Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School February 6th, 2025
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to provide a high-quality education,
and to guide children in living the Catholic faith
Dear Lord, as February is often associated with love, I pray for a deeper understanding of Your divine love in my life. May Your love be the foundation of all my relationships and may it guide me in my interactions with others.
I pray for my family, friends, and those who are dear to me. Strengthen our bonds, heal any wounds, and allow us to grow closer to one another. May our love for one another be a reflection of Your love for us.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
There are so many activities happening at school that are helping students discover and develop their faith, that I wish you could see how valuable a Catholic education is for your child. Developing a child's faith is an important aspect of raising a child. Parents play an integral role in helping to shape a child's spiritual and moral development by providing them opportunity to become familiar with and understand their beliefs. Having a child surrounded by their faith at home as well as at school can foster a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, helps them form their own solid faith and identity, provide security, and cultivate important values.
One of the primary purposes of developing a child's faith is to help them foster their own sense of purpose and meaning in life. For many children, their faith can provide them with answers and guidance when they are faced with difficult decisions and life choices. A strong faith can also provide them with motivation and help them find comfort in knowing that there is something greater than themselves that can offer support and guidance. Children who have a strong faith and strong sense of identity are able to better handle life's challenges with patience, perseverance, and resourcefulness.
Developing a child's faith also helps to cultivate important values and principles. As children learn about their religion and its teachings, they also learn about respect, honesty, and compassion for others. Teaching children the importance of living with integrity and doing what is right can help them become better people and a contributing member in their community. Faith can also provide children with a strong moral compass and help them learn to prioritize what is most important in life, such as personal relationships and values.
In addition, developing a child's faith also helps to provide them with a sense of security and belonging. Having a strong spiritual foundation provides a sense of comfort knowing they belong to something larger than themselves, and that they can turn to it when faced with tough times. A child's faith can be an important source of strength and security, and can provide them with a safe place where they can explore themselves and the world around them.
Holy Moment: Smile at Someone in the Hallway
Mother Teresa said: “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” And it’s true! A smile can turn someone’s day around. Doing little things with great love like smiling is a great Holy Moment. And remember, some moments are holy. Some moments are unholy. And you get to decide!
Tips to Create This Holy Moment:
*Keep your eyes off your phone and pay attention to the people around you!
*Say hi to someone you normally wouldn’t.
*Say “good morning” or “have a good rest of your day!” as you pass by people.
Mrs. Longden
Saint: St. Maria Venegas de la Torre
Aspiration: Come Holy Spirit, increase in me the Gift of Fortitude
Meaning: Taking the steps necessary to carry out objectives in spite of difficulties
Prayer: Dear Jesus, You carried Your cross to Calvary even though You were tired, weak, and hurting. Please give me strength not to give up when life gets hard. Help me keep my eyes on You and Your Kingdom so I can do what is right even when I am tired and afraid.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11: 21-29
Opposing Trait: Quickly giving up when a task is challenging
Ways to Cultivate: Complete a task from start to finish. Stay with a task when it is hard, difficult, or boring.
Looks Like/Sounds Like: Finish your chores and homework even when you don't feel like it. "I am not going to give up!" Complete homework on time. Finish chores even if bored or tired. Complete task from start to finish. Stay with a task even when it is hard, difficult, or boring.
Catholic Social Teaching - The Dignity and the Rights of Workers
- Work is a form of continuing participation in God's creation. If the dignity of work is to be protected, the basic rights of workers must be respected.
Caught Practicing Virtues
The following students were caught practicing the virtues:
*Sloane H was practicing industriousness when she tried her best with writing in cursive and stayed focused.
*Emery B was practicing the virtue of respect when she stopped her line to let other students pass.
*Penelope K was practicing the virtue of self-control when she noticed it was snowing and didn't distract the class by announcing it.
*Susan P was practicing the virtue of self-control was she switched centers quickly and got back to work.
*Austin B was practicing the virtue of respect when he was patient as a line leader and waited for another student to pass.
*Mary R was practicing the virtue of respect when she led respectfully by example.
*Melanie B was practicing the virtue of self-control when she started on her church journal even when others kept talking.
*Bethany H was practicing the virtue of self-control when after a direction she waited patiently.
*Hattie M was practicing the virtue of kindness when she brought a gift back for a friend who couldn't be at BizTown.
*Ernest G was practicing the virtue of prudence when he helped Mrs. Wolf put paper on a bulletin board without being asked.
*Liam S was practicing the virtue of self-control when he switched centers quickly and went right back to work.
*Carl P was practicing the virtue of prayerfulness when he walked back from communion with prayer hands.
*Dax S was practicing the virtue of prayerfulness when he said a prayer for a friend who got hurt at recess.
*Laney K was practicing the virtue of respect when she led respectfully by example.
*Harlan G was practicing the virtue of self-control when he switched centers quickly and went right back to work.
*George D was practicing the virtue of self-control when starting his assignment even though others were standing and talking next to him.
*Brantley O was practicing the virtue of kindness when he opened the door for recess for 3K students.
*Brantley O was practicing the virtue of industriousness when he got his work done at a timely manner and persevered through a challenge.
*Hudson L was practicing the virtue of industriousness when he continued to participate in class discussions and stay focused in lessons.
*Hudson L was practicing the virtue of self-control when helping at lunch.
*Hannah M was practicing the virtue of industriousness when she followed all the directions and took her time on an assignment.
*Natalie K was practicing the virtue of respect when she shared her song book with her classmate.
*Susan P was practicing the virtue of respect she fixed the carpet in the hallway without being asked.
*Bentlee R was practicing the virtue of respect when he shared his song book with his classmate.
2025-2026 Registration
Thank you for your continued support of Holy Trinity and for prioritizing Catholic education in your child’s life. Registration for the 2025-26 school year is underway.
Tuition alone does not cover the cost of your child’s education. In addition to your tuition, support from our parishes and monies raised by third source funding help to cover the remaining gap. Therefore, the support of your parish and various fundraisers significantly impacts the cost of tuition.
It is our belief that when you send your child to Holy Trinity you place a high value on quality Catholic education. Your investment is personal, precious, and lifegiving. May God’s blessing be with you as we work together to provide the best learning environment for your child(ren).
Registration is due February 25th. After that, the instructional fee increases.
Student Council Valentine Grams
This February, the students at Holy Trinity will be able to purchase heart-gram Valentines. Starting on Monday, the 10th, at all recesses, heart grams will be available for purchase. A classic paper monogram costs fifty cents, and a heart gram with a water bottle sticker costs one dollar. They will be available for sale until Thursday, February 13. Student council will deliver the heart gram on Friday, February 14th. All proceeds will go to Project Bubaloo, which raises awareness of congenital heart diseases.
Home and School Information
We hope everyone who was able to join in the Tubing night last Thursday had a great time! It was the perfect weather! Thanks for coming out.
Middle School families (6th-8th grade), you should have received an email with a survey. Please complete it as soon as possible so we can begin to plan out a fun time!!
Our next fundraiser will be Thursday, March 20th: Cousins Sub Dine-Out night! Please mark your calendars (and menus) and plan to pick up a sub or two to support HTS! The more the merrier, so spread the word to all your family, friends, and neighbors!
Check back here and on the Facebook Family page for more details in the upcoming weeks!
Coincidentally, if you DO plan to dine-out that evening, consider purchasing a Cousins Sub gift card through the Scrip program to double your support of the school!
Have a blessed weekend!
If you need to get in contact with the Home and School Association, please email them at homeandschool@htschool.net
If you would like the advisory commission to discuss anything, please email at advisorycommittee@htschool.net
SCRIP Ordering Dates
The following dates are when SCRIP will be ordered through the school office:
February 17th
March 3rd and 17th
*Please have orders placed by 8 AM on Mondays.
*We will have some cards on hand in the office for sale as well. Please call the office ahead of time to make sure we have what you would like to order. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School through the purchase of SCRIP!
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, February 6th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:00 PM
Friday, February 7th - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
Wednesday, February 12th - Mass (Grades 3K, 5-8)
Friday, February 14th - Mass (Grades 4K-8) Bishop Schuerman celebrating Mass
Wednesday, February 19th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Friday, February 21st - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
Monday, February 24th - Picture candids
Wednesday, February 26th - Mass (Grades 3K, 5-8)
Friday, February 28th - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
March 3rd-17th - ITBS Testing (Grades 2-8)
Wednesday, March 5th - Ash Wednesday Mass (Grades 3K-8)
Thursday, March 6th - Baptism Mass (February/March/April Baptisms) (Grades 4K-8)
Thursday, March 6th - End of Trimester 2
Friday, March 7th - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, March 12th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Friday, March 14th - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
Wednesday, March 19th - Mass (Grades 3K, 5-8)
Friday, March 21st - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
Wednesday, March 26th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Friday, March 28th - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
Saturday, March 29th - Pancake Breakfast with Easter Bunny
Calendar of Cash
Thursday, January 30 - Mary Jane Kirst
Friday, January 31 - Heather Lijewski
Monday, February 3 - Carol Ramthun
Tuesday, February 4 - Evan Schladweiler
Wednesday, February 5 - Louise Martin
School Newspaper Link
Check out our school newspaper.
Articles will be updated each trimester.
Wildcats Basketball Schedule
Basketball Schedule:
Friday, February 7th (8th Grade Night) - WCHSA at Holy Trinity
Parish/School Events Flyer
See the attached for information on events happening within the Parish and School.
Missoula Children's Theatre
It is time again to prepare for the Missoula Children's Theater. It will take place the week of March 10th to the 15th, 2025 in the high school theater. There will be two shows again this year on Saturday the 15th, one at 3 pm, and another at 7pm.
Attached you will find the poster and audition notice. The bottom portion can be returned and signed by the parent at the time of auditions.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603