Panther Pride News
Week of September 3-September 6, 2024
🎉Panther Pride🎉
Japanese Immersion Students gave a speech at the Anchorage-Chitose sister city 55th anniversary event and the Chitose Park ceremony.
This year, the city of Anchorage and our sister city, Chitose, Hokkaido, Japan, are celebrating the 55th years of friendship. As a part of the celebration, our 6th and 7th grade immersion students, who visited Chitose this summer, were invited by the mayor of Anchorage to give a speech at their events. The students did an excellent job giving the speech in both languages!
Upcoming School Events
Wednesday, September 4: MAP Testing Begins
September 4-6: ELA Classes will MAP Test in their Language Arts classes
September 9-13: Math Classes will MAP Test in their math classes
Please make sure students have chromebooks ready and charged! All students will need to test on an ASD Chromebook. If you do not have an ASD issued chromebook, please see your ELA or Math teacher.
Thursday, September 5: Open House
Mears Open House: September 5, 2024.
4:45-6:00: 6th Grade Only
Principal Welcome
6th grade and Elective Teacher Introductions
PTSA Remarks
Visit pods and meet staff
7:00-8:15: 7th & 8th Grade
Principal Welcome
7, 8, and Elective Teachers Introductions
PTSA Remarks
Visit pods and meet staff (7th grade Teams will meet in the Upper East and West pods, 8th grade Teams will meet in the Relos)
Thursday, September 11: PTSA Meeting
PTSA Meeting: September 11th, 6:30p-7:30p, In the Mears Library - Approve Board Positions, Review '24-'25 budget
Mears Community, PTSA needs your help!
The evening of the open house, the staff will have a dinner break from 6:00-7:00 and we would love your help to provide food during their transition from one session to the next! Please take a look at the options to see if you can help to make it a great meal! Thank you for your support!
In Design and Modeling . . .
We are back to work with the tools in Design and Modeling.
In Team News . . .
In Team Synergy:
We are off to a great start! We have had a busy couple of weeks and the resiliency of these students has just been incredible.
Just a few reminders:
Students should come to their Math, Social Studies, ELA, and Science classes every day with their:
student planner
sharpened pencil
charged Chromebook (and charger)
Social Studies: we have started assembling our Interactive Notebooks (Composition books.) These need to be brought to class everyday!
Science: This week we are learning the skills of observation and inference. We will then move into life science topics for all of quarter one and the beginning of quarter two. We will often have open-note quizzes so it is important that students keep their papers organized in a science section of their binder.
In Team Harmony:
Team Harmony would like to welcome you to the new school year!
Here a couple helpful reminders:
Please double check that your student has everything they need from the Team Harmony Supply list. If you need this list again, or need help getting items, please have your student discuss this with their homeroom teacher.
Curious about your students’ grades and assignments? If you would like to view grades, this information can be found in Q Student Connect. If you would like information about assignments and homework, most of this information can be found in Canvas. Please speak with your student to see how you can access this!
If your student will be absent for any amount of time, please call the school ahead of time to arrange for an excused absence. This allows teachers time to connect with students and make a plan!
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help! Thanks!
-Team Harmony: Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Maglaque, Ms. Roberts, Mr. Bennice, Ms. Madison
In Team Nexus:
Team Nexus, we are on Week 4 of Quarter 1!
It is important that you bring your materials (journals, Chromebook, and pencil) to class everyday!
Science (Peterson): Turn in your Safety Contracts if you haven’t done so already!
ELA (Speranza): ELA MAP Testing starts this week. It’s time to show what you’ve got!
Math (Pascual): Check your grade in QStudentConnect!
*Algebra* Please complete your Weekly ALEKS Goal of 5 topics or more by Sunday, 9/1.
*Math 8* Please complete the i-Ready Diagnostic Test ASAP.
In Sports and Activities . . .
Sports at Mears happen throughout the school year. Visit the Mears Sports web page: https://www.asdk12.org/domain/4260
Current sports/activities are: Baseball, Boys Basketball, Cross Country Running with Archery starting on Tuesday 9/3/24.
Girls Volleyball is our largest sport and signup is available now.. The season starts October 15 and we may have to limit the numbers. Get signed up ASAP!
Tuesday, September 3rd. Make sure to have physical form and Middle School Activity Participation Form Turned in.
Monday Evenings After School 4:10pm - 5:10pm
Tuesday - Friday Mornings 8:25am - 9:25am
In Japanese Immersion News
In Indigenous Ed News . . .
Procedural Updates from Principal Marquand
Moving our sixth graders to the middle school has been rewarding and at Mears, we love having a new chapter of youthful energy on our campus. Your students have done so well in learning procedures and with almost 1100 students, it's imperative procedures are executed with automaticity and precision. Students have adjusted to the procedures and expectations at lunch, therefore they have free seating daily! Plus, the bathrooms are open throughout the day. Students have been obtaining a pass and signing out before using the restroom, which is exactly what we expect them to do.
We are still working through clearing up the dismissal process to keep student safety on the forefront. We adjusted the dismissal procedures to stagger the number of students trying to exit the school. This change also allows indoor sports practices and activities to use the MPR immediately at the end of the day. Please see a summary of the adjustments below as we continue to make refinements on campus.
Locker Times:
The other critical change which must be implemented immediately is in regard to the time of day for students to retrieve their belongings:
All students are to report to lockers at the end of 7th period, (3:39) Tuesday-Friday
All students are to report to lockers at the end of 6th period (3:18) on Mondays
At 4:00 pm, the office will announce walkers will exit out the North entrance and parent pick-up students are to exit out the East MPR doors. Parents, thank you for pulling all the way up to the curve of the sidewalk to allow cars to get safely into our parking lot and parent pick-up lane. Please remember walkers are still crossing various intersections; please keep a close eye out.
At 4:03 pm, the office will begin calling Bus Numbers for dismissal.
Three buses will be called at a time, verify on the directory which students should be leaving your room.
The office will also announce which lane each bus is parked so students know where to go.
Students are to proceed to the East MPR doors to board their buses
Advisory teachers will remain in the classroom to properly supervise students waiting for their bus
Parents as Partners
We need Substitutes!!!!
Mears is looking for building subs!! If you are interested in being part of our amazing team as a substitute teacher or a substitute paraprofessional, contact Mrs. Maynard at maynard_erica@asdk12.org
Is your child going to absent from school? Save time and send a quick email to our attendance email box, mearsattendance@asdk12.org or you can call the school at 907-742-6400 and select the Attendance Line option to leave us a voice mail, either option is a great way to notify us!
Main Office Hours
Our office staff is available daily, please don't hesitate to reach out if we can help you in any way, our hours are 8:45-4:15. Thanks so much, we are here to help serve you!
No Door Dash/Uber Eats/ETC
We do not accept, Door Dash/Uber Eats/ETC, food deliveries for students before, during, nor after school. We will NOT accept deliveries of any kind. We have a school meal program offering balanced meal choices daily. In addition, the Black Cat Cafe offers smart snacks daily for purchase
Lunch Detentions
Lunch Detentions are held daily during each lunch wave in Room ST6.. Students are expected to check-in with the supervisor at the beginning of lunch. Students who need to purchase food from the cafeteria will be issued a fast pass to procure their food and return to Room ST6 to serve the assigned lunch detention.
Morning Detention
Detentions are 8:45 am-9:20 am, in Room ST6, Tuesday-Friday. Please drop-off your student at the MPR EAST entrance to access the building. Security staff will greet your student and escort them to Room ST6. Please contact AP Svendsen or AP Matthews with any questions.
Jane Mears Middle School
Email: marquand_carla@asdk12.org
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/mears
Location: 2700 West 100th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-6400