District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
The next SIP Day is next Friday, December 21. Students in grades 1-8 will have early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. to allow time for District staff to work on school improvement activities. Please note that half-day students (Early Childhood Special Education, Pre-K, and Kindergarten) do not attend school on SIP days. For the full list of 2018-19 SIP days, Click Here.
Winter Break Dates
Winter Break officially begins on Monday, December 24 and school will resume on Monday, January 7.
Nominate Your Favorite Educator for the Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year
The Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations from the community for the 2018 Community Awards, including District 41 Educator of the Year. Click here for information on how to nominate a District 41 educator!
Volunteer Opportunity Helping District 41 Students
The Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center is looking for volunteers, ages
14 and up, to tutor during their afterschool programs at Lincoln Elementary, Churchill Elementary, and Hadley Junior High. Tutors spend one hour once a week Monday-Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and can choose which day works best with their schedules.
The program is very flexible! To get started, visit www.gecrc.com to fill out an application or contact Dana Wleklinski at 630-899-9919.
The Glen Ellyn Children’s Resource Center is a non-profit organization serving the District 41 community that empowers a growing number of low-income children to realize their full potential through a cost-free, five-day-a-week after-school tutoring and mentoring program.
Check out this story about Hadley parent and GECRC volunteer, click here. This is just one example of the amazing people supporting District 41 students. It takes everyone in the community to support student success in school and in life. Thank you, volunteers!
“Crime scene” Created at Hadley
As part of a Problem-Based Learning Inquiry unit, 6th grade Literacy teachers are educating students on the importance of using evidence to support their claims. To help with this, the teachers have created a crime scene at Hadley! The staged crime scene requires students to collect and analyze evidence in order to state a claim about who committed the crime. To provide further guidance, Hadley is partnering with Glen Ellyn police officer Joe Nemchock to help lay the foundation with the students. Officer Nemchock will then work with the students through the crime scene class-by-class over a week’s time. Thank you to Officer Nemchock and the Glen Ellyn Police Department.
Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41