Falcon Flyer!
November 4-8, 2024
Woohoo! November! Now, we are moving! This is the month where we will be crunched for instruction, so please make sure to continue to work with your PLC in talking about all the ways you can grow your kids. December will be here before you know it, and there is not much time there since the Benchmark, MAP testing, and end of the quarter hit fast! We really want to encourage our students to do their best on this MAP test, so please let us know if you have specific ideas on how to motivate them!
This week’s events: Q2F1 ELA/MATH
Monday, Nov 4--PLCs; Winthrop future educators visit at 4:00
Tuesday, Nov 5--No school, Election Day
Wednesday, Nov 6-- MTSS
Thursday, Nov 7– Admin--CIP Meeting 10 am; DLI Rising 8th @RHH 6:00 pm
Friday, Nov 8–Admin meeting 9- 11; Pep Rally!
Celebrate AP Day!!
*Progress reports following week; DLI 6th Nov 14
*Grades due December 18 to admin for checks.
Have a great weekend,
Dr. Persinski
Pep Rally!
The Pep Rally is scheduled for Friday, November 8! Sign up to compete against the kids in dodgeball! Sign up HERE.
No Faculty Meeting
Report Card Update
Hello, we have new information as the weighting of the 2025 School Report Card once testing is complete in May. For Growth, ELA will be based on a Value-Added Model (VAM) created from scores across the state (50% of weighting). Math will count and will be equally averaged based on a VAM, MAT, and AVT growth rating (other 50%).
Image below.
Remember, just focus on GROWTH. If you aim to grow each child in some manner, then the achievement will come.
In addition, what we are doing should impact growth: NewsELA in weekly SS, ELA, and Science classes; Enrichment and IXL with math. If we are consistent, and focus on the growth, acheivement will be the result. Every one has to play their part, though. Hold each other accountable
I am sure that we will have more updates in the future as the state makes changes here and there.
Stay consistent, Falcons! Please know, there is a kid every day who looks forward to seeing you!
In an effort to meet various needs, Rock Hill Schools Benefits are expanding offerings for insurance and such (Pet Insurance). These items will not be deducted from checks at this time.
In addition, a site will be provided with a "code" starting November 1 that will offer various discounts. One example that caught my eye--Nike!
Be on the lookout from an email from the district sharing this info soon.
We will be scheduling short check-ins to gather feedback--the good, the bad, etc of how your year is going. Please be on the lookout for an invite to meet!
Eval Cycle
We have about 1 month left in the preliminary period of the evaluation cycle. Concensus meetings begin December 2. Be on the lookout for meeting invitations. We will also have mid-conference meetings for SLOs.
Please make sure your floors are clean and free from trash and cords at the end of the day. Check your room for "hidden trash," too. Any students who are writing on the desks or leaving trash should be asked to pick up the trash and wipe the desk. This is a part of "OWNERSHIP" and taking pride in surroundings. This includes restrooms which are cleaned every day, but they are vandalized by unsupervised students. Admin will send out a restroom schedule next week.
Dean's Nest and Going Global!
Going Global!--Don't forget Saturday!
Sports and Clubs
Winter Sports: Students must have a physical to tryout and be in good academic/behavior standing.
Cheer - Auditorium Nov 6th and 7th 3:30-5:30, final night of cheer in the gym Nov 8th 3:30-5:30.
Girls Basketball- tryouts, Nov 6th 7th and 8th 5:30-7:00 gym
Boys Basketball Tryouts Nov 6th and 7th 3;30-5:15 gym
Wrestling Practice will begin Nov 4th 3:30-5:30 Mon -Fri
The yearbook is currently available for purchase online at the price of $40.00 (link or QR code). This special price is valid until December 20th. After this date, the price will increase to $50.00 and will remain available until April 18th.
SMS--Data and Goals
The district assessment calendar is below. According to our latest assessment memo from the Distrit Office, District Formative Assessment are for ELA and Math only, and they will not count as a grade for the quarter; The District Benchmark for ELA and Math will count as ONE of the five allowable major grades for the quarter (SS and Science will not.) Since the benchmark is considered a summative assessment, it cannot be retaken (see the 24-25 Middle school Grading Guidelines.)
Note****MLL ACCESS testing window is open from January 21 - March 7.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 19!
We are excited about our SIC and PTO for the 2024-2025 school year! Many events are already outlined and planned. Our event calendar can be accessed HERE so save the dates and please post each month for your students!
Upcoming Events and Calendar
November 5: Election Day--No school
November 7: DLI Rising to RHH 9th at 6 pm.
November 8: Pep Rally!
November 13: DC Meeting @ 6 pm.
November 14: Career Day 7th grade; Rising DLI 6th at 6 pm Sullivan Media Center
November 19: SIC/PTO Meeting
November 22: PTO "Thankful for You" Lunch!
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break