GMS Weekly News and Notes
Weekly Updates
Our side panel photo features the new GMS billboard devoted to celebrating our Kindness Award winners. Thanks to Ms. Gabriel for creating this space so that acts of kindness are celebrated every day.
Individual MCAS reports were mailed home to families this week. If you have not done so already, please take a few minutes to review the reports with your student. We are very proud of the overall performance of our students on the 2024 MCAS and the growth that so many have demonstrated. It is also important to note that one year's MCAS scores do not represent a student's full potential or achievement. We welcome questions from families about score reports, or about MCAS in general. Please don't hesitate to reach out any time!
The GMS Student Leadership Council is coordinating two special October events in support of the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. See below for more details!
Please remember that Wednesday is an early dismissal day for all students. Buses will arrive at 11:05am.
Campus Highlight: We Have a Cow, Man
Mrs. Gunning from team Galaxy has partnered with Discovery Dairy through their Adopt- A- Cow program. Through the program, the team has a live calf that we will observe as it grows up on its dairy farm in Vermont. We will receive monthly updates about our calf, Bonfire, which will include pictures and videos of her! In addition to watching Bonfire grow over the next several months, team Galaxy will learn more about dairy farming through lessons in ELA, Social Studies, and Science.
Campus Highlights: Life After School
On Thursday, almost a third of all GMS students were on campus after school participating in clubs, rehearsals, and/or the final cross country meet of the season.
Play Rehearsal
Ms. Delaney and Ms. Coates led a rehearsal for the fall musical.
Off and Running
We hosted cross country teams from Sharon and Foxborough for our final meet of the year. The Bulldogs battled the cold temps and ran a great race!
Basketball Club
Coach Adams ran some drills for students in the basketball club. We'll be ready for the winter season!
GMS Goes Pink
Student Leadership will be collecting money for the Kay Yow Cancer Fund in support of breast cancer awareness during the month of October. On Wednesday, October 30th, we will be holding our annual “pink” day where students and staff are encouraged to wear pink and buy a pink ribbon for $1 in the main lobby before school.
Teach or Treat
Do you want to see your favorite teacher dress up for Halloween? Students and staff are encouraged to stop by room 204 or room 305 between Tuesday, October 22nd and Tuesday, October 29th, and for $1, you can vote for a teacher to dress up on Halloween. While you are there, guess how much candy is in the candy jar. The student who guesses closest to the correct amount of candy without going over will bring home the jar on Halloween. The top 5 teachers with the most votes on October 29th will have to dress up on Halloween. All money collected will benefit the Kay Yow Cancer Fund.
Please Join us for the Bulldog Invitational
On Thursday, October 24th, the cross country team is hosting the Bulldog Invitational at GMS. This is a special event in which our runners will compete against a team made up of some of their teachers and family members. We will be starting at 3:30, so come enjoy the afternoon and cheer on the runners, whether you have a child on the cross country team or not!
Important Update on the GMS Building Project
The Galvin Middle School Project is heading toward two key town votes. Save the Dates: November 18 Special Town Meeting and an Anticipated Ballot Vote on December 10.
Want to learn more about the GMS Building Project, see design renderings, or review timelines, please click on this LINK. If you have any questions, please email info@galvinmsproject.com.
The Galvin Middle School Project Team will be at the Sunday, October 20 Fall Fest at the Canton Farmers Market, and there will be a Community Forum at GMS on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:30 p.m.
GMS Fact of the Week
This week's fact comes to us from the World Languages department:
"Today, there are around 300 sign languages used worldwide" (Brnakova & Tickner, 2021)
Special Needs Parent Support Group
Please see the information below:
Bulldog Nurses' Blip
School Sick Days
What do we do about sick days?
Sick days happen. Especially in a middle school where kids are changing classes multiple times a day. Kids with perfect attendance have been sick at school once or twice. Evidence shows that school attendance makes a huge difference in academic achievement and social skills. However, we want to protect our school and stay home when necessary to help prevent illness in school for our medically fragile community members.
Being sick doesn't always mean that they are contagious or can't be at school. When your child isn't feeling well there are a few questions you can ask them or yourselves.
Is this illness contagious?
Fever, vomiting, crusty eyes, diarrhea may be contagious. Definitely stay home.
Minor headaches, stomach aches, aches from sports...not likely contagious.
Can your student make it through the day?
Most times these symptoms can be managed at school. What would you be doing at home to make you feel better? Can we try to do that here?". Most of the time, kids will say they will take medicine, take a quick nap and stay hydrated.
What am I doing to help strengthen my child's ability for self-care?
In the health office we want to promote self-sufficiency. We ask questions like, what has helped relieve their problem in the past, and what they did for themselves before deciding to come to the nurse. Can we do something little that will relieve temporary or mild discomfort? Yes. But that's not always what we need. Managing pain with medications last, understanding what your body is telling you, and making changes that you know have worked in the past is the beginning of self-care. So before we decide to stay home, let's make a plan.
If your child is out multiple days, please get a note from your medical team and let your school nurse know.
Please reach out with any questions!
Lindsey Coppola, RN
(508) 584-1070 x3110
Tara Medeiros, RN
(508) 584-1070 x316
The next GMS CAPT meeting will take place on Monday, November 4th at 6:10PM in the GMS Library. We invite all interested parents and guardians to attend!
Important dates to note
Wednesday, October 23rd: Early dismissal day for students
Wednesday, October 23rd: GMS Building Project Community Forum, 6:30PM at GMS
Monday, October 28th: Special Needs Parent Support Group meeting, virtual, 7PM
Wednesday, October 30th: Wear Pink Day at GMS
Saturday, November 2nd: Cantonstock Music Festival at CHS
Monday, November 4th: School Council Meeting, 5PM, GMS Library
Monday, November 4th: GMS CAPT Meeting, 6:10PM, GMS Library
Monday, November 18th: Special Town Meeting
Wednesday, November 20th: Parent-teacher conferences at GMS
Wednesday, November 27th: Early dismissal day
November 28th and 29th: All CPS schools closed for Thanksgiving
Reference Links
Events Around Town
William H. Galvin Middle School
Courtney Gaboury, Administrative Assistant
Jim Spillane, Assistant Principal
Karim Gibson, Dean of Students
Ginny Martin, Student Services Team Chair
Email: mulhernj@cantonma.org
Website: https://www.cantonma.org/gms/index
Location: 55 Pecunit Street, Canton, MA, USA
Phone: 781-821-5070