Lion's Roar
Pride Elementary August 16, 2024
August 29 - Buddy a Thon Kick-Off - PTA School Fundraising Campaign
September 2 - Labor Day Holiday - School Closed
September 9 & 10 - Grandparents Breakfast
September 16 - 20 - Start with Hello Week
September 17 - Fall Individual School Pictures (uniforms are optional on picture day)
September 25 - Buddy a Thon Stuffing Event
September 25 - Save the Date - PTA Back to School Ice-cream Social/General Assembly Meeting
September 26 - Terrific Lions Assembly
Message from our Principal & Assistant Principal
Dear Pride Families,
Thank you for your support and cooperation as we kicked off the 2024-2025 school year, especially during morning arrival and dismissal. What a difference a few days and teamwork can make! Our students and families are doing a great job, and every day goes a little more smoothly than the last. Please follow all traffic laws/rules/procedures and drive cautiously through school zones and the neighborhood. When picking up in the carline, please remember to have your QR pick-up code ready to be scanned and keep your numbered car tag hanging on your rear-view mirror until your child is in your car. Please stay in the center of the drop off/pick up lane near the cafeteria, far to the left of the yellow line and AWAY from the orange safety cones. DO NOT attempt to pull around cars that are still loading or unloading. Remember that the use of cell phones while driving is the carline is dangerous and prohibited by Florida law. You may reference our Quick Reference Guide for Parents (included in first day folders and on our website) for important information including drop off and pick up procedures. Quick Reference Guide for Parents 2024.2025.pdf (hillsboroughschools.org)
Informational flyers are posted in the “peachjar," and this weekly newsletter is distributed via ParentLink email. IF you are not receiving weekly emails from Mrs. English or notifications of peachjar flyers, please email Deborah.Palmer@hcps.net and she will update your email address so that you will receive all important communication😊. Be sure to check out our school website (https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/pride) and our FaceBook page (Pride Elem).
Stronger together,
Paulette English, Principal
Heather Moncrief, Assistant Principal
Our Amazing 2024-2025 Pride Elementary Team
Student Passwords Needed for Sign-in and Sign-out
All parents and guardians should know their child's student number and password. We have a new system for signing students into school late and out of school early that requires this information. Please keep your child's student number and password handy for late arrivals and early check-outs.
Passwords are usually set by the classroom teacher. They are secure but we encourage families to know this information so that students can access important online programs at home as well as at school. We prefer that these passwords are not changed at home. If you need to change your child's password, it is important to let your child's teacher know so that your child can continue to access programs at school as well.
Parent Apps - Questions and Answers
As you have probably heard, Hillsborough County Public Schools has updated to a new Student Information System (SIS) called Synergy. We understand that new parent accounts, logins, and new student sign-in/out procedures are a lot of changes, and we are here to support you.
The Synergy Project Team would like to take an opportunity to answer common questions from the first week of school.
Creating a Canvas Parent Account and Logging into Canvas
To create a Canvas Parent Account, you must register through the Synergy ParentVUE portal. The username created for ParentVUE is also the username for Canvas. You will set a separate password for Canvas the first time you login with the ParentVUE Username. Click on one of the links below for step-by-step directions.
Dear Grandparents
(& Grandfriends)
You are cordially invited to join your grandchild
for breakfast as we celebrate
Breakfast will be served from 6:30-7:10.
Menu - Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Country Biscuit, Grits, & Beverage
Cost: $4.00 per grandparent - CASH ONLY THE DAY OF BREAKFAST - no prepay can be accepted
(Students eat breakfast free as always.)
Grandparents who RSVP will receive a parking pass to display on the dash of their vehicle which will allow them to enter through the back gate and park in the parking lot next to our cafeteria or in Cross Creek Park. Please encourage grandparents to arrive on time so that they will have plenty of time to enjoy breakfast with their special little Pride Lion(s).
Please visit Givebacks to order spirit shirts, purchase yearbooks, purchase birthday marquee messages, make donations, and join our PTA.
Zip Up Jacket Orders
Did we run out of your child’s size spirit shirt or zip up jacket during Meet the Teacher? Please visit our PTA store to preorder: https://pridetampa.givebacks.com/. We anticipate these will be delivered to classrooms by 8/30. Thank you! – Pride PTA
Our Buddy A Thon Fundraising program will kick-off on August 29th! MORE INFORMATION TO COME!
We need volunteers to help in the cafeteria during lunch on a daily basis between 10:00 and 1:30. Ideally, we would like to have recurring volunteers, but any time you can help would be greatly appreciated! The role involves monitoring student behavior, assisting students with opening food items, escorting students to the bathroom or health clinic, helping with spills, etc... Please click on the link below to sign up!
Pride Elementary: Lunchroom Support Volunteers (signupgenius.com)
Pride Elementary School Advisory Council (SAC)
Please see the attachment below for information about our School Advisory Council. If you are interested in serving for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the form and return it by Friday, August 23, 2024.
Thank you to Mr. Chris Stennett (father of Scarlett) and the New Tampa Rotary Club for the beautiful new planters in the front of the school!
Thank you to Mr. Brennen (Mrs. Brennen's husband) for mulching the first-grade butterfly garden!
Mrs. Moncrief appreciated the delivery "help" from these two kindergarten teachers!
Opening day was a big success and we were greeted with a beautiful sunrise!
Meet our Principal, Mrs. English
As we gear up for another exciting school year, we’re happy to introduce our principal, Mrs. English, who is embarking on her 42nd year in education. With 16 years of experience as a school administrator and her role as principal of Pride Elementary since January 2020, Mrs. English brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to our school community.
Outside of school, Mrs. English cherishes time with her family, especially her two-year old grandchildren, Caroline and Liam. She also enjoys traveling, gardening, and neighborhood walks. Her love for new adventures fuels her excitement as we welcome back returning students and embrace the new faces joining Pride Elementary this year.
Meet our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Moncrief
We’re thrilled to introduce Mrs. Moncrief, our dedicated Assistant Principal, who is celebrating her 26th year in education! Now in her 4th year at Pride, Mrs. Moncrief is passionate about meeting new students and celebrating their learning and growth. In her free time, she loves reading and is excited to dive into all the SLAM books. Welcome back, Mrs. Moncrief—we’re looking forward to another exciting year!
About Us
Email: Pride.Elementary@hcps.net
Website: hillsboroughschools.org/pride
Location: 10310 Lion's Den Drive, Tampa, FL, USA
Phone: 813-558-5400
Facebook: facebook.com/PrideElem