Bears Bulletin
Principals Newsletter (August 2019)
Message from Principal Jackson
On the eve of school starting back for our K-5 students I know the excitement will make it difficult to get a good night sleep as I think about all that we have in store for students this year! Below are a few updates as students return this week - K-5 on Monday and ECE of Thursday:
Playground Project - We are very excited that our K-5 students will get a new playground facility. The project is currently underway and should be finished in mid-october. Until that time, rest assured, our students will still have recess each day - we will just be using alternative locations.
Arrival - Doors open daily at 8:20am. This year there will be a few changes due to the playground construction. All students and families will enter through the main door on 15th Street. In addition, there is limited parking in the second parking lot due to construction. Please proceed with caution and allow extra time for drop off and pick up.
Dismissal - All K-5 students will be dismissed from the gym until the construction project is completed. Please enter through the main door on 15th Street. Families will be allowed to go to the gym after the bell rings at 3:15 for pick up! ECE dismissal will continue to occur on the ECE Playground. Parents should not enter the building for this pick up, rather, they should enter the playground from the exterior of the building.
ECE Playdate - All of our ECE families are invited to join the ECE teachers on Tuesday (8/27) from 11am-1pm at Rosedale for a playdat
Communication: This year we are committed to changing the way we communicate with families. I will be sending out updates every 2 weeks via the Bears Bulletin. We will use blackboard for emergency communications but it does not always reach 100% of parents so in order to stay informed please follow up on social media (facebook, twitter, and Instagram) and register for your email to be placed directly on the Bears Bulletin list serve to get important updates directly from the school leadership team.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone this week!
Principal Jackson
About Us
Email: bruce.jackson@k12.dc.gov
Website: minerelementary.org
Location: 601 15th St NE, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: (202)-397-3960
Facebook: facebook.com/MinerDCPS
Twitter: @MinerElementary