Westwood Intermediate/Middle School

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September 25, 2024 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
Happy homecoming week! Students have been participating in our theme days this week. We have two more. Thursday is sports day, and Friday is SLP spirit day. The football game on Friday at 7 p.m. is always a highlight of the week for students. Tickets for the game can be purchased online (Adults- $8 / Students- $6). Please note these other important details for the game:
- Elementary and middle school students are not able to attend high school athletic events without a supervising adult.
- All school rules are extended to our high school events, for example, running around, throwing objects, using profanity, and physical contact with others will not be permitted.
- Violators of school rules will have their supervising adult contacted and be asked to leave.
- Backpacks, bags, skateboards, balls, etc. are not permitted. Entrance gates do not open until 45 minutes prior to the start of the game.
Watch for our first pulse check of the year tomorrow, Thursday. Expect a text/email from Possip, our partner, with a couple of quick questions. We do encourage you to share your name to help with follow up, if needed. We should have themes to share with you next week.
Thanks to everyone who volunteered before and during our Family Kindness Night last Friday. We had over 150 participants and over 550 acts of kindness!
Reminder that next week is a short week for our students. Students do no not have school on Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4.
Go Panthers!
Tom Larson
Watch for the first pulse check of the year tomorrow
Once again this year, we will be doing occasional pulse check to gain insights about your experience with our school. Watch for the first text/email from Possip, our partner, tomorrow, Thursday, September 26. Respond in your language of choice. Share needs, praise, questions or ideas. You can choose to share your name - or stay anonymous. We do appreciate when people share their names in case there is a need to follow up. It all takes less than a minute.
Early next week, will be looking at the results. We'll circle back on trending topics, respond directly to needs, questions and concerns, and share feedback with our staff. Thanks - in advance - for taking a few moments to share your voice!
5th Grade Band Auditions
5th Graders have had the opportunity to try out woodwind and brass instruments over the past few weeks. If your student is interested in auditioning to play percussion, please fill out the form here or scan the QR code before October 2.
- Thursday, September 26 - MAP Math, grades 5-8
- September 23-27 -
- Homecoming Week and Panther Foundation Sweepstakes
- Kindness/Spirit Week
- Thursday - Sports Day/Do something kind at home
- Friday - Spirit Day/Hold the door open for someone
- Friday, September 27 - Homecoming Football Game, Panther Stadium, 7 p.m.
- Monday, September 30 - PTO Meeting at 6 p.m., Westwood Den
- Wednesday, October 2 - Live on 65: After Hours Big Band – Buy tickets
October 3-4 - No school
Monday, October 7 -
- High school winter athletics registration opens
- Grupo de Padres Hispanohablantes de SLP reunion, 5 p.m., Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School
- October 16-18 - Fall break, no school
- Tuesday, October 15 - Evening Conferences, 4-7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, October 16 - Day Conferences, 8-11:30 a.m. and 12:15-3 p.m.
- Monday, October 21 - Grupo de Padres Hispanohablantes de SLP reunion, 5 p.m., Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School
- Wednesday, October 23 -
- Picture Retake Day
- Caregiver Learning Event: Balancing Acts: Navigating the Spectrum of Relationships (Spanish speaking event), 6-7 p.m. in the Den at Westwood.
- Monday, October 28 - PTO meeting at 10 a.m.
- Friday, November 1 - No school
Kindness Acts
Ms. Backman's class focused on creating posters with kindness quotes to post around the school.
Kindness Acts Winners
These students have won gift cards during our daily drawings for engaged in random acts of kindness this week.
Currently, we are at $6,748 out of $30,000 raised for events including All-School Lock-In, 5th & 8th Grade Trips, Trimester Treat Tables and more. Thanks to everyone who has collected donations and sold Club Choice Products!
What: Email two additional people, it will make a difference! If you haven't started, it's not too late - orders/donations are due Monday, Sept. 30.
*Don't forget to see if company matching is available.
- Anyone who sells one product or submits one donation gets a free snack from the PTO treat table.
- Sell 25 Club Choice items, there is a Pizza Lunch Limo Ride reward.
- Daily drawings for individual and classroom prizes through Raise Craze with easy entry for things like online registration, three acts of kindness performed, and two donations received. .
**BONUS PRIZES: Everyone who raises $100+ will be entered into a grand prize drawing for four people to attend Ball Park's HITTRAX Batting Bay Experience, eat a meal at Raising Cane's and get dessert at Cherry Berry. Every classroom who raises $250+ will be entered into a grand prize drawing to win a free meal from Raising Cane's and class outside. If we reach 50% of our school wide goal of 5000 acts of kindness or $30,000 we will have BINGO at lunch for prizes and if we reach 100% of our goal, we will also have table trivia at lunch for prizes.
- All checks written to: SLP Westwood PTO
- PAYPAL Account @SLPWestwoodPTO
- my.raisecraze.com/WESTWOOD
- https://seller.clubschoicefundraising.com/Home/SchoolPage/WES384
PTO monthly meeting
Come MIX & MEET on Monday, September 30 at 6 p.m. in the Westwood Den! We will have snacks, info from our principal, Mr. Larson, an update from the Panther Foundation, and info about how to get connected and involved. How will you make an impact this year?
Kindness Spirit Week
This week students and staff are focusing on the following acts of kindness:
- Thursday - Do something kind at home
- Friday - Hold the door open for someone
Family Kindness Night
Thanks to everyone who volunteered before and during our Family Kindness Night last Friday and to more than 150 people who participated in our event. Thank you to all the families who donated items to make our kindness kits!
In one night, we made over 200 kindness kits, 40 placemats, 14 blankets, 40 cards, 150 kindness rocks and 100 pet toys. That's over 550 acts of kindness in two hours!!!!
Feed My Starving Children
We appreciate the 60 volunteers at Feed My Starving Children last Saturday. Together, we packed over 14,000 meals - enough to feed 39 children for a year!
The daily bus ride: Going the extra mile
Every September an iconic symbol returns to the roadways: the big yellow school bus. Its presence signals a new school year – and for students who ride the bus – each school day begins by walking up the steps to a warm greeting from their bus driver.
Cheryl Schnebly and Shannon Lathe are two bus drivers who have collectively driven buses of all kinds for 60 years. They work for Lorenz Bus Service, the transportation company that has partnered with Spring Lake Park Schools since 2009 and runs 216 daily routes for the schools.
On separate ride-alongs this month, Cheryl and Shannon show and tell what it means to be a bus driver: the responsibility, the skill and how the job has brought them both many cherished memories over the years shared between driver, student and family. Follow along their route.
Community Partnership Opportunities at SLP
Spring Lake Park Schools invites community involvement to help develop the future workforce. Partners can engage through workplace opportunities, financial support, or direct interaction with students. Find more information about Community Partnership Opportunities or contact Eric Van Brocklin, SLPHS Career Pathways Lead
- Ways to Get Involved:
- Class Speaker: Share your career journey
- Shark Tank Judge: Provide feedback on student projects
- Project Facilitator: Guide students through real-world projects
- Mentor: Support students considering your industry
- Teaching Assistant: Help students with projects in your expertise
- Advisory Council Member: Offer input on educational programs
- Workplace Opportunities:
- Host worksite tours
- Provide internships or apprenticeships
- Financial Support:
- Sponsor a program or donate equipment
- Support student scholarships or provide summer job opportunities
- Fund a field trip bus or offer direct employment to students
Last chance: Panther Store Homecoming Sale and Special Edition Shirt
There is still time to get new Panther gear during the Homecoming sale. Save 15% online now through September 28 with code 24Homecoming. Limited shirts are still available for the special edition shirts. Buy one now before they sell out! Shirts are available online or check out in-store shopping options here.
Panther Foundation Sweepstakes is on
The Panther Foundation Sweepstakes began on Sunday. Today is the last day to enter this year's Sweepstakes. Enter today and have a chance to win for your school and you! Go to the Sweepstakes webpage to complete the daily entry form. There will be one student winner drawn for each school. Students will win a $500 prize and will chose where to direct the funds from several pre-determined projects identified by the school. The winning student will also win a $50 Panther Store gift card to purchase future Panther gear. The winners will be randomly drawn on Thursday, September 26. Good luck and go Panthers!
- Sunday's Question: The Panther Foundation celebrated a milestone at February's 2024 Panthers for a Purpose fundraising event. How many years has the Foundation been giving to Spring Lake Park Schools?
- Monday: What percentage of SLP High School students actively engage in athletics and activities?
- Tuesday: The Panther Foundation is a long supporter of the OEC, Opportunities in Emergency Care program at Spring Lake Park High School. This summer our OEC program competed in the HOSA International Leadership Conference in Houston, Texas with 12,000 competitors from all over the world. What place did our students win?
- Today's Question: What is the total seating capacity of Panther Stadium?
Answers: Sunday, 20 years; Monday, 85%; Tuesday, two teams placed 1st; Wednesday, check back tomorrow!
Crisp & Green in Blaine is supporting Spring Lake Park Schools through a fundraising opportunity on Friday, September 27, 5-7 p.m. Simply order at the restaurant or online using the code CRISPGIVES and 20% of qualified sales will go towards our schools.
- Upcoming non-school day enrichment camps
- Messiest Science Experiments Ever! (grades K-6)
- Golf Squad on Campus (grades 1-6)
- Opportunities in Emergency Care wins top honors at international competition
- Lights, curtain, action!
- Smiles, Fist bumps, Endless Possibilities
- Safety and Security at SLP
- Attendance Matters!
- Live on 65 - After Hours Big Band on Oct. 2
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