The Patton Post
Friday, May 10th

Friday, May 10th
Another amazing week was had this week at Patton! The weeks are flying by! Time always speeds up when they are filled with fun things to do and this week was certainly no exception! Our 17th annual Walkathon was a huge success (even though the weather wasn't the best!)
It was so wonderful to see so many of you out and about, enjoying all the amazing stations that our staff organized! Thank you for braving the weather and, as always, we were so blown away by the generosity of our community! We can't wait to announce how much we raised in next week's post!
As we gear up for the last 3 weeks of school, please be sure to return any library books you may have, please remember that there will be NO SCHOOL on Friday May 24th and Monday May 27th, and please send your chid/ren into school with a re-usable shopping bag on the last day of school so they can pack up their desks and bring home their projects, etc!
I hope all the moms out there, and those missing their moms, have a lovely day on Sunday!
Thanks so much!
Ellie Chin
Our teachers were treated like ROCK STARS by our PTA this week! We had coffee and pastries, we were gifted a delicious lunch, we ate popcorn until it came out of our ears, were treated to lovely gifts and received a "VIP" drink and snack service directly to our doors. We feel appreciated every week here at Patton but we were made to feel extra EXTRA special this week! We know Patton is a special community and we are so grateful that we get to work amongst you all! THANK YOU for making this week such a wonderful one for us all! If you still wanted to send a message of gratitude to any staff member, please use the link below to Recognize a Staff Member. Thank you to all who already completed this google form. Your kind words have brightened people's day!
Our Walkathon week is always a fun and busy one and one of the highlights of the week is definitely our "Pie in the Face" fundraiser!! This year, we raised over $1800 for our recipient, Wren, who we were so lucky to have as a VIP guest during our festivities this year! It was so great that she and her amazing family got to enjoy the fun! Before we got to the very important matter of pie-ing, we presented Wren with a wonderful poster covered in Patton Panthers' thumbprints and a few of her favorite things as gifts! Thank you to our "great sport" teachers Mrs. Copersmet, Mrs. Koenig, Mrs. Vincent, Mr. Dolniak, Mr. Morkert and Mrs. McEwen for taking getting pie'd so well! I, of course, was nominated and got a pie in my face as well! We have attached a video of the event below for anyone who wishes to watch the fun!
We also need to thank Mrs. Vincent, Mrs. Koenig, Mr. Morkert and our amazing student council for putting in a lot of hard work and effort to ensure this event and the Walkathon is always such a huge success!
We had a perfect day for National Bike to School Day on Wednesday! It was amazing to see so many bikes, some of which were incredibly decorated! We are very close to announcing the winners of the Bike Decorating Competition! Winners will be notified next week and we will share their amazing bike creations in next week's Patton Post!
I was truly blown away by the art produced by our Panthers and displayed at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library! I hope you get to go and see the whole installation in person as it really is spectacular! District 25 has some wonderful artists and I was so proud to see so many of our Panthers represented! Thank you to Mrs Maloney for facilitating this for our Panthers and to Mrs Fasolo for sharing this photo of all our artists who were able to attend the reception.
As we get close to the end of the school year please ensure that all Patton library books are returned no later than THURSDAY, MAY 16th!
Books can be dropped off during your child/ren's scheduled library time or any time during the day. Thank you so much for working with us on this!
Please don't worry about not having any books over the summer - the Arlington Heights Memorial Library is running its always awesome Summer Reading program again this year! More information can be found HERE. They will be joining us on the last day of school to share about their summer reading with all of our students.
Save yourself some time AND some money and order your school supply kit online this year! These kits will be delivered directly to your child/ren's classrooms before the school year starts.
Huge congratulations to everyone that entered into the PTA Reflections competition this year! We are incredibly proud of everyone! We must also shine a light on one of our 4th Graders, Joe Scapillato, who received an Honorable Mention at the State level of this competition.
Every year I am blown away by the level of talent and commitment shown by those that enter this competition and am incredibly proud of how well they represent Patton!
FIELD DAY - Wednesday, 29th MAY (2nd POST!)
Field Day will take place on Wednesday 29th, 9am-12pm. If you would like to volunteer, please signup HERE.
The Patton Staff will also be providing a buffet of snacks to say thank you to all the parent volunteers that give so much of their time to us, not just on Field Day, but throughout the year! Please stop by and grab a treat!
The ABC/25 Foundation is hosting an amazing FUN FAIR on Saturday, June 1st at South Middle School!
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | ABC/25 Members Only Access
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Public Access
1:00 PM | Mascot Race
Get ready for a day of fun, games, and excitement at ABC/25's Fun Fair! Events and activities include: climbing wall, obstacle courses, dunk tank, games, concessions, a sensory-friendly area, and more!
This is NOT a drop-off event. All children MUST be accompanied by an adult. Please also leave all four-legged friends at home.
Worried about rain? We've got you covered! In the event of inclement weather, we will set up the activities indoors.
Parking is available on side streets along South Middle School and at the garage on Highland Street.
The advanced placement process will occur in May after the school year's testing windows have closed. Percentiles on the most recent CogAT and the highest of three MAP scores will be converted to a standard score (or z-score) before averaging, which provides a standardized way to compare data. The district will also calculate local percentiles for both assessments at this time. Families will receive placement information in mid-May. Only families of students who are new qualifiers to Advanced Math (grades 4-7) and Advanced Language Arts (grades 6-8) will receive letters. If a student is enrolled in an advanced course this school year, they will automatically be enrolled for next year. Please review the FAQ document for answers to more specific questions regarding the placement process. If you still have questions after reviewing, please contact Katie Paulson at kpaulson@sd25.org.
The last day of school for students is scheduled for Friday, May 31, 2024. There will be adjusted dismissal times District-wide. Those times are as follows:
- Middle School dismissal at 1:50 pm
- Elementary School dismissal at 2:35 pm
Please mark your calendars!
If you know of any Seniors that are graduating from High School this year, please make them aware of the annual Senior Walk that will be taking place on TUESDAY, MAY 21st! Please feel free to share this link with them or RSVP on their behalf below!
District Pre-Registration is now OPEN! (ONGOING POST!)
Pre-Registration is now OPEN to families with incoming new and kindergarten students for next year, 2024-2025! Please begin the registration process by visiting www.sd25.org/Registration and clicking on the 2024-2025 Pre-Registration drop down or by clicking the button below!
If you know of any new families to the area/have any neighbors with school age children that you think might be interested, please feel free to share this information with them!
The District recently launched its new Parent Academy newsletter and page on the website.
The goal of Parent Academy is to provide learning opportunities for parents to better understand ways to support their students’ academic success and personal well-being. We welcome parents and families to engage in various activities and events to explore topics related to mental health, well-being, equity and inclusion, and academics. Please visit the website (www.sd25.org/ParentAcademy) for archived newsletters, further resources and information, or to submit an idea/topic for the next Parent Academy newsletter.
5th Grade Musical Performance - 21st/22nd May
NO SCHOOL - Friday, 24th May
NO SCHOOL - Monday, 27th May
Field Day - Weds, 29th May
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Friday, 31st May (Early Release!)
ABC/25 Fun Fair - Saturday, 1st June
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton