SUNsational News!
Sunset Valley's Parent Newsletter|Week of December 9th
A Message from the Principal
I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving break! It's been wonderful to welcome students back to school this week. As we move into the holiday season, I want to remind everyone that our annual Toy Drive is still ongoing. We are collecting new, unwrapped toys for students ages 5-14. If you are able to contribute, please drop off your donations in SVES' front lobby by Wednesday, December 11th. Your generosity will make a big difference in brightening the holidays for children in need. Lastly, please be sure to check the newsletter calendar for upcoming events and important dates. We have a lot of exciting things planned for the remainder of our first semester! As always, thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards,
Mr. Nunn
Add Your Holiday Card to Our Display!
Eat Dinner at Parry's on December 11th!
SVES Toy Drive!
Holiday Parties are Approaching!
It's the holiday season and we warmly invite all parents to attend their child’s holiday party. However, due to limited space and capacity in the classrooms, we kindly ask that only parents/guardians attend—unfortunately, no extended family members (e.g., grandparents, siblings, etc.) will be able to join us this time. We truly appreciate your understanding. We appreciate you letting us know you are attending by completing the SVES Holiday Party RSVP form.
For parents with children in multiple grade levels, you are welcome to attend each party. Siblings, must however, remain with their respective classes. If you have students in, for example, Kindergarten and third grade, you may join the Kindergarten party, and after it concludes, you can leave your Kindergarten child in their classroom while you attend the third-grade celebration. Both children can be signed out with their respective teachers after the third-grade party ends.
Please note that non-SVES students (siblings or other children who do not attend SVES) are not invited to the parties, as we must keep the number of attendees within our capacity limits.
We are looking forward to celebrating with you and your child. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out to our Assistant Principal, Dr. Stevens.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we can’t wait to celebrate the season together!
Instructional Tours
Instructional tours are coming! Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 16. Sunset Valley is opening our doors for parents/guardians and community members to experience a little bit of what our students get to do at SVES. Our teachers are amazing and we want to show off what they do each day. We will begin promptly at 8:00 am and conclude around 10:00 am. You will get to know more about our campus goals and see classroom teachers in action. Please complete the SVES Parent Instructional Tours Form ASAP to reserve your spot today. We can only take the first 20 respondents, so make sure you reserve your spot!
Dads on Duty
We are so excited to have our Sunset Valley DOD! Our numbers are growing each week and we would love to have you! Just complete the Dads on Duty form and we can get you started. Remember, we welcome ALL strong adult figures!
Sunset Valley Happenings
Do you want to know more about what all is going on at Sunset Valley? Here are few other ways you can see the awesomeness that is Sunset Valley. Our amazing PTA has their own Sunset Valley PTA Facebook page. Also, we have a pretty awesome SVES Facebook Page as well!
Sunset Valley Feedback
I love all of the feedback that I have received so far! I REALLY do read the comments and listen to what you are saying. Keep that feedback going by completing the SVES Feedback Form!
Grade Level Newsletters
Important Links
Upcoming Events
This Week:
12/9- Toy Drive Continues
12/9- 12 Days of Cheer Continues
12/11 - Last Day of SVES Toy Drive
12/11- Parry's Pizza Spirit Night
12/11 & 12/12- 3rd Grade to the Natatorium
Save the Date(s):
12/18- 4th Grade to the Kimball
12/19- PTA Student Giveback
12/19- 5th Grade Performance @ 6:00pm
12/20- Holiday Class Parties- 8:45 (K-2) & 10:00 (3-5)
12/20- Early Release @ 11:55
12/23- 1/3- Winter Break
Sunset Valley Elementary
Email: roby.nunn@kellerisd.net
Website: kellerisd.net/sves
Location: 2032 Canchim Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-743-8200