is ready to take the stage next week! Come watch this unpredictable and hilarious show.
Performances are:
Thursday, November 14 @ 7pm
Friday, November 15 @ 7pm
Saturday, November 16 @ 7pm
Sunday, November 17 @ 2pm
Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased here. RTC Tickets
Bulldog Ornaments
Interested in showing your bulldog pride? The SANP will be selling Class of 2025 Bulldog ornaments as well as the tradition Bulldog ornaments. These ornaments are made of a high quality stainless steel for a cost of $10.00 each. Parents will be selling these during lunches on November 25th and 26th at both the High School and 9th Grade Academy (cash and Venmo are accepted). Ornaments will also be available Monday, November 18th from 6-6:30pm at the entrance to Romeo High School.
Sales of the ornaments are open to anyone; please consider sharing this with friends and family. Quantities are limited so be sure and purchase yours soon!
School Policies & Procedures
We want to provide a quick reminder of our policies and procedures. These are inplace to keep our students and faculty safe.
- Students are not allowed to go to their vehicles during the day
- Students are not allowed to order outside food for lunch delivery
- If students are called out during the day and return, they need to bring back a doctor's note
- Cell phones are required to be put in the classroom phone holders
- Many teachers use the cell phone holder as a way to take attendance. A student could be marked tardy if their phone is not in the holder when the teacher takes attendance.
Open Weight Room
The weight room will be open after school for interested students from 3pm - 3:40pm on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Students are only allowed to use the weight room if Mr. Archutowski is present. If no Romeo staff member is available then students are not to be in the weight room.
District PTO Council
Looking for a night of fun, friendship and dancing? On Friday, November 22, the District PTO Council presents Romeo Rodeo: Moms Edition. This 2nd annual fundraiser benefits programs throughout the entire district. Click for additional details and tickets.
Counselors' Corner
College Fee Waivers Based on Income:
ATTENTION!!! If you believe your family might qualify for Free and Reduced - Price meals based on family income you could qualify for fee waivers on college applications even after October College Month. In order for counselors to approve your fee waiver request based on income you must have an Education Benefits Form on file with the Food Service office AND a Romeo Sharing Info with Other Programs Form on file. Please see the attached application forms if you feel your family could qualify. You can email completed forms to milena.bunger@romeok12.org or drop them off at the main office in an envelope labeled "food service". You can also fill out the forms online through your Family Portal.
Wolverine Tutors SAT Prep Class
ATTENTION JUNIORS: Wolverine Tutors (virtual tutoring service through the University of Michigan) is offering FREE VIRTUAL SAT prep sessions. Each session will be capped to the first eight students who respond.
If interested, please fill out the Wolverine Tutors SAT Sign Up.
Once you're assigned a session they will reach out with the Zoom link for the meeting.
High school students and families interested in learning more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship are encouraged to attend an informational webinar provided by MI Student Aid.
Participants will learn about:
- The NEW Community College Guarantee
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship eligibility requirements
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship award amounts
- Important action items for students and families
- Additional resources and program information
All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Space is limited so register ASAP.
Upcoming Events
11/14-11/17: RHS Theater Production The Play that Goes Wrong
11/19: NHS & NTHS Induction Ceremony
11/27-12/1: No School - Thanksgiving Break
12/5: RHS Parent Club @ 3pm
12/12: RHS Band Concert
12/18: RHS Choir Concert
Class of 2025
Graduation Items
All seniors need to pay their graduation fee and/or order their cap and gown for commencement. If you're unsure if you/your student has completed these items, please contact Mrs. Scheuer at christine.scheuer@romeok12.org.
- Link to pay graduation fee - This fee provides the student with 2 tickets for the graduation ceremony and helps to pay for graduation itself. Students that do not pay this fee will not receive any tickets to graduation nor be able to purchase additional tickets.
- Link to cap and gown payment - Please order your cap and gown from Jostens before the price increases. The only required item is the Cap, Gown, Tassel Unit.
SANP 2025
The SANP will have our second planning meeting Monday November 18th at 6:30pm in room A116. (Turn left first hallway after the main office. Room A116 will be the last room on the right, across from the HHP commons.) We will not be having a meeting during the month of December. Everyone is welcome!
The SANP has schedule a dine and donate night for Tuesday November 26 from 4:00pm-8:00pm at QDOBA located at 56653 VanDyke ( Just South of 26 Mile Road ) This is a great opportunity while you are busy preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday to treat yourself to dinner out while helping the senior class. During this time 25% of proceeds will be donated to the senior all night party, please share this opportunity with friends and family.
The Seniors of Romeo Community High School Class of 2025 will be graduating on Thursday, June 5th, 2025. In Romeo, the tradition has been that the proud parents of the graduates plan the Senior All Night Party. For years, this event has provided the seniors with an opportunity to celebrate with their classmates in a safe, alcohol-free environment, as it may be the last time many of them will see each other together as a group. This year's Senior All Night Party will be held on Sunday, June 1st at the Dave and Buster’s in Utica.
The Senior All Night Party committee is currently selling Class of 2025 Lawn signs for $25. The signs are available for pick up at 26 and Van Dyke. Please email Romeo2025SANP@gmail.com to coordinate a pickup. All proceeds go to the Senior All Night Party.
The Senior All Night Party committee is currently asking for donations for the event. All donations are tax deductible. If you have a business that may be interested in sponsoring or donating gift cards for prizes, please email us at Romeo2025SANP@gmail.com. All donations are greatly appreciated.