Carr Talk

Message from Dr. Argento
THANK YOU, Carr PTSA!!!! Our snow day was ✨⛄MAGICAL✨⛄! Please Join PTA!
I hope this Carr Talk finds you well. Thank you to the efforts of teachers, staff, and our Carr Community, we were able to donate many needed supplies to the fire victims in partnership with the Los Angeles Lakers. We continue to have fundraisers in classrooms, school-wide donations, and other opportunities available to anyone interested. THANK YOU!
Please see important updates:
- Run Club returns this week!
- ELMAC - English Learner Multicultural Advisory Committee. Join us January 24th right after the assembly in the science lab. PLEASE RSVP HERE for ELMAC Meeting.
- 1/21-30 Parent Conferences 2:12 Dismissal all days 👈 👈 👈
- 1/25: Saturday, 9:00-12:00 TK/K Incoming Interest Fair at Torrance High School
- 2/7 Student Free Day- No school
- 2/10 (Lincoln's Day) and 2/17 (President's Day) NO SCHOOL
All my best,
Amy Argento, Principal
Welcome Ms. Bambi!
Please give a warm welcome to our new crossing guard, Ms. Bambi! RRAH!
Attendance Matters Reminder
As a reminder, prompt and regular attendance at school is required by law for all children because regular presence in school has a direct, important impact on a student’s educational success.
Missing just 1-2 days of school a month, (even if they are excused) can lead to lower reading scores, falling behind peers, and a much greater chance of not graduating. In addition, if a student misses an entire day of school, our schools will not receive important state funding for educational materials and programs.
We know that unforeseen circumstances may occur, so if your student has to be out, consider making it only a partial day, or if they are out for three or more days, please reach out to your classroom teacher and our office staff to start an Independent Study Contract so that your student can keep up with the learning.
**PLEASE NOTE** students can use up to 15 days TOTAL for these contracts and must be at least 3 days at a time.
This Week at Carr
Parent/Teacher Conferences begin Tuesday 1/21. Dismissal for all 1st-5th Graders at 2:12pm!
Monday 1/20No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Before & after school music classes
1st-5th Dismissal @ 2:12pm for Conferences
TUSD Board Meeting
Wednesday 1/22~YMCA Play~ EARLY DISMISSAL 2:27 PM~
- 1st-5th Dismissal @ 2:12pm for Conferences
Thursday, 1/16 ~PE~
- 1st-5th Dismissal @ 2:12pm for Conferences
Friday, 1/17
Flag Assembly at 9:05am (parents enter through back gate on 170th St)
1st-5th Dismissal @ 2:12pm for Conferences
Upcoming Events
- 1/21-30 Parent Conferences 2:12 Dismissal every day for 1st-5th grade.
- 1/27-1/31 Great Kindness Challenge Week
- 1/29 Lunar New Year
- 1/31 ELMAC Meeting @ 10am
- 2/3-2/7 National School Counselors Week
- 2/7 No School - Student Free Day (Staff PD)
- 2/10 No School - Lincoln's Day
- 2/14 Valentine's/Friendship Day
- 2/14 ELMAS Meeting @ 9:45pm
- 2/14 PTA Glow & Love Family Dance 6pm-8pm
TK/Kindergarten Parent Info Day on Jan. 25th
Dual Language Parent Information Night on Jan. 30th
Thank you from the Lakers
Lakers (@Los Angeles Lakers) posted: The strength of Los Angeles, thank you to everyone who’s donated https://x.com/lakers/status/1881076756209336430?s=51&t=PtT0RR8XpyltcP5yfCpkMg
Thank you to all of you who were able to attend the STEAM Fair Parent Information meeting. Here is the recording of the meeting and the parent information slides we went over. You can also get all of the documents and information on the website: bit.ly/tusdsteamfair .
Reminder: Please keep your Run Club ID cards! They will be used all the way through 5th grade!
If your card is lost, you can either have your laps manually tallied after each session, or you can purchase a replacement card for $5. Contact carrrunclub@yahoo.com
We also hand out stickers after each session. If you have an excess of stickers around and would like to pass them off, we'll gladly take them! Thank you!
The Carr Cub Run Club is a club for grades TK-5 that promotes a positive and healthy opportunity for our children to develop a routine of physical exercise, in addition to daily morning exercises.
The club will run Wednesday mornings, from 8:00 AM - 8:35 AM.
Registration for the 2024-25 school year is necessary to participate.
TK/K as of January, drop-off is accepted, and will no longer require a TK/K parent.
All children will run/walk the outside area of the blacktop/playground and will be calculated per lap to accumulate mileage. Prizes will be awarded to top earners throughout the year.
Can Parents Be Involved? Absolutely. Cleared parents can run/walk with the students. Volunteers can help set up/monitor the track, mark laps for runners, calculate mileage, and help award prizes. Either contact Gail at carrrunclub@yahoo.com or Ms. Ibarra at ibarra.cristal@tusd.org for questions or to volunteer.
Mystery Carr Staff Member
The Mystery Carr Staff Member from the last Carr Talk was .....Our very own, personal Carr Cub Greeter, Ms. Jean👉
Do you think you can guess who the NEXT Mystery Member is?
Next week's Mystery Member's Clues:
What is your favorite animal? ...Dogs
What do you like to do outside of school? ...Spend time with my family and friends.
What college did you go to? ...Long Beach State
Do you have a special talent? ...I like to sing.
What is your favorite sports team? ...Lakers, Rams, LA kings, Dodgers
Your favorite event, activity, place, or time of year at Carr...Carnival
What would the students say if I asked them "what do you know about this Carr Staff Member? ...“I sing, I am funny, I care about them."
An Extra Clue: ..I am strict but fair.
Watch D.O.G.S. Updates
THANK YOU to our Watch D.O.G.S volunteer last week, Mason Wright! We greatly appreciate your time and presence with our Carr Cubs. The kids enjoyed having you and hope you join us again!
Still working on becoming a cleared volunteer? Click here to complete your application: Raptor Volunteer Application
Need information on the program or joining Watch D.O.G.S.? Please contact carrchair@gmail.com
If you are already cleared and ready to schedule your volunteer day, you can sign up here: Watch D.O.G.S. 2024-2025
Information from the PTSA!
Clothes for Cash Fundraiser NOW - 1/27/25
We’re excited to announce our upcoming Clothes for Cash fundraiser! Clean out your closets and support our school by donating gently used clothes. Simply use the provided bag, fill it with your donations, and bring it to school no later than January 27. Every contribution helps us raise funds while promoting sustainability. Thank you for your support!
PTSA Valentine's Dance
Save the Date! February 14th from 6-8pm will be our Glow & Love Valentine's Day Dance! Get your glow on and show off your best dance moves with your Carr friends and family! Wear your best neon outfit, come grab some glow sticks and meet us on the dance floor!
Ticket includes dinner, glow sticks, photo booth, and dancing fun. Tickets will go on sale SOON!
Please check out our January PTSA Carr Chronicle!
As our nation struggles with yet another tragic incident of school violence, we want to remind you again about the important tool we use to help keep our schools secure and our students safe: the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System offered through the Sandy Hook Promise.
This life-saving service empowers you, our students, and our community members to anonymously report any concerns, including potential threats, bullying, or individuals who may be at risk of harming themselves or others. There are three ways to make a report:
Call the 24/7 crisis hotline counselors at 1-844-5-SayNow (1-844-572-9669)
Download the mobile app at Google Play or Apple Store
Submit a tip through their secure website
No matter how you report, Say Something ensures that every voice is heard and every concern can be addressed promptly.
We encourage you to remind your children about the importance of speaking up if they see or hear something troubling so that we can partner to address issues before they escalate. By working together, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone.Your Student May Be Eligible for a CalKIDS scholarship worth up to $1,500!
As a California public school student, your child may be eligible to receive a CalKIDS scholarship of $500 to $1,500 for college or career training. Funded by the State of California, a CalKIDS scholarship can be used for qualified college and career training expenses such as tuition and fees, books and supplies, computer equipment, and some room and board expenses. Checking a student’s eligibility and claiming a CalKIDS scholarship is easy. It only takes a minute. All you need is your child’s 10-digit Statewide Student Identifier (SSID), which can be found at the top of the page when you select your student in PowerSchool. For more information and to check your child’s eligibility, visit CalKIDS.org
Help Shape Torrance's Future: Take This Survey!
The City of Torrance is updating its plans to ensure a safer, more sustainable, and inclusive community. These updates will:
Guide how land is used for housing, businesses, and open spaces.
Improve policies to protect against natural disasters and environmental challenges.
Address community needs like cleaner air, safer neighborhoods, and better access to resources.
We need your input! Please take a moment to share your thoughts by completing this survey.
Your voice matters in shaping Torrance's future!
Report an Absence
A reminder that when your child is absent, please make sure to report your absences using one of the three methods listed below.
There's 3 ways you can report an absence
- You can go to the Carr website and click the "Report An Absence' button. Fill out the form. Form is linked here.
- Call the office at (310) 533-4467.
- Email your teacher AND our office clerk, Harril.Aida@tusd.org
When reporting an absence, please provide the following information:
- Your child's name
- Child's Teacher's Name
- reason for the absence
- You must report an absence for every day that your child is absent.
- Doctor's note may be requested if a child is absent for multiple days for illnesses.
- Please contact the teacher directly when requesting classwork and homework for the day.
Note: All TUSD employee's emails are their Last Name.First Name @tusd.org - If your child is going to be absent for 3 or more days, please request an Independent Study so your child's absences can be cleared (if assignments are submitted on the day of your child's return).
Website: https://www.tusd.org/schools/carr
Location: 168th Street, Torrance, CA, USA
Phone: (310 ) 533-4467
The Nutrition Services Updates
The Nutrition Services Department has gone cashless!
- Students and Staff will now be able to use their LinqConnect (formerly known as Titan) account balance to purchase a la carte items and extra meals.
- We can still accept cash and checks but change will NOT be provided. Any remaining funds will be added to the account instead.
Menus are available on Canva and LinqConnect on our website.
Evelyn Carr Elementary
Website: https://www.tusd.org/schools/carr
Location: 168th Street, Torrance, CA, USA
Phone: (310 ) 533-4467
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarrElementarySchool
Twitter: @carrcub