News From Room 106
March 14, 2025
It was great to see all of you at conferences last week. We are excited to help all of the students have a great end to their third grade year!
Breakfast: We have a lot of students bringing in their own breakfast items from home or a restaurant (McDonalds). This will continue to be allowed, however, please remind your student they only have the allowed time to finish. Please make sure options are healthy and all drinks are clear. Thank you!
Homework: More often than not, I assign only a portion of the math homework. Students should either have the problems circled or 'should' be trustworthy and know what amounts have been assigned! If the students begin coming back with the assigned portions not completed, I will be sure to reach out.
March is Reading Month- A lot of fun things will be happening throughout Woodview during March. Please see the fliers below for more information!
Big Mike's Popcorn Fundraiser- Woodview will be participating in Big Mike's Popcorn Fundraiser with Ellis again this year. 15 oz bags will be on sale for $10.00. Money raised will help reduce the cost of field trips, purchase playground equipment, etc. The sale will run through March 21st. Please see the fliers below for more information.
I hope you have a great weekend,
Email: arendsk@bas-k12.org
Classroom Phone: 794-4756
Google Voice/Text: 616-236-3820
Upcoming Important Dates:
4/4-4/11- No school. Spring Break
4/23- Third Grade MSTEP
4/30- Third Grade MSTEP
5/5- NWEA Testing begins: Exact testing dates for our class will be coming soon
5/15- High School Graduation
5/21- Report cards go home
5/23- Last Day, Half Day (11:30)
Spotlight Student
Everett was this week's Spotlight Student! Everett has continued to be very respectful to all classmates and staff members throughout the entire year! He is always eager to lend a helping hand when help is needed. Everett continues to put forth great effort each day!
Inside the Classroom:
Students have been working on building equivalent fractions using picture diagrams and number lines. We will continue the rest of the unit working on these skills. We will plan to review for our fraction test on March 20th and tentatively test on March 21st. We will then be moving onto perimeter!
Language Arts
Science/Social Studies
Red Folder
Parent Resources:
News From Around the School:
Woodview's Character Trait of the Month- Citizenship
Throughout the month, we will focus on Citizenship. Students will work on demonstrating honestly, courage, kindness, and respect. We will work on ways to show this at school, at home, and in our community.