Eagles' Extra
November 18, 2024
Highlights of the Week
What a busy four-day week we had at Donalda School! Some highlights for the week include our Grade 5/6 class participating in the Teach Me to Cook program provided by McMan, which they absolutely loved! A big thank you to Bobbi & Faith from McMan for offering this engaging experience to our students.
We also had a special visit from the Clearview School Board and Mr. Leys, who took the time to learn more about the amazing things happening here at Donalda School. The students took the opportunity to get to know the board members by including them in their learning activities which included impromtu skits and science experiements.
In recognition of Métis Week, our students worked in their teams to complete Scavenger Hunt Challenge during SEL. This was an engaging way for them to learn more about Métis culture and heritage. Thank you to Mrs. Andersson, our Indigenous lead, for organizing.
On Friday, report cards were sent home. Please take a moment to review your child’s progress and reach out to their teachers if you have any questions or concerns. Parent Teacher Interviews are on Thursday, November 21st. Please contact the office to schedule your time to meet with your child's teacher.
One of the highlights of the week, and one of my favorite activities of the year, was packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Students had the opportunity to write letters and pack a special box for a child around the world. Sixty-seven boxes were built, which awesome! A huge thank you to everyone who supported this meaningful cause. Special thanks goes to Mary Mueller for organizing this event and to Carol Montgomery, Shayrn Kenner, and Amanda Holden for their time and help in making the packing day a success.
Metis Week Team Challenge
Teach Me to Cook
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing
Clearview School Board VIsit
Students of the Week
Norah Shepherd
This award is presented to Norah Shepherd in recognition of her exceptional kindness and compassion. Norah consistently shows a caring spirit by looking out for others, offering support when someone is hurt or feeling down, and always checking in to make sure others are okay. Her thoughtful actions make a positive impact on those around her, and she is a true example of empathy and friendship.
Zeph Finlan
Zeph has been working very hard this fall, and did especially well on his Hatchet Socratic Seminar this past week! His effort and determination to achieve academic success will continue to pay off for Zeph. Keep up the great work!
Casey Massey
Casey has been a dedicated learner this year. She pays close attention during lessons, works hard during individual practice, and shares with her partner and class eagerly. She has a growth mindset towards her learning, and as a result, she is seeing great growth in literacy and numeracy skills.
Sara Erickson
Sara has been working hard in her classes this fall and her dedication to academic success has really been paying off. I’m very proud to see her grades on her Social Studies quiz and Science unit test be a reflection of her strong work ethic. Well done, Sara and keep up the great work!
Jamie Sehlstrom
This award recognizes Jamie Sehlstrom for her exceptional attitude toward learning and growth. Jamie consistently demonstrates a positive, growth-oriented mindset. When faces with challenges, she refuses to give up, and says “I can’t do this yet,” and keeps pushing forward with determination and effort. Her perseverance and belief in her ability to improve inspire those around her and make her a role model for resilience and a love of learning. Congratulations, Jamie, and thank you for showing us the power of a positive mindset!
Kyle Charles
Kyle has been working hard to meet all expectations in grade 7! He has done a great job of asking clarifying questions to ensure he is demonstrating his understanding of all concepts to the best of his abilities, which is such an important skill. Kyle has also been a really positive role model with his reading buddy! Great work this fall, Kyle!
Corbin Shepherd
Corbin has worked very hard on learning to be regulated this year. He is now more award about when he is getting dysregulated. He is more aware of what classroom tools help him get to stay regulated, or when needed, to get re-regulated. He also knows that he can always access the break spot to ehlp him calm down if other tools aren’t working.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent-Teacher Interviews is an intentional time for collaboration between teachers and parents as we work together to provide the best learning opportunities for our students.
Please contact the office to schedule your interview times with your child(ren)'s teachers. This is to help minimize the wait time for our parents. Thank you in advance!
Christmas Hamper Applications
The Stettler Community Hamper Society is now accepting Christmas Hamper applications. All applications are due by December 3.
As a supporting agency, HYC will have paper applications available at their front door. Their staff can help you complete the form if needed. Please make an appointment with one of our staff to receive this support.
Here is a copy of the application. Please read through the application as there are some changes this year. Specifically, you will need to drop off your application, with the required documents, IN PERSON at the Stettler Food Bank during specific hours.
Important Dates
Monday, November 18th:
- Book Fair Starts and Continues All Week
Tuesday, November 19th:
- Hot Lunch
- Parent Council Meeting @ 3:15 pm
Thursday, November 21st:
- Hot Lunch Orders Due
- Parent Teacher Interviews
- Please contact the office to book your interview times.
Friday, November 22nd:
- No School - PD Day
**NOTE: McMan will be providing whole school lunches from the Tea House on Monday, November 25th and December 16th.
November 25th:
- Barbecued meatball and rice with jello salad
- Cinnamon rolls
December 16th:
- Warm ham and cheese sandwiches with homemade buns, with chips and veggie tray
- Chocolate cream cheese muffin