Cougar Chronicle
Important Dates to Remember
11/18-11/22 - Scholastic Book Fair
11/18 - Book Fair Family Night 4:30-6:30
11/19 & 11/20 - Thanksgiving Feast (no outside food)
11/25-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
Parent Perception Survey
Cogburn Woods and FCS values feedback from our stakeholders. The district is administering an Annual Perception Survey to students, staff, and parents/guardians from Weds. October 16th through November 22nd. After administration, the district will publish summarized reports. We will analyze the data for emerging themes on strengths and areas for growth. This will eventually be incorporated into the schools public Balanced Scorecard.
Please support our school and the love you have for our teachers, staff, students, and community by taking a few minutes to fill out this FCS survey!
CWE Spelling Bee Winners
Counselor's Corner
The topic for next week's Student Success Skills program is "Goal Setting". In the attachment that we've provided below, you'll find the discussion points that teachers will go over with our students. We encourage you to take this opportunity to reinforce these lessons at home as well.
K Lesson- Say the Goal
1 Lesson- Steps to the Goal
2 Lesson- Set a goal
3 Lesson- Make a plan
4 Lesson Planning for Success
5 Lesson- Reach your Goals
Congratulations to all the students/teams who placed 1st in their categories at the CWES technology competition! These students will be moving on to the FCS Technology Competition on Jan. 11th at Riverwood High School.
3-4 Animation:
- Zainab Ali (4th grade)
- Holland Smith (3rd grade)
5-6 Animation:
- Meera Joshi (5th grade)
5-6 Video Production:
- Pranit Pandey & Anvith Sankar (5th grade)
3-4 Digital Game Design:
- Ibrahim Ali (4th grade)
3-4 Project Programming:
- Iniya Gowrisankar (4th grade)
3-4 Mobile Application:
- Taanish Makwana (4th grade)
Get Out and Play!!
The Cogburn Woods PE department encourages students to be physically active outside of school. If you have a picture of your child/family doing something active, please send it to: hanningo@fultonschools.org so that they can be on the All Star Board for the whole week!
Book Fair Volunteers Needed!
CWE Book Fair is just around the corner and we need your help to make it a success! Please sign up to volunteer here:
Before volunteering in any Fulton County school, you must be complete volunteer training. If you have not already done so, the following link will take you to the FCS volunteer registration page:
Student e-Wallet Setup Dates: 10/22 - 11/22
Students can shop without cash thanks to Book Fair eWallet. Teachers can use eWallet to build their classroom libraries.
Click HERE to learn how to set up an e-Wallet today.
Save the dates:
Book Fair Buying Dates
Nov. 18-Nov. 22
Nov. 18th 4:30-6:30
Nov. 19th & 20th
Online Book Fair
Nov. 12th - Nov. 25th (books will be delivered to your house)
Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon!
Cogburn Woods Families, be sure to save the Dates...November 18-22! Click the link below to learn more about upcoming events at this year's Book Fair. CWES Book Fair | Smore Newsletters
Congratulations To US! CWES has just been approved as a Common Sense School, an honor that recognizes our efforts in teaching digital citizenship to young people and engaging the entire school community in this important discussion. The recognition acknowledges our school's commitment to helping students build skills that are essential for their well-being today—and for the opportunities they'll have tomorrow. To learn more about how students can be good digital citizens at home, visit:
Read Gratefully 11/1-11/30
How to log into Beanstack:
1. Go to classlink https://launchpad.classlink.com/fcs
a. Username: FCS student id #
b. password: birthday (MMDDYYYY)
(reach out to your teacher for this info)
2. Click on elibrary
3. Click on Beanstack
4. Click on "Read Grateful"
5. Start logging your minutes
OR Download the Beanstack App to log your minutes
A leaderboard is updated weekly located outside the Learning Commons. Get reading and logging your minutes so you can see your name listed.