Harrington Happenings
May 27, 2024
Happy Monday Harrington Families
I hope everyone has had a wonderful long weekend. While everyone has been enjoying the down time this weekend, I would be remiss to not mention the importance of today, Memorial Day. Memorial Day, is a federal holiday, that is the nation's foremost annual day to mourn and honor its deceased service men and women. Originally called “Decoration Day,” it was formalized by a “Memorial Day Order” issued by Grand Army of the Republic Commander-in-Chief John A. Logan in 1868. It is a time for remembrance and gratitude for those that made the single most important sacrifice for our freedom. Through America's 247 young years compared to most of the world, 1, 304,447 service men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice. As you have enjoyed time with family and friends during this weekend, please take a moment to pause and remember the true meaning of Memorial Day.
Please remember that if you are changing the way in which your student will be dismissed on a particular day please send in a note with your student, or call the main office. Teachers will follow the consistent plans of that day unless there is notification from a parent/guardian to them directly. Students can be confused on dismissal plans which causes extensive confusion and a delay in the dismissal process. Again, please send in a note or call the office if you change the way your student will be getting home on any particular day.
Thank you for your continued support of Harrington. We are an inclusive community, a special community, a community that will continue to support each other.
Please ensure that you are receiving all communications from the school and that your contact information is up to date. If at any time you have changed your contact information, please let the school know so we can update our systems.
As always, thank you for your continued support of our Harrington community. Please reach out to me or Karen with any questions or concerns as always.
Once again, remember to…"Stay Respectful, Stay Responsible, Stay Ready... Embrace the challenges, learn from mistakes, and have fun"
Be safe! Stay well!
Rob & Karen
Let's Stay Connected!
Final Family Math Night
June 3rd at 7pm ~ 🎉🔢💭 Monday Night Math at Harrington
A Virtual Event to Enjoy Math Together!
last one of the school year
With Dr. Molly Rawding,
Ms. Kate Rose, and Ms. Kelly Hardy
Sign Up: http://gg.gg/MondayNightMath
Thank you to everyone who came out for ice cream and took a chance on experience raffles! Winners will be announced during school this week!
HPTO’s 3rd annual (and final event of the school year) Color Run is this Sunday, June 2 from 1-3pm! School is almost done, let's have some fun!!
This event absolutely cannot happen without volunteer help (color dust won’t throw itself!) and we need all hands on deck! Please sign up here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4FA8A92AA0FBC07-49782270-color#/
There are two registration options: $25 per participant (includes a color run t-shirt, sunglasses, and 3 color packets) or $5 "come for the fun" participation only. Please sign up using one of the following links:
$25 registration: https://forms.gle/2NQkojn3PzucR3256
$5 registration: https://forms.gle/WgjDX625LhohiKfT8
**Financial concerns should never stand in the way of families participating in school events. If you are interested in this event please contact our school counselor Mrs. Rhames: albertl@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Mark your calendar for our final meeting of the year: June 5, 6:30pm. Virtual link will be available next week!
C. D. Harrington Elementary School
Email: asselinr@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://harrington.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 120 Richardson Road, North Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5166
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harringtonelementarychelmsford/