Madonna Catholic School News
October 25, 2024

Dear Madonna Families,
Today, we celebrated a beautiful conclusion to our week and October, the month of the Rosary. As a faith community, we gathered to mark the end of Catholic Education Week by praying the rosary, with support from our Grade 3 and 4 students. Several staff members recited a decade of the rosary in Bisaya, Filipino, and French, highlighting the cultural diversity within our community. A heartfelt thank you to our chaplain, Mrs. Fortier, for her efforts in preparing this special opportunity.
In the coming week we will honor a Catholic tradition, All Hallows' Eve (Halloween) which is the night before All Saints' Day. This is a time to think about life and death and get ready to celebrate the saints. All Saints' Day, on November 1st, honors all saints, both famous and unknown, who are in heaven. The next day, All Souls' Day, is for praying for those who have passed away. These special days remind us of the Church’s connection between the living and the dead, and the hope of eternal life. Students will be asked to keep those dearly departed loved ones in mind as we continue to demonstrate our faith in our daily prayer.
As we prepare for the fun of Halloween, we want to assure you that our staff understands that not all students find the costumes and change in routine easy. At our school, all students are welcome to participate to the extent that they feel comfortable. We encourage parents to communicate any needs or concerns with staff in advance, so that both home and school are aligned in supporting each child. Our goal is to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Please see the note below about how parents are welcome to join us for a short time on the morning of October 31.
Madonna Catholic School Admin Team
Mrs Cathy Hinger, Principal
Mrs Fiona Wimmer, Assistant Principal
Cultural Rosary
Parents! Come join us on Halloween!
What's Ahead!
Monday, October 28
School Photo Retakes @ 9:00am
Dance Club at Lunch Recess
MHCB at Madonna
Tuesday, October 29
Assembly 9:00
School Photo Retakes
Swimming Lessons Grades 1 and 2’s
MCHB at Madonna
Wednesday October 30
Thursday, October 31
Priest's Visit
Rosary Club at first recess - All welcome
Friday, November 1
All Saint's Day
Teacher's Pet Grade 3 Cogito
Sunday, November 3
Daylight Saving Time
Monday, November 4
Assembly at 9:00am - All Welcome to join
Giant Indigenous Map
Dance Club at Lunch Recess
Tuesday, November 5
Swimming Lessons Grades 1 and 2’s
Wednesday November 6
Early Out Spirit Day - Wear your favorite jersey
3 Way Conferences
Book Fair
Thursday, November 8
Priest's Visit
Swimming Lessons Grades 3 and 4’s
3 Way Conferences
Book Fair
T/TH Kindergarten trip to Strathcona County Library & Gallery
Friday, November 9
Remembrance Day Ceremony at 10:30 - All welcome
Thank you to Mrs. Fortier, our school chaplain, Mrs Spindler, members from Mary's Servants for Christ, and Fr. Mario for leading this week's prayer club on Thursday during the morning recess.
Madonna Information
Parent/Teacher/Student 3 Way Conferences
Madonna will be having a Book Fair from November 4th to 8th!!
It will be open during the day but also during Parent Teacher evenings as well.
Your child will be getting a flyer sent home to help them to choose their books.
Keep your eye out for more info about the Book Fair!
MCS School Council News
Parents are needed each week when hot lunch is offered in our school. Typically parents help from 11:20-12:45pm in the school kitchen where they sort, distribute and help pack up the weekly food order. Without your support the hot lunch program is not possible.
Community News
OLPH Parish News
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.