WMS Newsletter
May 2023

1/13: Report Cards mailed home
1/20: Martin Luther King Jr Day - school closed
2/17: President's Day - school closed
2/20: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:003/7: Quarter 3 Incentive (games in gymnasium)
3/20: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:00
3/24-3/28: Spring Break
4/14-4/18: ELA Ohio State Tests (Grades 6-8)
4/22-4/25: Science Ohio State Tests (Grade 8)
4/28-5/2: Math Ohio State Tests (Grades 6-8)
5/16: Quarter 4 Incentive (Wilmington College visit)
5/21: Field Day/Last Day of School for Students
Students may be excused with a parent call-in for the first 10 absences in the school year. The following are board-approved reasons for an excused absence. When calling the front office, please communicate the reason your child will need to miss school. If you are signing your child out during the school day, you will need to come in to sign your child out in person.
The Board considers the following factors to be reasonable excuses for time missed at school:
personal illness (a written physician’s statement verifying the illness may be required)
appointment with a health care provider
illness in the family (the absence under this condition shall not apply to children under fourteen (14) years of age)
quarantine of the home
death in the family
necessary work at home due to absence or incapacity of parent(s)/guardian(s)
observation or celebration of a religious holiday consistent with his/her creed or belief
out-of-state travel (up to a maximum twenty-four (24) hours per school year that the student’s school is open for instruction) to participate in a District-approved enrichment or extracurricular activity
such good cause as may be acceptable to the Superintendent
service as a precinct officer at a primary, special or general election in accordance with the program set forth in Policy 5725
absences due to a student's placement in foster care or change in foster care placement or any court proceedings related to their foster care status
absences due to a student being homeless
Students are expected to be on time to class. Teachers will track student tardiness to class. Unexcused tardies shall have consequences as follows:
- Tardy #1: Warning
- Tardy #2: Teacher will call home to inform parent/guardian of unexcused tardies
- Tardy #3: Teacher will call home and after school Cane Academy from 2:45-4:00 will be assigned
- Tardy #4: Further consequences will be assigned by administration to work towards improving the students' attendance to class. If a student is more than 5 minutes late to a class he/she is considered to be skipping. Students that are considered to be skipping, consequences will begin at the tardy #3 level above.
January 2025
During the second semester, we will continue to focusing on improving behavior at WMS by utilizing the PBS (Positive Behavior System) framework.
PBS is about engaging students and promoting academic and social success. It focuses on teaching positive behavior so students will be successful in school and in life. Our overall goals include creating a positive environment that allow students to communicate and work with one another successfully. This framework will also provide students with tools to become more resilient and better communicators/problem solvers in the face of adversity. The ultimate goal is to increase learning time and foster a space where students feel valued.
WMS State Testing Information
Spring is right around the corner, and that means testing season is coming soon. Below, you will find dates for your child's Ohio State Tests as well as some tips and tricks to ensure your student does well on these assessments.
ELA (All Grades)
Part 1: 4/14
Part 2: 4/15
Makeup Days: 4/16, 4/17, 4/21, 4/22 and 4/23
Science (8th Grade Only):
Part 1: 4/22
Part 2: 4/23
Makeup Dates: 4/28-5/5
Math(All Grades):
Part 1: 4/24
Part 2: 4/25
Makeup Dates: 4/28-5/5
1) Ensure your child has consistent attendance at school each week.
2) Staying positive about school and building/state assessments.
3) Ensure a good night's sleep before the testing day.
4) Ensure your student eats a nutritious breakfast the day of a test.
5) Have your child dress comfortably, as the tests can be 2+ hours long.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
Below is a reminder:
Students are not permitted to use or have their phone on them during school hours. Students will be required to keep their electronic devices locked up in their locker or check their personal electronics (cell phones/earbuds/smartwatches) into a classroom teacher to be kept in a secure cabinet for the duration of the school day. Students will pick up their devices at the end of the day from their final classroom teacher or take it out of their locker. Cell phones are not be permitted during lunch.
Student Procedures
Students will put their personal electronic devices in their locker or check-in their personal electronic devices to their last period teacher upon arrival in the morning, between 7:30am-7:38am.
Devices need to be turned off when placing in the locker or upon check-in.
Students will check-out the devices upon dismissal at the end of the day.
*If students arrive late to school, they will put their phone in their locker locked up or check their phone into the office for the day. Those students will be called down at the end of the day to have their phone returned if checked in at the office.
Community Messenger: One-Calls
We want to make sure everyone is connected, especially as we get into the winter season. Families that are in our student management system will get one-call notifications automatically. If you have other family members or community members that would like to receive notifications and information from the school please use the linked photo here to sign up.