Middleton Update
January 16, 2025
Dear Middleton Families,
As we head into a new year, and our overall attendance is looking good, we will begin to focus on decreasing our number of tardies each day. All of our classrooms start with what we call "Soft Start" each morning. Students have choice in how they begin their day. While choices vary from classroom to classroom, some examples include: reading, coloring, drawing, playing a game with a friend, building with blocks or legos, etc. This allows for a smooth, easy start to the day, and gives kids the opportunity to engage with their friends and neighbors.
The school day begins at 7:55. This is an odd time, I know. :) Students who are in their classroom at 7:55 are considred on time. Anyone who arrives through the front doors after the bell rings at 7:55 is considered tardy and checks in at the office before going to class. "Soft Start" activities are from 7:45-8:00, so students who are tardy miss out on this slow start to the day and have to jump into whatever lesson the class has started when they arrive.
We continue to work on the traffic flow each morning, because we know this can contibute to on-time arrival. On dark, rainy days, traffic is heavier. Remember, you can drop your child(ren) off beginning at 7:30. Anyone who arrives before 7:45 will go to the cafeteria where we have adult supervision. Students are dismissed to their classrooms at 7:45 to begin their day. Traffic is light in the parking lot from 7:30 to 7:45 and drop-off is quick and smooth. Traffic picks up significantly after 7:45, so drop-off time increases. Thank you all for your help in making drop-off and pick-up smooth and safe!
Middleton Family Movie Night
When: January 24th (Doors open @ 5:30, movie starts @ 6:00)
Movie: The Wild Robot
All students must be accompanied by an adult.
See flyer in Friday Folders for more info.
Staff Appreciation Week
Look! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Middleton’s Staff Appreciation Week! Our staff appreciation week is Monday, February 3rd through Friday, February 7th. Flyers will come home in your student's Friday Folder on Friday 1/24. Our teachers and staff are truly superheroes in disguise and we want to give a big WOW! for all that they do! Our staff will be treated to many events and treats that are all superhero themed. There are many ways in which you can get involved that work best for you and your family. CLICK HERE for ways you can contribute to our staff lunch and coffee delivery next week. Please feel free to come up with your own ideas!! We always love creativity! Thank you SO incredibly much for helping to make this week extra special for our staff. We will be sure to share everything on social media!
We need your photos!! Please login to treering with the school passcode as listed on the flyer. Add your photos and share them with the school so we can use them in the yearbook! Any photos of the first day of school, winter parties, sports and friends, class activities etc are welcome to be shared!!
Art Literacy
January Character Trait: Self-Control
This month, all of our classes will be learning about self-control. Self-control is the ability to manage our emotions, behaviors and thoughts, especially in difficult situations. To connect learning from school to home, consider asking your student(s) these questions:
- Why is having self-control an important trait to have?
- What are some ways we can practice self-control at home?
How can we show self-control at school?
What is the opposite of self-control?
Middleton PAC Updates: Opportunities to Get Involved
Family Movie Night
Family Movie Night is just two weeks away on Friday January 24th! Doors will open at 5:30 pm, and the movie will begin at 6:15 pm. We hope you can join us! Additionally, we are looking for volunteers to help it run smoothly. Please see the sign-up here to find a way to help. Thank you!
Middleton Student Store
Our School Student Store will only be open 5 more times this year and we need a few more volunteers! Please sign-up here to help. The Student Store operates out of our library from 7:30-7:50 one Friday per month allowing students a time to purchase fun items such as scented pencils, sports pens, drawstring bags, straw toppers and much more. Items are priced at $0.25, $0.50, and $1.00. Exact change is appreciated, but we can make change if students have small bills $5.00 or under.
Free Dental Care
Who: Children ages 5-18 years old
What: Each year Pacific University's Dental Hygiene program has an event called Give Kids A Smile. They provide free dental cleanings, exams, x-rays, fillings and extractions.
When: Saturday, February 22, 2025 (by appointment only, call 503-352-7373)
Where: Pacific University Dental Hygiene Clinic: 2nd floor Creighton Hall, 222 SE 8th Avenue, Hillsboro
2025-2026 Sherwood School District PreK
We are excited to announce that we will be offering full day and half day Pre-K for the 2025-2026 school year! To be eligible, students must be four or five years old on or before September 1, 2025. Our full day program will run from 7:55 am - 2:15 pm and costs $945 per month. Half day options include 7:55 am - 11:00 am or 11:10 am - 2:15 pm and costs $470 per month.
Interested in our Program? Please complete an interest form and our Early Learning Coordinator will be in touch with more information in January. Registration opens on January 13, 2025. Questions? Contact prek@sherwood.k12.or.us or visit our website.
Upcoming Dates
January 17, 24, 31 | Chess Club @ 7:00 am
January 22, 29 | Early Release @ 1:15
January 20 | No School: MLK Day
January 24 | Middleton Family Movie Night
February 3-7 | Staff Appreciation Week
February 7 | Popcorn Friday
February 5, 12, 19, 26 | Early Release
February 7, 14, 21, 28 | Chess Club
February 13 | 5th Grade to Biztown
February 17 | President's Day, No School
February 18-21 | OBOB Battles
February 18-21 | Food Drive
February 21 | Horseshoe Hop
March 7 | End of 2nd Trimester
Helpful Links
Previous Middleton Updates
August 19 | August 30 | September 9 | September 13 | September 20 | September 27 | October 4 | October 10 | October 17 | October 24 | October 31 | November 7 | November 14 | November 21 | December 5 | December 12 | December 19 | January 9