Bear Valley Bugle
September 2024
Happy Birthday Bear Valley! Bear Valley opened it's doors in 1984 and has been educating students in our area for 40 years. We are excited to celebrate with you at a BBQ on Friday, September 20 from 5-7. Can you believe Mrs. Robinson, one of our building subs has been here since the building opened? It is the community and consistency of Bear Valley that makes our school such a wonderful place. We are so glad to have you all a part of it.
We were so happy to welcome the BVCA Preschool Program to Bear Valley this year. They will be in the building from 9-12 Tuesdays-Fridays.
We have completed our fall benchmark testing. Our teachers had a chance to meet and discuss how we will support students with both additional support and enrichment activities during the WIN time. WIN time is What I Need time and each grade level has a time slot built into their day for this. We are so thankful that our staff works together to get students targeted support and instruction during their WIN time.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on October 23 and 24. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss the progress of your child. Please know that if you elect to take a vacation during the conference week, the teachers might not be able to accommodate a different time. While school may seem like it is shorter that week, the dedicated time to meet with teachers is important. The schedule will come out in a few weeks.
Feel free to reach out if you need anything. Thank you for supporting your child's education this year!
Mrs. Scherer
Classroom Spotlight
PTA General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024, 06:30 AM
Bear Valley HeArt Room
New TV Displays
A big thank you to PTA for upgrading our technology this year. PTA purchased 9 new TV displays and carts for classroom teachers. This is an upgrade an allows teachers to get creative in the ways they present information to students. The TV displays allow for quick set up and a clear crisp screen to view.
Bear Valley Current Afterschool Programs
Monday 2:30-3:45 Battle of the Books 3-5
Tuesday 2:30-3:45 Choir Registration Closed Grades 3-5
2:30-3:45 Arts and Crafts Club Starts September 24 Grades 1-2
Wednesday 2:30-3:45 Choir Registration Closed Grades 3-5
Thursday 2:30-3:45 Spanish Club Registration Closed Grades 3-5
School Meals
Breakfast and Lunch are returning September 24. Breakfast $4.00 and Lunch $5.75. Applications for free and reduced meals and more information can be found here:
Bear Valley Radio 89.9 FM
Tune in to 89.9 at pick up and drop off or find us on Spotify!
Learn About The Alaska Reads Act
Learn more about the Alaska Reads Act! Service Has Returned!
Here are some of the important resources available on our Student Nutrition Web Page Link.
- Meal prices
- Free & Reduced Meal Applications
- A list of Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools where meals are free for all students
- General information about Student Nutrition
Free & Reduced Meal Applications:
While paper copies are available, online submission via the Student Nutrition Web Page is faster.
Families can sign up for balance notifications and view the menu through the, SchoolCafe Link.
Online Prepayments and Payments:
These are process only through Parent Connect.
Bear Valley Personal Property Policy
ASD Personal Property Policy
Adapted from the ASD Student Handbook
Student desks and/or coat closets are not secure enough to store personal property (e.g. iPods, electronic devices, etc.) The same restrictions apply to toys, Pokemon Cards, legos, earbuds, etc. These and other items are not permitted at school. Cell phones must be turned off and stored during the school day (8:40-3:30- and not be taken out until students are in a bus or vehicle) including lunch/recess. Smart watches must have bluetooth/wifi disconnected as these can function in the same way as a cell phone.Repeated violations will be regarded as willful disobedience.
ASD is not responsible for loss or theft of personal property.
Birthday Celebrations
To minimize distractions during the school day, we are asking that parents refrain from bringing in balloons and treats for birthdays. We have students with allergies and treats are not always appropriate. We do a special certificate, pencil and announcement from the office, as well as classroom recognition.
AK Reads Act Information for Parents
Bear Valley Elementary
Location: 15001 Mountain Air Drive, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5900