Warrior Newsletter
Looking to 2024-2025
Safety Protocols
- Current safety measures will remain in place for next year with a few additional precautions.
- Students can expect random metal detecting at each student entrance each morning.
- East Gaston permits clear backpacks ONLY. We encourage parents to order these early this summer.
- Only SEE THROUGH resealable drinking bottles permitted.
- IF you are purchasing a 3 ring binder....make sure that you choose a binder that has plastic rings only.
- Athletes will discuss athletic bag plans with their coaches.
Examples of See Through Water Bottles
No Specific Brand is Required
Water Bottle can have designs, it just has to be see through.
Fall Sport Tryout Dates will be July 29 - July 31
Football, Volleyball, Women’s Tennis, Men’s Soccer, Women’s Golf, Cross Country
Athletics Facebook - Follow East Gaston page to find all summer schedules for workouts - Must bring a physical to the first workout
All athletes - please create a DragonFly Account @ dragonflymax.com
Athletic Safety- Other than a small clear bag for EMERGENCY ITEMS ONLY, no bags will be permitted at athletic events.
East Gaston Gear - Prepare for next year by visiting the East Gaston Sideline Store @ https://tinyurl.com/EGHSsideline
Ticket Sales - Get your season passes and save money from the Booster Club or @ Ticket Spicket - https://tinyurl.com/3e7fy7mb
Important Dates
- Schedules will be mailed by the 1st week of August.
- August 7th - Freshman Orientation (students only) 9:00-11:00 AM
- August 8th - Drop - in Open House 5:00 - 6:30 PM
- August 14th - First Day of School - Doors open at 8:00 AM.
SENIORS - We will see you in early August for Senior Portraits. Information has been mailed to you.
Tardy Bell Rings at 8:30
Students can be elegibile for exam exemption for non-state exams if they meet the following criteria:
- "A" average at the end of the semester, have four or fewer absences, for the semester in the course.
- "B" average at the end of the semester, have three or fewer absences, for the semester in the course.
***School-related activities are not considered absences as indicated in Part C of GCS Board Policy 3480
***The policy in its entirety will be shared with students at the beginning of the school year.