O. Henry Middle School
Transition Information for 2024-2025
Dear Current and Future Mustangs,
This is an exciting time of year where we look forward to the year ahead in middle school. It is also a time that requires some very careful planning for your future. Included in this newsletter are scheduled activities and information that will help you get ready for a successful new year at O. Henry Middle School.
AVID Summer Bridge
AVID Math Summer Bridge Opportunity
- 7th Grade Accelerated Summer Bridge -This course is designed for rising 7th graders who would like to be part of the pathway to take Algebra I in 8th grade. 7th Grade Accelerated sign up form
- Algebra Readiness Summer Bridge - This course is designed for rising 8th graders who were not on the pathway to take Algebra I in 8th grade. Students will need to show mastery of 8th grade math at the end of the camp in order to take Algebra I in 8th grade. Algebra Readiness sign up form. This opportunity is only for rising 8th graders
AVID Summer Bridge is designed to strengthen students' math skills over the summer to prepare for Algebra. Deadline to register with transportation is April 21, 2024. Registration for students who do not need transportation is open until May 10, 2024. Please note: Students must be enrolled in Austin ISD in Spring 2024 to participate in summer programs.
June 3- June 20 (No Fridays or June 19th) (Please note the flyer listed May 29 incorrectly as the student date)
8:30 am -1:00 pm
It is important that students make a commitment to attend all 11 days. Space is limited please fill out this Google form.
Info on Elementary School Visits
Choice Sheets
6th Grade Choice Sheet Presentation
Check Out Our Amazing Electives!
Check out the following photo for the list of electives offered at O. Henry. Elective videos coming soon.
Elective Applications
Middle School Requirements
All Middle School students take the four core classes every year - English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Math. Families can choose whether they want their child to take the Academic or Advanced level of each class. For Math, families can also choose two accelerated tracks which will lead to high school credit math classes by 7th or 8th grade. The math tracks are shown below.
Middle School students also need to take a year of PE or Dance in 6th grade, at least one semester in 7th grade, and at least one semester in 8th grade for a total of 4 semesters of physical education.
Finally, all students must take one Fine Arts class during their time at middle school. Incoming 6th grader students will be required to take their Fine Arts in 6th grade so that they have the option to continue throughout middle school and experience some of the great advanced level classes, field trips and competitions!
Several of the elective courses offered to 7th and 8th grade students at O. Henry require applications. For students interested in these electives, please fill out an application and rank the elective as top 3 on your choice sheet. Note that library and office aides are not on the choice sheet; students interested in being a library or office aide should send in an application.
Elective Applications for 7th and 8th Grade
Theatre Production Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsZnyj_NRp7r8Rc1AdckHBt50yBtK8WGYR_RBZ9YMdxeRD1g/viewform
Mustang News Application (Digital Communications in the 21st Century): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QSqn_gYacYkJa8nu2vmhknBIFeKUjBEqqFjtaYK7wi4/edit
Elective Applications for 8th Grade Only
Library and Office Aide Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1V4rJz3_VIkks7vOyPhmNVn_5odZ7Qz9pMxacQIRxNIU/edit
High School Credit Art Application: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11C2e17sreTjznM616N4Fj1VwC5dxBAsx5dEJJf7Dm-Q/edit
Yearbook Application:
At O. Henry We Educate the Whole Child
SEL Lessons in our ACES class
Digital Citizenship
Growth Mindset
Goal Setting
Peer Conflicts
Handling Relationships
Social Justice
Cultural Awareness
School Wide Recognition and Activities
Pride Week
World Kindness Day
Black History Month
No Place for Hate
Mock Trial
College and Career Fair
Author Visits
Cultural Heritage and History Recognition
Honor Roll and Attendance Recognition
Athletics Awards
Pep Rallies
Clubs and Programs
Chess Club
Gardening Club
National Junior Honor Society
Student Council
Homework Club
Club Sports
Book Clubs
Race Equity Leadership
Mustang News
CATCH Health and Wellness
O. Henry is Home- Check us out!
Transfer Information
For questions or information:
Email: rachel.price@austinisd.org and ivy.claflin@austinisd.org
Website: https://ohenry.austinschools.org
Phone: 512-414-3229