The Sabin Star
January 21st, 2025 Volume #3 Issue #8
From the Principal
Happy 2025 Sabin community!
Students hit the ground running with MAP diagnostics for reading and math growth as well as the i-Ready diagnostic. These tools help us to differentiate instruction for students as well as target our interventions to meet each students' needs. We are proud of our students and their perseverance with difficult tasks like this.
But we still make time for fun. Our Fun Friday Dance Party has returned. Each Friday under the covered area we host a dance party for our students. K-1st @ 10:30, 2nd-3rd @ 10:50, 4th-5th @ 11:10. Our Fun Friday raffles are happening and we are always looking for new ideas for prizes and activities for students.
Our fifth grade safety patrol is up and running thanks to PTA and many parent volunteers.
Interested grade 4 and 5 students have submitted their applications for Student Leadership. We want to help our students learn valuable skills including completing applications and how to interview. Wish our brave young leaders luck as they interview to join Student Leadership.
February will be here before we know it and we are planning some very special events for our Black History month at Sabin. At the end of the month students will be performing some musical selections for the school. In addition we are busy planning our Black Excellence Symposium which will be on Wednesday, February 26th this year. This event is open to our entire community and is a celebration of Black Excellence at Sabin. We will have guest speakers, dinner, awards and time to mingle and meet neighbors and future friends in our community. We hope your family will reserve the date.
Lastly, the recent Great Schools rating show a lot of reasons to celebrate the incredible work done daily by the Sabin staff and our students, not to mention the feeling of community being cultivated by PTA, BBPAC and YOU. We don't stop working when successes are presented but we do take a pause to notice greatness, things going well and look for ways to continue making academic and social-emotional growth for each child in our care.
Thank you and your family for being a part of our amazing community!
Michael Diltz
Proud Principal
Grading and Planning Days January 27-28: NO SCHOOL
Report Cards available online 2/3/25
Reminders from the Office
Did your phone number change over winter break?
If so, did you remember to update the information in ParentVue, or notify the office of the change? It's flu season, and we've already discovered several unknown contact changes while trying to call parents about sick students!
You can enter new information yourself using ParentVue, or email hmaharry@pps.net with a request to update the contact information.
If your address changes during the school year, we are able to update that information once we see two proofs of address (rental agreement/mortgage statement, utility bill, bank or insurance statement, etc.) showing your name and the new address. You can upload them to ParentVue when changing the information, or send the info to the office at the email above. Thanks.
Attendance calls @ 9:30
Dear Elementary and K-8 Families, Please note an important change to our attendance process. To enhance our focus on student safety, automated attendance calls through Remind will now begin at 9:30 AM instead of 10:30 AM. To avoid receiving a call, please report your child's absence to the school before 9:15 AM. Thank you for your cooperation. -PPS
Library Capital Building Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The Library Capital Building Projects Program Management Office is excited to invite you to the ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the updated, expanded North Portland Library. New spaces and features include the new Black Cultural Center with artwork by Sadé DuBoise, Melanie Stevens and Kayin Talton Davis and an early learning and play space by Burgeon Group.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony:
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 9:30-10 am
North Portland Library: 512 N Killingsworth Street, Portland, 97217
DJ and photo opportunities before the event, beginning at 9 am
Dignitaries’ remarks
Ribbon-cutting ceremony
While the ribbon-cutting ceremony is primarily a media event, it will be the start of two, fun-filled days of activities for the community on Saturday, February 8 and Sunday, February 9. Featuring a performance by the Jefferson Dancers, food from local Black-owned businesses and more, there will be plenty to do while exploring the new features of North Portland Library. Patrons can stay up-to-date on opening events on the library website.
We are excited to celebrate with you and hope you are able to attend.
Questions? suzannec4@multco.us
Dear PPS Middle Grades families,
PPS is moving to a new Standards-Based Grading System for all 28 middle schools. The purpose is to provide clearer and more meaningful feedback to students. Some of our middle schools are already using this approach, and research supports its benefits. Our K-5 schools have also made progress in this direction with their report cards.
We invite you to visit our middle grades Standards-Based Grading website at pps.net/sbg. There, you can find updates, resources, timelines, materials, and FAQs.
Family and Community engagement (Virtual and in person)
February 13, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
March 13, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
May 8, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
There will be three family and community engagement events in person and virtually at the Prophet Education Center (501 N. Dixon St.) in the PPS boardroom. We invite all who have current middle grades students or students entering into the middle grades to these presentations where we will provide updates as well as listen to feedback and answer questions.
We believe grades are an important way to communicate with students and families. This new system will make it clearer what students need to do to meet academic expectations.
If you have any questions, please contact Richard Smith at rsmith5@pps.net. Check the website often for updates. We look forward to working with you during this exciting transition.
Family Math
Did you know about our family math tool?
PPS features the i‑Ready Classroom Mathematics Family Center
Purpose: Provides resources for families to support and encourage their child’s mathematical success
When to Use It: Families can access the website at any time throughout the year.
Where to Find It: ReadyClassroomCentral.com/FamilyCenter
Check it out today for information on what your student is learning.
Vaccines play a crucial role in protecting our students from serious illnesses and help keep our community safe. Parents/ Guardians of students who are due to receive vaccines should receive a letter in the mail. Please check if your child’s vaccinations are current, including their recommended flu shot, and contact your medical provider or any of the resources listed below.
Multnomah County Student Health Centers
Multnomah County Vaccination Clinic (English)
From the Library
Mt. Readmore is Here. . . Get your owls ready!
It’s time for Sabin’s reading challenge! Students log their reading minutes at ReadaFun - student logins went home last week.
Our school goal. .. . 120,000 minutes of reading!!
ReadaFun can also be used as an optional FUNDRAISER for our PTA by connecting friends and family to your child's reading - supporting them AND the school!
Mt. Readmore Kickoff!
Join PTA for Campfire Reading!
Wed. Jan 22
Pizza, activities, reading in tents and . . . a “campfire”!
Find out more about Mt. Readmore
To celebrate reading, Sabin has 3 authors coming
Breena Bard, graphic novelist will be talking with Grade 3-5 student
Wednesday, Jan 22 at 1:00
Zoey Abbot, who’s book Banana is a metaphor for distracting things in our culture that keep us away from spending time with loved ones
Laura G Lee’s book Soy Sauce explores Soy Sauce across cultures - Korean, Chinese and Japanese.
Monday, Feb 10th
Oregon Battle of the Books
Competitions starting soon!
Students have formed teams, read books and are preparing for their first competitions, that will be starting soon. Updates posted here
This year Sabin has
18 teams and
97 students!
More Team photos coming soon!
Library Volunteers are SOOOO appreciated! With budget cuts to the library, eliminating our beloved Kimberly Peterson, Library Assistant, last year, library volunteers have helped keep as much extra programming like OBOB, authors, Mt. Readmore and more!
Thank you!
Lunar New Year January 29th
Sabin was loaned this lion as part of the Lunar New Year celebration. AAPI students will be dancing the lion on January 29th.
The Lunar new year is approaching. There are many celebrations around the city and lots of things to learn about this important holiday. Links are below
Sabin's Amazon Wish List!
Would you like to contribute to Sabin school, but are short on time to volunteer? Consider purchasing an item for delivery from the Sabin ES Amazon Wish List! This is a list of frequently necessary items - snacks, clothing, and health items - that are in high demand at school. (We are currently very short on larger clothing sizes for grades 4 & 5 who need a change of clothes.)
Thanks for supporting our Sabin Stars.
From 2nd grade
From 4th Grade
Fun Friday painting in Ms. Cahill's!
Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metro Basketball Opportunity
The Boys and Girls Clubs of Portland Metro are partnering with the Portland Trailblazers and the Jr. NBA and Jr. WNBA to provide a series of programs (camps and clinics) at the Blazers Boys and Girls Club. These camps will be held once a month for five months, beginning on January 25, 2025.
These camps will offer young athletes an incredible chance to improve their skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship in a fun and supportive environment. As a nonprofit, we can offer these sessions at an affordable price of just $25 for all five sessions, making them accessible to many families in the Portland metro area.
The camps will be led by experienced coaches, with DI college coaching experience, including myself (for the Jr. NBA) and Beth Mounier (for the Jr. WNBA) We are committed to providing top-notch coaching and fostering individual and team development.
Here’s an overview of the Jr. NBA and Jr. WNBA camp themes and dates:
Jr. NBA Weekly Themes:
- Week 1 (1/25/25): "Fundamentals First!" – Dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense.
- Week 2 (2/15/25): "Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!" – Focus on teamwork and communication.
- Week 3 (3/15/25): "Jr. NBA Combine!" – Speed, agility, endurance, and strength testing.
- Week 4 (4/26/25): "Shooting Stars/Shift into Gear!" – Shooting mechanics and advanced moves.
- Week 5 (5/17/25): "Game On! – The Culminating Event!" – Competitive scrimmages.
Jr. WNBA Weekly Themes:
- Week 1 (1/25/25): Basketball Building Blocks – Core skills development.
- Week 2 (2/15/25): Sharpshooter Academy – Focus on shooting mechanics and confidence.
- Week 3 (3/15/25): Lab Work – Master ball-handling and one-on-one skills.
- Week 4 (4/26/25): Queens of the Court – Basketball IQ, passing, and teamwork.
- Week 5 (5/17/25): Championship Saturday – Scrimmages and fun competitions.
Session Information:
- Jr. WNBA:
- 3rd-5th Grade: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
- 6th-8th Grade: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
- Jr. NBA:
- 3rd-5th Grade: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
- 6th-8th Grade: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Camp Dates:
- 1/25/25, 2/15/25, 3/15/25, 4/26/25, 5/17/25
The cost for all five sessions is only $25, which is an exceptional value for the skills and experiences your students will gain. These camps are designed for athletes of all levels, from beginners to those looking to sharpen their game.
I hope you’ll share this opportunity with your students and their families. Space is limited, so I encourage them to register soon. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, or reach out to the email on the flyer.
From 5th Grade
MLK Day of Service
Follow us on Instagram!
Dinner Table Questions
- What is one thing you would change if you had a magic wand and could change anything?
- What is your favorite time of the day, and why?
- If aliens landed on Earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go?
Coming up...
JAN 22 - Mt. Readmore Kickoff @ 5:30 - Sabin Auditorium (see "From the Library" for more info)
JAN 27 - 28 - Grading and planning days - NO SCHOOL
JAN 30 - IB Assembly, 3-5 @ 1:15, K-2 @ 1:45
FEB 1st - Start of Black History Month
FEB 5th - Dine Out For Sabin @ Tacovore
From the Editor
Please send any content you would like included to jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net