Edgewood News
An e-newsletter from Edgewood Middle School
January 31, 2025
Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 3 - 8th Graders Registering for 9th Grade
- Thursday, February 6 - 7th Grade Field Trip to MN Science Museum
- Thursday, February 13 - Parent Communication Night/Mid-Year Check In/5th Grade Parent Information Night
- Monday, February 17 - No School - President's Day
- Friday, February 21 - Edgewood Unity Event
Edgewood Quiz Bowl Team Places First in Tournament!
Hank O’Hara (8th grade) won FIRST place for individual performance out of 127 students. Both A and B Teams will attend the Quiz Bowl National Competition in May.
Free Heart Screening Event (Grades 6-12 Only)
The Patrick Schoonover Heart Foundation is hosting a free heart screening event at Highview Middle School on Saturday, February 1. The screening is open to all young adults aged 14-24 to identify heart conditions that otherwise might go unnoticed. Learn more and register for a screening at https://playforpatrick.org/screening-schedule/.
Seventh Grade Field Trip Chaperones Still Needed
We are still in need of chaperones for our 7th grade field trip to the Science Museum! If you would like to chaperone this field trip, please email Dan Perucco at daniel.perucco@moundsviewschools.org.
Candy Gram Sales
Eagle Leaders will be selling candy grams before school February Monday, February 10, through Thursday, February 13, in the activities entrance. They will be 75 cents each and they come with a candy pop, a custom card, and delivery! You can send a candy gram to yourself, a friend, someone you like, or as a secret admirer! You can also send a candy gram to a teacher or a staff member! Proceeds will be donated to the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf.
National History Day Judges Needed!
Our Social Studies Department is looking for volunteers to help judge the History Fair! We need volunteers from 7:45 am-2:30 pm on Thursday, February 13, in the school library (LMC). If you are willing to volunteer or know of someone who may be interested, please contact lead teacher, Zoe Kourajian at zoe.kourajian@moundsviewschools.org.
5th Grade Parent Information Night
We are hosting a Middle School Enrollment Parent Information Night for families of current 5th-grade students on Thursday, February 13, 2025, from 6-7:30 pm.
The night begins with a presentation from Principal Tweh that starts at 6:15 pm in our first-level gymnasium near the cafeteria. The presentation will cover registration for 6th-grade classes and an overview of the student experience at Edgewood, so parents have insight into the day-to-day experience. After the presentation, our current student leaders will provide a tour of Edgewood to meet our current teachers. The night is geared towards parents of incoming 6th grade students only. Student orientation will take place in May.
Feed the Teachers: Taco Bar
EPAT would like to show our appreciation for all of our teachers and staff at Communication Night on Thursday, February 13! If you are willing to donate a food item to the taco bar, you can sign up here. Please bring any food items to the office after 2 pm on February 13th. Non-perishable items can be dropped off earlier that day. Label any items that you'd like back. Please pick all items up by Friday, February 14. Thank you!
Upcoming Spirit Week!
Join us for our upcoming Spirit Week. Themes are below for each day:
Friday, February 14: Valentines Day - Dress in Pink White or Red
Tuesday, February 18: Pajama Day - Dress is your PJs
Wednesday, February 19: Twin Day - Dress as a Twin, dynamic duo or wear your Twins Gear
Thursday, February 20: Student-Staff Swap - Students dress as Teachers, Teachers dress as Students
Friday, February 21: Culture Day - Celebrate your heritage by wearing cultural clothing or regalia that represents your culture!
Edgewood Unity Event
We would like to cordially invite you to join us at this year's Edgewood Unity Event on Friday, February 21, 2025, from 2:30-3:45 pm (Activity buses provided for students that RSVP). The Unity Event is in place at Edgewood to help students celebrate the wealth of diversity that exists within our school building and the community. In our school, we have students from all different walks of life, who speak different languages and have unique traditions which all contribute to making Edgewood a special place.
We are looking for family volunteers to host a cultural table to talk with students about their culture and share why it is special. Volunteers will be asked to bring in artifacts, clothing, photos, or games that are relevant to their culture and share it with students. If you choose to volunteer, you will be stationed at a table where you are able to lay out information and items. Students will walk around from table to table engaging in authentic conversations about the different countries represented.
If you or your family owns a business/restaurant and are interested in collaborating, consider reaching out and discussing possibilities for involvement.
If this event sounds like something you want to be a part of or you would like more information, please contact Megan Oberg, megan.oberg@moundsviewschools.org or 651-621-6633.
Did You Know?
The District will be hosting its seventh annual Student Honoring Pow Wow on Saturday, April 26, at Irondale High School. All are welcome to this FREE event. The event will begin with a grand entry, honor students and end with a feast.
Registration for the 2025 STEPS Program one-day STEM summer camps is now open!
STEPS (Science, Technology & Engineering Preview Summer), a FREE one-day summer camp at the University of St. Thomas that introduces girls in 6th, 7th or 8th grade to the exciting world of science, technology and engineering is now open for registration.
If you are a parent of an eligible student or know someone who is, we have a favor to ask of you! Please help us spread the word about the 2025 STEPS Program.
Benefits for Girls Who Join the 2025 STEPS Program:
Student participants will explore the engineering design process, engage in creative problem-solving and gain hands-on experience while connecting with mentors and exploring the engineering labs on the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul MN campus. They will have the opportunity to make new friends, learn from college students and teachers about engineering, and enjoy lunch on campus.
How to Register:
Because the STEPS Program is a FREE opportunity, student selection will be done through a lottery system. Registration is now open, and parents will be notified of their student's program enrollment status by the end of March 2025.
Camp Dates and Schedule:
STEPS Program one-day camps will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the following dates:
- Grades 6th & 7th: Monday, June 23, Tuesday, June 24 and Wednesday, June 25, 2025.
- Grades 7th & 8th: Thursday, June 26 and Friday, June 27, 2025.
PARENTS: Register for a 2025 STEPS One-Day Summer Camp
Questions? Please contact me, Kelsey Irizarry at cee@stthomas.edu.
P.S. Want to learn more about STEPS Program at St. Thomas? View our STEPS web page.
Activity Bus Routes
Regular school day buses leave Edgewood at 2:32 pm.
Activity/After-school routes leave Edgewood at 3:45 pm (Monday- Thursday).
There are two after-school/activity bus routes, buses #65 & #8. To find the location of your students' drop-off location for the after-school bus routes, click here.
After-school Activities
The Student Bulletin with after-school activities happening next week can be found here.
Library Committee Club
The Edgewood Library Committee is a student-led and student-driven club that meets every Wednesday after school from 2:30 to 3:30 pm in the LMC. This club involves many different activities from creating library displays, promoting books, reading with elementary students at Sunnyside Elementary, hosting school-wide writing contests, and much, much more. Every student is welcome! We hope to see you on Wednesday!
Musical Analysis Club
Love musicals? Join other students to watch/listen to musicals and talk about motifs and animatics! The Musical Analysis club will begin on Monday, February 3, and take place Mondays afrom 2:30-3:40 pm in Room 12. We hope you join us!
Edgewood Maker Space
Do you love designing, creating and learning!? Do you want to continue with your Integrated Science journey after school!? Well this is the activity for you! In Maker Space, you'll be Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, and Vinyl Cutting. You can make your own creations OR work through guided assignments to create things like shadow lamps, clocks, croc charms, key chains, and pixel art to name a few. This is a great opportunity for everyone from experts to beginners. Come join the fun after school on Mondays from 2:30-3:40 pm starting January 27 through June 2. Click the link HERE to start your registration. Any questions, please contact Mr. Sworsky at brian.sworsky@mvpschools.org.
Mindfulness Movement Middle School Yoga Club
Join Tara, founder of The Mindfulness Movement, for yoga and mindfulness classes specially designed for middle schoolers! Sessions will take place on Wednesdays from February 19-March 12 in the Gymnastics Gym. These sessions combine fun physical activity with relaxing mindfulness practices to help students build strength, flexibility and balance while learning techniques to manage stress, improve focus and find inner calm. In a supportive and inclusive environment, participants can express themselves, grow and develop a strong sense of self and well-being as they navigate this stage of life. Register here.
Swimming - Coed/Competitive
All swimmers are welcome to swim with friends and work on improving stroke, Skill-building, strength and conditioning plus competitions. Activities will not meet on non-school days. Activity buses are available after practice for eligible students. Game day busing will bring all students to host school departing at 2:35 pm and return remaining students to their home school ONLY by 5:30 pm. Please bring a swimsuit, towel and water bottle.
Practices will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30-3:40 pm from February 24 - April 9; meets are 3:00-5:00 pm on 3/12 & 4/9 at Edgewood Middle School (tentative schedule). Register here.
Swimming - Coed/Non-competitive
All swimmers are welcome to swim with friends and work on improving stroke technique, strength, teamwork and sportsmanship. This is Practice only (no competition days).
Non-competive swimming will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:40 pm from February 25 - April 10 and will not meet on non-school days. Activity buses are available after practice for eligible students. Please bring a swimsuit, towel and water bottle. Register here.
Badminton - Coed
Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Participants can play in singles or doubles. Badminton will not participate in competitions. Activity buses are available after practice for eligible students at 3:45 pm.
Practices will be held from 2:30-3:40 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from February 25 - April 10 in the Red Gym. Register here.
Reduced Fees & Financial Assistance
Youth who are residing within the Mounds View Public Schools boundaries and currently qualify for educational benefits and/or free/reduced lunch may be eligible for reduced fees and partial scholarships to qualifying Enrichment & Activities programs. Financial support is provided by the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf, District Community Education Scholarship fund and other community donors. Qualifying Enrichment and Activities will have a Financial Support/Educational Benefits fee rate that is 50% of the full fee for the program. If additional support is needed, please see the call 651-621-6020 and/or click here to complete the Youth Financial Assistance Request Form.
Community Programs
FREE Tutoring Services
Ramsey County Libraries offer a FREE tutoring service our students can use.
This FREE service provides tutoring for grades K-12, but also includes an Adult Learning Center page.
It is 1:1 live tutoring that covers all of the major areas: Math, Science, English/LA, S. Studies, and Reading Assistance
It's live from 1pm-11pm every day in English and Spanish.
The tutors time technically ends at 11 pm, but they will stay on the line with the student until their questions have been answered.
Students can go to gothomework.org and choose Ramsey County Library and put in their library card.
They also can download the Brainfuse app for Apple or Android and get the same service.
If students don’t have a library card, they can also put in: 2208900xxxxxxx with the last 7x being any numbers they choose. This will also allow them to connect.
Youth Day at MVCC
Join the mounds View Community Center for a motivational and impactful Courage2Crossover Youth Day on Saturday, April 19, beginning at 11 am.
Expand Your Mind Program for 8th Grade Students
Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth (MITY) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides academic enrichment programs to advanced learners in grades 1 - 11. Our programs take place at multiple locations in the Twin Cities and there is a residential option for current 8th - 11th grade students to stay in the dorms at Macalester College. Need-based financial aid is available; we encourage all bright and motivated students to apply. This summer we are offering over 100 unique classes in STEM, humanities and the fine arts, all taught by experienced educators. Small class sizes, field trips and a focus on experiential learning empowers students to pursue their passions with peers from around the world who share their interests. 100% of last year's participants said they had a "great overall experience at MITY". Check out the information about our Expand Your Mind (EYM) program for current 8th - 11th grade students!
Class of 2029 Registration
Irondale High School deans presented information about high school registration to our 8th grade students on Tuesday, January 7. The presentation can be found here.
Middle School Consent Form for High School Activities
Seventh & eighth grade athletes that wish to participate on a high school team will also register online. Before you begin your online registration, approval must be obtained from the middle school principal or dean, the high school activities director, and coach. In addition, signatures from both student & parent/guardian are also required. You can get a copy of the middle school consent form in the front office or print out a copy.
A Friendly Reminder From Our Health Office
Cold and flu season is officially upon us. See below for some reminders about when students should stay home from school when they have symptoms of illness or are recovering.
If your student:
- Has a fever of 100° degrees or more, they should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication.
- Has vomited or has had diarrhea, the student should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
If your student is ill before coming to school, please keep them home and report the symptoms or illness using the attendance line (651-621-6601) each day your student is sick. If your child has a confirmed contagious illness such as chicken pox, strep throat, pertussis, influenza, or COVID-19, please indicate that in your message or call the Health Office directly (651-621-6604).
To help prevent the spread of illness, we follow the guidelines of St Paul Ramsey County Public Health to determine when a student may return to school.
Prevention behaviors include:
- Frequent and thorough hand washing
- Sneezing and coughing into sleeve
- Keeping hands, pencils etc. away from eyes, nose and mouth
- Staying home when sick.
Additionally, our custodial staff will be implementing some deep cleaning of high touch surfaces around the school over the extended weekend.
Thank you for your partnership to help reduce the spread of illness within our school community.
Order Your Yearbook Online Now!
Yearbooks can be ordered here. Order now to guarantee a copy for your student at the end of the school year. The online order window closes Friday, March 14, 2025.
Students or parents, if you have any photos with teammates, music mates, or friends that you'd like to share in the yearbook, please send a copy of the photo to Mr. Creagh at benjamin.creagh@moundsviewschools.org.
Edgewood Spirit Wear
Show your school spirit! Orders will be processed on the 10th of every month, with delivery approximately 3 weeks from that date. Find your school store and place an order at mvpschools.org/spiritwear.
Friendly Chromebook Reminders
Chromebooks are provided to each student to provide access to digital learning opportunities in class. Please remind your child(ren) of the following:
- Charge your chromebook each night so you're ready for school in the morning.
- Treat your chromebook with care. Chromebooks can be damaged if they are in your backpack and it gets tossed, thrown, or dropped.
- Keep chromebooks in a safe place at home.
- Chromebooks are to be used by the person they are assigned to. Please do not allow your siblings or friends to use your chromebook.
General School Information
The front office hours are Monday-Thursday from 6:45 am - 4:00 pm and Friday from 6:45 am - 2:45 pm.
To report an absence, student arriving late, or leaving early, please call 651-621-6601.
Here is the general information packet that was sent out in our back to school mailing for easy access.
Here is the 6th Grade A/B Calendar for the school year. The A/B days pertain to phy-ed/music classes.
Here is the daily bell schedule, as well as the "Nest" Schedule on the second page.