VAIS Family Newsletter
August, 2024
Upcoming Events
8/19/2024 GC Meeting - VAIS Library - 6:30-8:30pm
8/28/2024 Back to School Kickoff and Popsicles on the Playground 5-6:30pm
9/3/2024 First Day of School
9/16/2024 Governance Council Meeting - 6:30-8:30pm
9/19/2024 Moon Festival 1-2pm
9/26/2024 Picture Day - 8-11am
9/30/2024 No school / Education Professional Development Day
We hope you're ready for another award-winning year, just like our friends Henry and Isadora, shown here with their Excellence in Chinese Learning Awards!
Save the date! Picture Day!
Weather... whether or not we're ready for it!
Welcome to the '24-'25 School Year
Dear Families,
Welcome to the ‘24-’25 school year! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful and refreshing summer break. I look forward to hearing about your many summer adventures. I have been fortunate to have my own adventures near and far with my family throughout this summer.
As we begin a new school year, I want to take a moment to share some exciting updates and highlights of the work our staff has been doing over the summer. All of our staff have been involved in a variety of essential tasks to ensure a smooth and successful start to the year. From instructional planning and teaching summer school to participating in numerous professional learning opportunities and training sessions, they have shown unwavering commitment to our students' success. They have been busy ordering and organizing materials and supplies to create a warm, welcoming and well-equipped learning environment.
Our teachers have been deeply engaged in professional development, focused on the Science of Reading and new curriculum materials. They have spent time learning and planning to bring rigorous and enriching learning opportunities into our classrooms. We are thrilled to see the positive impact these new instructional practices and materials will have on our students' learning experiences.
Our custodial staff has worked tirelessly to ensure our school is in pristine condition. The building is sparkling clean and ready to welcome our students back. Additionally, we have had a new roof installed on our building.
We are excited to see our students and families at our Back to School Kickoff on Wednesday, August 28th from 5:00-6:30 pm. We look forward to a year filled with learning, growth, and community. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Parks
VASD Elementary School Family Handbook
The VASD Elementary School Family Handbook is a good resource for families. Families are encouraged to review this information and refer to it throughout the school year. It is also available on our website.
Kindergarten Enrollment Update
Enrollment throughout VASD is down for 2024-25 kindergarteners, which includes VAIS’s next kindergarten class. VAIS still has several open spots so if you have any new neighbors move in or hear of anyone still looking for kindergarten spaces for next fall, PLEASE encourage them to contact Sally Parks (parkss@verona.k12.wi.us) for any questions.
Safe School Arrival and Dismissal
Making sure we have a safe and efficient school arrival and dismissal is a priority for everyone. We ask that we all work together to ensure this happens for our students. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
A visual of our car rider arrival and dismissal procedures are here.
- Supervision starts at 7:15 and the bell rings to enter at 7:30 am. Students should not arrive before 7:15 am as they will not be supervised during this time.
- Students who walk, bike, or arrive by a care wait in front of school at Door 1. Students who arrive by bus enter in the back through Door 5.
- Car Lane- Our car lane is designed for families to be able to drop students off quickly and leave. For safety, students only should enter and exit on the curbside of the car. Families are asked to stay in their vehicles and not exist to assist. Use the parking lot if more time is needed or others are exiting the car during the drop off.
- Our dismissal time is 2:25 pm. We do have our K/1 students exit the building a few minutes before other classes to better support their dismissal.
- Staff members walk our students out of the school during dismissal. If a student is being picked up, then the teacher looks to make visual confirmation of the caregiver or caregiver's vehicle before dismissing students. Staff members walk our bus riders to the bus door.
- Car Lane- Our car lane is designed for families to be able to drop students off quickly and leave. For safety, students only should enter and exit on the curbside of the car. Families are asked to stay in their vehicles and not exist to assist. Use the parking lot if more time is needed or others are exiting the car during the drop off.
Bus Information
- The Verona Area School District contracts with First Student to provide transportation services for our students to and from school, sports competitions and field trips. If you require assistance with bus routing, please contact First Student at (608) 341-2799 or the VASD Operations Manager, Michael LaCount (lacountm@verona.k12.wi.us ).
- Bus Route, stop, and time information is available on the Infofinder transportation application tool.
- The Bus Schedule is shared about a week before the first day of school on the district website main page. Go to the Verona Area Schools website, the school bus icon, Bus information. Infofinder Transportation Application.
News From the VAIS Governance Council
Summer Playdates
We've planned a few play dates for the summer, so the kiddos (and parents) can get together. These will be low-key, so come when you can and stay as long as you'd like. We hope to see you there!
Our last playdate:
Friday, August 23rd @ 3pm - Fireman's Park Splash Pad
Popsicles on the Playground
Stop by for popsicles at the
2024-2025 NCS/VAIS
Back to School Kickoff.
Meet other caregivers,
play with friends, chalk the walk, and enjoy popsicles!
Wednesday, August 28 from 5-6pm
Back to School Kickoff - August 28th
Get ready for the Back to School Kickoff August 28th, 5pm to 6:30pm
Meet your teachers, get familiar with the school, drop off school supplies and write a welcome note in chalk on the sidewalk
Harvest of the Month
Our school is participating in Wisconsin Harvest of the Month! Harvest of the Month is a statewide campaign that encourages students to eat more fruits and vegetables. Each month, our school will feature one Wisconsin-grown fruit or vegetable that is seasonally available. We will encourage students to taste, explore, and learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables in the classroom and cafeteria.
Watch the school menu, for more information about the Harvest of the Month fruits and vegetables. We will feature fruits and veggies from this list.
Ask your child about Harvest of the Month foods and prepare these foods at home. Providing many opportunities for your child to try new foods is important for building healthy eating habits and adventurous eaters.
We hope you join us in this opportunity to promote eating fruits and vegetables!
Helpful Info for Families
Futura Spanish is back!
Futura - Where SPANISH comes alive! Registration is now open for 2024-2025 – All new material and lessons!
Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity for your student to practice Spanish in an interactive bilingual classroom!
Enroll today: https://futuraadventures.com/wisconsin-region/
School Supply List
VAIS School Supplies for 2024-25: Children will need a backpack, headphones, clean gym shoes and a large, old shirt for art class. Please purchase as many items as possible under your student’s grade level. THANK YOU!!!
VAIS School Supply List
Reading Corps Tutors Needed in VASD
Reading Corps is a beneficial program for students throughout VASD. We have had great support for this program from caregivers, especially grandparents. Sugar Creek and Core Knowledge are both hiring tutors. As a Reading Tutor, your impact the lives of children and offer vital assistance to those who need extra help reading at their grade-level. Your commitment during school hours for the entire academic year ensures a profound impact.
Is your child well enough to be in school?
It is not always easy to decide if your child is sick enough to stay home or well enough to be in school. Children who come to school are expected to participate fully in school activities including recess and physical education. A note from a medical provider is required for activity restrictions.
Please use the following Verona Area School District guidelines to help in decision making (attached here).
Vaccine Clinics
Mendota Elementary: October 7, 12-4pm
Holtzman Learning Center: October 19, 10am-2pm
Public Health Madison & Dane County is partnering with Madison Metropolitan School District and SSM Health this spring to offer three more school vaccine clinics to get students up to date on their school vaccines ahead of the 2024-25 school year. These clinics will take place out in the community. It is highly encouraged that appointments are scheduled through the website listed on the flier attached. Vaccine Clinic
Check out our online VAIS Public Google Calendar
Here is the link to a Google Public Calendar with this year’s updated NCS events:
This calendar will be updated continually throughout the year with school events, such as swim and gym days, library days, Picture Day, Back to School Night, field trips, parent/teacher conferences, days off of school, Governance Council meetings, and so much more! We hope that this will make things easier for you!
VAIS Facebook
Have you joined the VAIS Facebook Groups?
All Current families are welcome to join “VAIS Parents Group” on Facebook. We will be posting events and pop-up playdates in this group. This is also a great resource for new parents/guardians to ask any questions they may have. Please also like and follow our VAIS School Facebook here, or take a look at our website here.Communication with Teachers
Bridging Brighter Smiles
The Bridging Brighter Smiles program is a safe, affordable, accessible way to meet a dental hygienist... right here in Verona Area School District!
Learn more at https://bridgingbrightersmiles.org/
Need assistance with lunch costs?
If your student is ill, has an early morning appointment or early pick up, or will be late arriving to school for another reason, in addition to notifying their classroom teachers please make sure that you contact one of the following PRIOR TO THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY:
1) EMAIL VAIS Attendance: vais-attendance@verona.k12.wi.us or
2) CALL the office at (608) 845-4500 (If you are making a change after 11:00 am the same day, then please call the office).
Please do not email the school secretaries directly if possible.
Volunteer Corner
VAIS Volunteers, thank you for all that you do. Your kindness, hard work, dedication and generosity are truly appreciated. You make our community a better place!
Summer Mentorship Program for Incoming Kindergartners
We are restarting our mentorship program for new incoming kindergarten families. The objective of this program will be to pair a current VAIS family with an incoming family. They will act as a resource for any questions the new family may have. If you are interested, add your name to this spreadsheet.
Lunchroom Volunteers
All volunteers will need to be background checked through the district here. **We are especially in need for help on Tuesdays at this time.**
Please complete this short survey with your availability.
Library Volunteers
Your school needs YOU! Please consider signing up to help shelve library books, create displays, repair items, and assist with schoolwide and classroom project prep. No prior library experience necessary and no long-term commitment required. Thank you so much for considering! ~Ms. Roltgen, NCS/VAIS Library Director
Sunshine Committee
Canned drinks and packaged snacks are always welcome in the teacher's workrooms, feel free to drop those off any time.
For more information and to assist in brining sunshine to our community please contact Shannon Ratchman at Shannon.Ratchman@lls.org.