The Buzz
Summer Term - 18th May 2023

Message From The Head of School
This week I have had the pleasure of spending time in Reception and Nursery and have been impressed with the children’s independence and learning. The children are inquisitive and soak up knowledge. I am sure you are impressed with the vocabulary your children are using when discussing their learning.
Reception have enjoyed a successful DUG week where Dad’s, Uncle’s and Grandad’s have visited and joined in with learning activities. The children have loved this experience as much as they enjoyed MAG week. Thank you for your support and engagement with these weeks.
Class photos were taken today and children arrived looking incredibly smart. Please can I remind those dropping off children in the morning to use the one way system. This is for the safety of our children. Standing in the gateway to avoid walking round to the other gate is unhelpful.
Claire Cook
Head of School
The classes with the best attendance last week were 1C and 1K both classes had 100% attendance.
The classes with the no lates last week was 2A and RK.
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of CHALLENGE
RDC Flossy
RF Orestis
RC Willow
RK Tilly
1B Hunter
1C Roza
1H Reggie
1K Neola
2A Adam
2D Alice
2J Farida
2T Alfie
I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down! This week we have continued to explore our topic of traditional tales through the story of The Three Little Pigs. The story has been our starting point for Drawing Club this week and the children have continued to see the magic and joy of drawing. We learnt new words such as construct, sturdy, flimsy and material as we continue to develop our language and vocabulary.
In our role play we have been busy buying and selling sweets to our friends and teachers in our new Willy Wonka sweet shop. It has been wonderful to see the children turn taking, listening and responding to one another, counting, comparing and weighing the sweet treats. In phonics we played a game with Metal Mike and worked on our segmenting and blending skills with simple CVC words.
We started off our afternoons this week with our DUG days. It has been so lovely to have Dads, Uncles and Grandads join us for some fun times. The children have been so excited to share their learning and show their grown ups where they play at school. They all got stuck in doing lots of different activities such as biscuit decorating, drawing self portraits of one another and even giving their grown ups a very relaxing hand massage in the 'Spa Station'. We thank all the grown ups for coming in - what a memorable way to end this half term!
The children have also been excited to continue their love of Drawing Club. This week, we have been focussing on our story of the week: The Three Little Pigs and we have been using our incredible imaginations to draw the story setting. In this particular tale, one of the little pigs tricked the wolf into going to a funfair so the children decided to have a go at drawing their own funfair; we saw lots of amazing and creative ideas. There were lots of curly and twisting roller coasters, ferris wheels, candy floss shops and even treetop houses! It was amazing to hear what our Reception children were saying about their creations and be so proud of all the creativity flowing.
The imaginative learning did not stop with Drawing Club, the children popped on their artistic hats in Forest School as they learnt about the artist Keith Haring. We learnt that Keith Haring was a graffiti artist who used chalk to draw cartoons on subway walls. We noticed that he used bright colours and drew dancing people with lots of interesting lines inside. Inspired by this, the children went out into the play to draw their own dancing figures and used their chalks to draw swirly, zig zag, dots and many more interesting lines. What a creative way to end our week.
As the weather begins to warm up, we have been having lots of fun in PE this week learning to throw a variety of sports equipment with accuracy. After exploring the technique to throw under arm and over arm we applied our knowledge in throwing games.
Phonics - we have been recapping the ‘ow’/’ou’ sounds (e.g. brown, cloud) and the ‘or’/’aw’/’au’ (e.g. haunt, horn, claw) sound alongside reading lots of alien words in preparation for our upcoming ‘quiz’. Please look at the ‘Home Support’ page on the school website to find out more information about the Phonic Screening Test held in June and some useful resources to support with the practice of phonics at home.
History - We have been learning about the role of a monarch. We have compared two previous monarchs, King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth II, to see whether they were good or bad monarchs. We identified their values and then came up with our own values and rules that we would set if we were monarch.
Science - we have been learning about minibeasts. We have discussed what minibeasts are, where they live and what they eat. We then identified different minibeasts including spiders, beetles, bees and worms and then discussed their features.
Maths - We began by recognising a half using various representations to develop our understanding, including halving shapes and objects in different ways. For example, a square can be split in half vertically, horizontally or diagonally. We then looked at recognising half of different amounts before finding these using practical resources and physically putting these into two equal groups.
Year 2
English: We have moved on this week to thinking about how we can write a diary about the life of a historical figure. In partnership with our learning in history, the children have been challenged to write a diary in the life of Florence Nightingale. We thought about what Florence would have done everyday during the Crimean war when helping to improve hospital care.
History: Our topic in history has been all about 'Nurses' where we have learnt all about Mary Seacole and her efforts to help the soldiers during the Crimean war. We have moved on to think about Florence Nightingale and how she is similar and different to Mary in a variety of ways.
Computing: The children have been enjoying creating digital music using MusicLab on the chromebooks. We have been exploring pitch, tempo and range and how this can be expressed using shapes and colour.
Well done to Poppy B class 2T who, after getting through the preliminary and semi finals rounds and achieving honours with a merit, took to the stage in the London Dance finals performing a solo ballet dance. Poppy won 1st place in the under 7s at The British Arts Awards.
What a great achievement!
Information for Parents below
After School Clubs
If you need to collect your child early from an after school club please contact the club in advance to inform them and if necessary obtain a number to call the provider on arrival at the school.
The school office are unable to collect children from their clubs.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815