Title I Newsletter
Hiram Elementary School
What does it mean to be a Title I School?
Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of academically at-risk students. The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services, resources and activities that support students who are identified as those who would benefit from Title I services the most in order to meet the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading, and writing.
Mrs. Lynne Patterson
Email: lpatterson@paulding.k12.ga.us
Website: https://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/Domain/14
Location: 200 Seaboard Avenue, Hiram, GA, United States
Phone: 770-443-3392
Title I Teachers
Ms. Cathy Robinson
Mrs. Staci Gillespie
Parent Involvement
Parent Engagement
Hiram Elementary School
Parent and Family Events
PTA meeting ~ September 12, 2019 6:00 p.m.
Back to School Night ~ Grade Level Parent Meetings ~ September 12, 2019 6:00 p.m.
Teachers will share grade level expectations, academic curriculum, strategies, assessments data specific to your child, student goals, helpful resources and more.
English Language Learners (ELL) Parent Meeting – September 12, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
Parents of English Language Learners (ELL) are invited to review your child’s ACCESS score reports and meet with the ELL teacher.
Annual Title I Part A Parent Involvement Meeting ~ October 11, 2019 at 8:15 a.m.
All parents are invited to the Annual Title I Parent involvement meeting, where information on what it means to be a Title I school will be shared. Invitations will be sent home, posted in the school’s newsletter, and on the school’s website.
Parent-Teacher and Student Conferences ~ October 14 – October 18, 2019
Scheduled update on your child’s progress and partner with teachers to support student academic success
PTA Meeting ~ December 12, 2019 6:00 p.m.
Family Reading Night ~ December 12, 2019
Learn strategies to help your child and do reading activities with your child
Back to School Night ~ Grade Level Parent Meetings ~ January 23, 2020
Teachers will share assessments data specific to your child, student goals, helpful resources and more.
PTA Meeting ~ March 5, 2020 6:00 p.m.
Family Math Night ~ March 5, 2020
Families and their children will apply math learned in the classroom to real world math activities.
Parent-Teacher and Student Conferences ~ March 16 – March 20, 2020
Scheduled update on your child’s progress and partner with teachers to support student academic success
News You Can Use Parent Meeting~ May 20, 2020
Parents are invited to review and provide input in developing: the Hiram Elementary School and PCSD Parent and Family Engagement Plans, Title I Parent and Family Engagement Budget, Family-School Compact and the School-wide School Improvement Plan. Invitations will be sent home, posted in the school’s newsletter, and on the school’s website.
Easy ways to volunteer!
Join the PTA.
The PTA is always looking for parent volunteers.
Attend school board meetings.
You will have the opportunity to provide your input as well as get an inside view on how the school board makes decisions that affect your community’s schools.
Share your time and talents.
Teachers often need parent volunteers to help with small-group activities, reading to children.
Organize a workplace tour.
Do you work for a company that would be an interesting place for a field trip? Suggest a class visit to your office.
Start a cleanup crew.
Are crushed soda cans and scrap paper the primary decor on campus? Why not designate one Saturday in the spring “School Cleanup Day”?
Nurture your green thumb.
Have you noticed that the school grounds could use some work? Talk to the principal or PTA about gathering a group of parents to plant trees or flowers in a few spots around the school.
Volunteer at the school library.
Most schools, short on funds to hire librarians, rely on parent help to keep the library open for students. Offer to check out or shelve books, assist students, or donate money to buy books for the library.
Why Read Aloud?
Listen and Learn with Audio Books
Does your child have a library card? Check out your local library.
Cloud Library is our main e-collection. It contains over 6,000 e-books and e-audiobooks. This collection is updated monthly, and is available for anyone with a library card that starts with 21057 and your library PIN. Apps are available for iOS, Android, Kindle Fire (later versions only), Windows, and more!
Save the Date
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences: October 15-19, 2018
Spring Parent Teacher Conferences: March 25-29, 2019
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Are you considering a career change?
The Technical College System of Georgia consists of 22 technical colleges with one university system technical division and 85 satellite campuses. The system provides a broad range of career opportunities through a variety of certificate, diploma, and associate degree programs; continuing education programs; and economic development programs.
Microsoft Office 365
Paulding County School District is very excited to have the opportunity to offer the Microsoft Office 2016 suite to all Paulding county students for FREE.
Internet Essentials Program
Fast, affordable home Internet service. 9.95 a month plus tax *
* If your child receives free or reduced price school lunches, you may qualify.
We know that many students and their families would like to have Internet service at home so they can do homework, search jobs, communicate with others and much more. We also believe the Internet can be an important part of your child’s education.
If you have at least one child receiving free school lunches, your family may qualify for this fast, affordable home Internet service for the new school year. Internet Essentials costs just $9.95 per month (plus tax). For participating families, there are no price increases, activation fees or equipment rental fees.
In addition, you can buy a low cost computer for just $149.99 (plus tax) and receive free Internet training — online, in print and in classroom.
If you think this might be right for your family, it’s easy to get started. Call Comcast toll free at 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376) to see if you qualify, enroll and get connected. Or for more information, you can go to InternetEssentials.com.