Gayman Gazette
July 2024 Edition
Staffing Information:
Dear Gayman Families,
I hope you are doing well and enjoying these summer months. As we look forward to the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, I would like to share our staffing plans. Please know the teaching assignments are tentative, though I do not anticipate significant changes.
The classroom teachers for this coming school year are...
- Kindergarten - Mrs. Menard
- First Grade - Mrs. Kruzits, Mrs. Kuhn, and Mrs. Trouts
- Second Grade - Mrs. Brosious, Mrs. Della Porta, and Mrs. Klebba
- Third Grade - Mrs. Flanagan, Mrs. Hofmann, and Ms. Khatchadourian
- Fourth Grade - Mrs. Bullard, Mrs. Carroll, and Mrs. Thompson
- Fifth Grade - Mr. Hudak, Mr. Isaacsohn, and Mr. Maduzia
- Sixth Grade - Mr. Crump, Mr. Grace, Mrs. Milroy, and Mr. Pisch
Mrs. Fili, Mrs. Jackson, Ms. O'Connor, Mrs. Roche, Ms. Thompson, and Mrs. Wood will continue to work in the speech, gifted, and special education departments. Sadly, we say goodbye to Mrs. Pisani. She is pursuing a teaching position in a district closer to her home. We are in the process of hiring a teacher to replace Mrs. Pisani and will communicate who that will be when the hiring process is finalized.
Our specialists will be:
- Art - Mr. Cinciripini
- Library - Mrs. Thomas
- Music - Ms. Robinson & Ms. Vuocolo
- PE - TBD
- QUEST - Mr. Shaw
- Band - Mr. Bower
- Strings - Ms. Vuocolo
Mrs. Hedges, Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Szymanski, Mrs. Kehoe, and Mrs. Seckinger will return to support our students' physical, emotional, and academic needs. Mrs. Halpin will be at Buckingham Elementary this school year and we are excited to have Mrs. Travaglini working in the reading lab.
Mrs. Owens will be joining us as our school psychologist. Mrs. Owens comes to us from Lenape Middle School; she will be working at Gayman and at Kutz Elementary School.
Our Dean of Students, Mrs. Snyder, has been promoted to Assistant Principal this school year. We are happy to share that Mrs. Snyder will remain at Gayman, splitting her time between us and Cold Spring Elementary. For more information about Mrs. Snyder, please check out the Gayman website.
Just as in previous years, final class assignments will be announced on August 1st via the Parent Portal.
We look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Shawn Ortman
Please Welcome...
After more than 30 years with the district, Mr. Fulmer made the decision this summer to retire. I know you all join me in wishing Mr. Fulmer much relaxation in his retirement. We are very excited for you all to meet Mr. Gordon, our new head custodian. Mr. Gordon joins us from Tohickon Middle School and prior to that he worked at Cold Spring Elementary.
Please keep an eye out for Mr. Gordon when you return to school and greet him with a Mighty Mustang welcome!
Mark your calendar:
- Thursday, August 1st: Classroom Placement available in Parent Portal
- Monday, August 19th: Transportation Information available in Parent Portal
- Monday, August 26th @ 4:00 - 5:00PM - 2024-2025 New Student Welcome!
- Thursday, August 29th @ 9:00 - 10:00AM - Kindergarten Orientation/BTSN Presentation/Bus Ride
- Thursday, August 29th @ 11:00AM - 12:00PM - Open House (1st - 6th Grade Students)
- Tuesday, September 3rd - First Day of School
- Wednesday, September 4th & Thursday, September 5th - Back to School Nights
Sept 4th @ 5:15PM: Grade 1 & Grade 2
Sept 4th @ 6:15PM: Grade 3 & Grade 4
Sept 5th @ 5:15PM: Grade 5 & Grade 6
- Friday, September 6th: First Friday, Spirit Day! Wear Gayman gear or Gayman colors (blue, purple, & white)
- Friday, September 6th @ 5:00PM: GHSA Popsicles on the Playground
- Wednesday, September 11th: GHSA Spirit Wear Sale starts
- Wednesday, September 18th - Friday, September 20th: GHSA Book Fair
- Wednesday, September 25th @ 9:00AM: HR Parents/HSA General Meeting
- Thursday, September 26th: Picture Day
- Monday, September 30th @ 11:55AM: Early Dismissal - Teacher In-service
Quick Links in this Gazette:
Class Placement:
In the summer months, student placement is finalized. Know that considerable time and attention went into creating well-balanced class groupings that consider the social, academic, and emotional needs of all students. The process began with parent input, and then, former homeroom teachers, along with our counselor, reading specialist, and special education teachers developed class lists.
As you know, all of our teachers are caring, capable, and highly qualified educators. Our job is to support our students by developing confident, capable individuals. I ask you to trust the process and celebrate your child's placement with your son/daughter.
On Thursday, August 1st @ 8:00AM the 2024-2025 class lists will be announced via the Parent Portal.
We look forward to the excitement that a new school year brings!
Parent Portal Account Information:
To request a Parent Portal account, click on this link to a Request Form.
For information regarding recovering or resetting your username and password, click here for Infinite Campus Information.
If you need technical support, please email parentportal@cbsd.org
For any other questions, access the CBSD Parent Portal Information webpage.
*The Annual Student Information Update for the 2024-2025 school year is now available. New this year upon logging into the Parent Portal, you will directed to complete the Annual Student Information Update before accessing other information such as schedules, assessments, and demographics. To begin, navigate to the menu, select “more” and then “Annual Student Information Update”. For assistance, please contact parentportal@cbsd.org.
Transportation Information:
On Monday, August 19th, "Find My Bus" will be available in the Parent Portal. Click here for more information about Transportation.
The Transportation tab in your Parent Portal Account will list your child(ren)'s bus number, as well as pick up/drop off times & location.
Your child may ride only the bus to which he/she has been assigned unless an Alternate Bus Stop Request has been approved. The Central Bucks Transportation Department may approve requests for childcare or shared custody situations. A form must be submitted every year: Alternate Bus Stop Request.
Required Health Exams:
Pennsylvania mandates the following health examinations:
- Physicals: School entry (Kindergarten), grades 6 and 11
- Dentals: School entry (Kindergarten), grades 3 and 7
The completed health forms are due to Mrs. Sara Hedges, school nurse, no later than October 14, 2024.
You can upload your completed exam forms to your child's Parent Portal account or email them to shedges@cbsd.org. Please keep a copy of the health forms for your records. Thank you!
The examination forms can be found HERE.
Before and After School Care for 2024-2025:
Visit the CBSD childcare program site for more information: Registration Information.
Volunteering Information:
To volunteer at a class party or chaperone a field trip, your clearances must be up-to-date & on file with Central Bucks School District.
If your clearances are current, upload them into the App Garden - Volunteer Tracker. If your clearances have expired, or you need to begin the clearance process, click on the Required Documents for the directions. For more information, consult the Human Resources Volunteer Required Paperwork webpage.
School Supplies:
2024-2025 Supply lists are up on our website. Click Here to find the supply list for your grade.
Supplies can be brought to school during our Open House on August 29th.
Join a GHSA Committee:
Thank you to our Gayman families who took time to complete the Home and School End of the Year Survey. We are taking your feedback and are excited to host all the students' favorites events this year!
Please check out our webpage for more detailed event information.
GHSA (Gayman Home and School) Website
These events are only successful with your help! We are looking for parent volunteers to be part of event committees to plan, organize, and host these events for the upcoming school year. Please note the clearances information for committees.
Join a Committee by signing up HERE. More information about each committee can be found here: Committee Information.
If you have any questions please contact the Home and School Board at GHSAinquiries@gmail.com
Happy Summer!
Gayman Home and School Association
Stay Connected:
Gayman Elementary School
Shawn Ortman, Principal
Jennifer Snyder, Assistant Principal
Jennifer Costello, Office Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/gayman
Location: 4440 Point Pleasant Pike, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 2678934350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516165478928057
Twitter: @CBGaymanES