Class of 2030 Monthly Newsletter
Academy of International Studies
January Preview
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, January 15- Early Dismissal; 7th grade Career Workshop Day (Students dress up for success)
Thursday, January 16- 7th Grade Field trip - Yale Peabody Museum
Monday, January 20- No School (Martin Luther King , Jr. Day)
Tuesday -Friday, January 21-24- Early Dismissal (Mid-terms exams for High School students)
Career Readiness Workshops Day
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy 2025! 🎉 We hope this year brings joy, growth, and success to your family. As we kick off the new year, we are excited to provide our 6th and 7th-grade students with an opportunity to focus on their futures through our Career Readiness Workshops!
These workshops are designed to inspire, educate, and prepare students as they explore career options and essential life skills.
Workshop Sessions
1️⃣ My Brand – Discover personal strengths and build a professional identity.
2️⃣ Career Paths & Clusters – Learn about diverse career options and industries.
3️⃣ Career Mapping – Set goals and create a roadmap to success.
4️⃣ On the Hunt – Develop strategies for finding opportunities and building connections.
5️⃣ Soft Skills – Master teamwork, communication, and other essential skills for future success.
Event Details
📅 When: Wednesday, January 15th | 8:00 AM–10:50 AM
📍 Where: AIS – Students will report to their Core 7 class and rotate together.
👔 Dress for Success!
Encourage your student to dress professionally to reflect the spirit of career readiness.
✨ Gotcha Tickets = Big Rewards!
🎉 Students will earn Gotcha Tickets for dressing up and participating.
🎁 These tickets can be used in an exciting raffle with awesome prizes!
Why This Matters
The Career Readiness Workshops offer a fun and interactive way for students to:
📈 Develop essential life skills.
🚀 Begin planning for a bright future.
Let’s make 2025 a year of growth and achievement for all our students. Thank you for your continued support in preparing your student for success. We can’t wait to see them dressed to impress and ready to engage!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Best regards,
Tania E. Thibault M. Ed C.A.G.S
6th grade M-Z counselor
7th grade A-Z Counselor
Field Trip Opportunities!
Ecology School
We are happy to announce that the Ecology permission slip form for 7th grade is available on PowerSchool. The trip takes place April 2-4, 2025, and offers students an exciting opportunity to experience nature firsthand and learn about ecology and our environmental impact. Please review and sign the form as soon as possible, as the deadline to sign up is March 5, 2025.
Please remember:
Students will need a ride home on Friday, April 4 at 4:00.
- Cost is $100, with $50 serving as a deposit, refundable after student participates in the trip. The other $50 will cover the bus, a T-Shirt and snacks on the bus ride there and back.
- Please select the student T-Shirt size (Adult sizes – XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL)
Powerschool access information:
To complete the online permission slip form, please login to your CREC PowerSchool Parent Portal account at https://crec.powerschool.com/public/ or by opening the PowerSchool app on your phone.
If logging into the Parent Portal, select the Forms icon and then click on the form to open. If using the PowerSchool App on your phone, go to the More menu, then Forms, and click on the form to open.
Para completar el formulario de permiso en línea, inicie sesión en su cuenta del Portal para padres de CREC PowerSchool en https://crec.powerschool.com/public/ o abriendo la aplicación PowerSchool en su teléfono.
Si inicia sesión en el Portal para padres, seleccione el ícono Formularios y luego haga clic en el formulario para abrirlo. Si usa la aplicación PowerSchool en su teléfono, vaya al menú Más, luego a Formularios y haga clic en el formulario para abrirlo.
W.I.N is a designated class for students to complete assignments for any subject and/or use enrichment options to enhance their learning. The Grade Level Work Log/Enrichment Options link provides a convenient way to support your child's learning at home.
What’s Happening in the Classroom?
Reading: Patient Zero
Students have analyzed the behavior of epidemics. Students are looking at article on the spreading of kindness. Students will analyze how social behaviors and thinking can spread in the same manner of sickness.
Date or Due dates:
Read Chapter 5 by 1/10/25
“Kindness Contagion” Article and Note-Catcher by 1/9/25
Ask your child:
- How have we seen similarities across different epidemics?
- Are social epidemics real?
Writing: Informative Writing
Students pick an epidemic/pandemic topic from the book Patient Zero.
They learn critical research skills to help study and analyze topics.
Using their research, they draft and revise informative essays.
Later in the unit, they will adapt their informative essays into scripts and create podcasts.
Learner Profile: Inquirer
Due Dates / Summative:
Students are currently writing a summative informative essay
Please watch for an email regarding due dates on the summative
Once the students are done with their summative essay, they will work on a podcast script related to their topic
Ask Your Child:
What topic are you researching in Writing?
Global Systems: The Middle East
Following the first half of our unit, which included the geography, ancient history, and religions of the Middle East, students researched one of six different topics affecting the region today (Water Scarcity, Syrian Refugee Crisis, Women’s Rights, etc). They utilized multiple sources of information to answer a set of research questions for their notes. Currently, they are working to synthesize their findings and create a written paper or multimedia project as a way of sharing their research with others.
Coming up soon:
Jan 15: All papers/projects due.
Jan 20: New unit “Russia and Eastern Europe” begins.
Ask your child: Which topic they have chosen for their Middle East Inquiry Project. They should be able to summarize what they’ve learned so far.
Math: Unit 5 - Rational Numbers Arithmetic
In this unit, students perform operations on rational numbers, which are all numbers that can be written as a positive or negative fraction. This builds on grade 6 work with interpreting, comparing, and plotting rational numbers. It prepares students for a later unit when they will solve equations. In addition, students are expected to justify reasoning about distances on a number line and about negative numbers, account balances, and debt. Students are also expected to explain how to determine changes in temperature, how to find information using inverses, and how to model situations involving signed numbers.
Coming up soon: Students will learn how to budget!
Science: Chemical Reactions and Energy
Students are working on their flameless heater design before embarking on a series of investigations to learn about different chemicals and the best combination to use for a more efficient flameless heater.
Date or Due dates:
This is a live link of our unit agenda. All materials to be used in class are embedded in the agenda including assignments and due dates. The link to this agenda is also posted in Schoology.
Agenda #3 -Chemical Reactions & Matter 2024/25
Ask your child:
What ideas do you have for your flameless heater design? How would you measure its efficiency?
Spanish: Units 2A and 2B
Having recently returned from medical leave, I have focused on identifying which material needs further coverage and doing some assessment to establish their level of understanding and application in the following areas: Subject Pronouns, Regular -AR verbs, all the forms of the verb SER (to be, permanent) used correctly with adjectives, adjectives to describe what someone is like, and an introduction to the verb ESTAR ( to be, temporary) with its conjugations, and vocabulary of emotions. By the end of the term students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability through their performance in two additional formative assessments and at least one summative assessment.
Band: SMARTGoals!
Subject: SMARTGoals!
Musicians are making progress on their SMARTGoals, which were set in October and will need proof by our midterm block on January 22nd. Musicians should be practicing at home for at least one hour a week
Coming up soon:
January 21st - SMARTGoal Results (Midterm)
February - SixFlags Competition PowerSchool Permission Form Due
Ask your child: What are some ways you can practice without your instrument?
Music:Investigating the World Through Music
Welcome to the new Trimester! Musicians are working on their in-class Music Journals to explore the four Areas of Inquiry, and developing skills on the ukulele!
Coming up soon: There are formatives on ukulele nearly every week - keep an eye on PowerSchool for success tracking!
Ask your child: What they hear when they listen to music with you!
Get in Touch with Us!
Do you have questions, comments, or concerns for a specific teacher or class?
If you have general grade level questions, please contact the 7th grade team leader, Maria Capellan Polanco at mcapellanpolanco@crec.org, or grade level dean, Ben Simon at bsimon@crec.org.