Bluejay Bulletin
November 2024
Principal's Message:
November 2024
Greetings Parents,
As we prepare for the second quarter of the school year, I want to say Thank You, for working with us to get through first quarter. We do understand that many challenges can arise with the start of each new school year and your patience, support and understanding are greatly appreciated.
With that being said, we look forward to diving deeper into the learning process as the year progresses. Thus far your children have worked diligently to navigate their new classes, participated in new clubs, sports or activities, and made connections with their teachers and classmates. We are confident that all of these things will add to the wholeness of their school experience.
In the event that your child experiences trials or tribulations, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. If it is classroom specific, please contact your child’s teachers first. If there are other concerns, please contact our school counselors or me. We want to work with all of our families to support our students and their learning.
In honor of Thanksgiving, I want to share my heartfelt gratitude for each and every one of you and your commitment to your child(ren), this community, and our school. It truly takes a village to raise our children and we are thankful to be in Athens.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Gauerke-Peter
Athens Middle/High School Principal
Principal fun fact: I was born and raised here in Athens, and now live on the same road that I grew up on. I have come full circle.
👗🏐 October Highlights 🏈 🎉
Build my future event held at NTC
Build my future event held at NTC
Build my future event held at NTC
FFA Fall Leadership Conference
FFA Fall Leadership Conference
Middle School Choir performing their annual concert at AES
Freshman Class to Camp Forest Springs near Westboro Wi
Freshman Class to Camp Forest Springs near Westboro Wi
Freshman Class to Camp Forest Springs near Westboro Wi
Football Friday Yoga with Mrs. Brewster
National Honor Society new inductees.
National Honor Society new inductees
Middle School Homecoming week
Middle School Homecoming week
Middle School Homecoming week
Cross Country Medalists
Middle School Cross Country
1st Team All-Conference - 3rd Place Overall, Ben Hartwig - 2nd Team All-Conference - 12th Place Overall, Ellis Baer - 2nd Team All-Conference - 15th Place Overall. For MS, Lauryn Hartwig took 2nd Place Overall in the Conference! Great Job!
National FFA Convention
Indianapolis Speedway. The girls and Mrs. Bunkleman.
National FFA Convention
National FFA Convention
Indianapolis Speedway facility.
National FFA Convention
The crew outside the Indianapolis Speedway.
Middle School Team Building exercise
Middle School Team Building exercise
Middle School Team Building exercise
Eli Paul was selected and performed with the state honors band
2024 WSMA High School State Honors Band
Eli Paul was selected and performed with the state honors band
2024 WSMA High School State Honors Band
📣 🏈 Athlete of the Month! 🏐🏃
Brianna Sheahan/ Cross Country
Brianna is the energetic glue that keeps the team bonded and interesting! She works hard at practice, is respected by her teammates and other competitors, but also has fun and is charismatic with all those around her.
Bailey Hanke/ Volleyball
Evin Passehl/Football
🍕 November Lunch Menu 🥪
Counselor's Corner:
Mental Health
Mental health is a vital part of overall well-being, especially for middle and high school students who face unique challenges as they grow and develop. During these years, students may experience academic pressures, social changes, and personal struggles, which can impact their mental health. It is essential for educators, parents, and peers to recognize signs of emotional distress, such as changes in behavior, mood, or academic performance, as early support can make a big difference. By fostering open conversations and providing resources, we can help create a supportive environment where students feel safe to seek help and build resilience for the future. Here is a great resource for parents below.
Bullying in the middle school/high school handbook is defined as: a person willfully and repeatedly exercising power or control over another with hostile or malicious intent. Bullying can be physical, verbal, electronically transmitted, psychological (e.g., emotional abuse), through attacks on the property of another, or a combination of any of these. Examples of bullying include:
A. Physical – hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, pulling, taking and/or damaging personal belongings or extorting money, blocking or impeding student movement, unwelcome physical contact.
B. Verbal – taunting, malicious teasing, insulting, name calling, making threats.
C. Psychological – spreading rumors, manipulating social relationships, coercion, or engaging in social exclusion/shunning, extortion, or intimidation.
D. "Cyberbullying" – the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging (IM), defamatory personal websites, and defamatory online personal polling websites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.
Examples include calling a student “gay” or “trans” and even telling your friends to not talk to someone because they reported you for bullying. Spreading rumors or sharing videos of others in bad situations is also bullying.
Aggressive behavior can result in: co-curricular sanctions and/or disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion. Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement officials.
The results of Bullying on the Bullied
Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood.
Health complaints
Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test scores—and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school.
The results of Bullying on the Bully may include
Abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and as adults
Get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school
Engage in early sexual activity
Have criminal convictions and traffic citations as adults
Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults
According to the American Psychological Association, studies have found that today’s children experience the same levels of anxiety as the average 1950’s psychiatric patient.
Bullying doesn’t need to be one of the reasons!
📖 Students of the Month 📖
Aleah Frahm/ Band
Hazel Klockziem/ Band
Audrina Stevens/ Physical Education
Jaci Hart/ Physical Education
Brynley Louis/ Health
Jaelin Switlick/ Health
Alexis Mollan/ Art
Brooklyn Soens/ Agriculture
Autumn Diethelm/ Art
Hunter Zoromski/ Tech & Engineering
Olivia Booth/ Tech & Engineering
Kyana Janda/ Business Information
💡 Reminders
Nov. 1st ASVAB testing (Juniors) 8-11am
Nov. 2nd State Cross Country Tournament
Nov. 4th and 5th FBLA Leadership Lab in Stevens Point
Nov. 5th Marawood Honors Band and Choir/Stratford @ 6:30pm
Nov. 8th & 9th @ 7:00pm, & Nov. 10th @ 3:00pm High School Musical/ Hunchback of Notre Dame
Nov. 11th Veterans Day Assembly 10:15am
- Nov. 15th- 16th FFA Leadership Conference
- Nov. 27-29th No School/ Thanksgiving Break
- Dec. 8 HS/MS Winter Concert 2:00pm HS Gym
- Winter Sports Schedule Available on District Website
Pickup/Dropoff Procedures 🚗
Absences ☎️
- Please contact our Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Young at 715-257-7511 by 8:15 am to let her know of your child's absence or appointments. Do not message this to your child's classroom teacher as they do not always have time to check it throughout the day. The office will be letting classroom teachers know.
MS/HS Lunch Policy🍽️
- Athens Middle/High School is a closed campus. Per the 2024-2025 Student Handbook, no student shall be allowed to leave school premises during the lunch period without specific written permission granted by the Principal.
RVA Resources:
Did you know there is a Learning Center in your district?
It is a program at a brick-and-mortar building in your school where you can go in person. At the Learning Center, you can find:
A space to work on your RVA courses
between in-building courses and activities
as requested by RVA staff
if you are placed on academic probation
Technical support
About your Learning Center
Coordinator: Ms. Shelly Carpenter
Email: mcarpenter@athens1.org
Phone: 715-257-7511
Address: 601 W Limit Rd. Athens, WI 54411
Room Details/Directions: Room 131
Hours of Availability: 7:30 am -3:30 am
Notes on Availability: Learning Center hours available upon request. Please call ahead if not already scheduled to come in.