Principal's Weekly Update
August 24, 2024
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):
As I welcome you all to another school year, I should mention that this year marks my 20th year as a Madison Middle School administrator. There are many reasons why I joyfully return to Madison year after year– I work with an incredibly kind and close knit staff, who care deeply for the students in their charge. I partner with supportive parents, exemplified by an energetically involved PTA, who always seem to know when the teachers need a “pick me up” and when the students might benefit from some fun and/or enrichment. Most importantly– I like the students more and more each year– I will get to know the vast majority of them personally, and always look to seek out those who I do not yet know.
For those of you who are new to Madison, let me give you the following overview of the Madison Principal's Weekly Letter:
When to expect it ?
Last year I settled into a routine where I would share it between 10am and 12 each Saturday morning. I assume that such consistency is beneficial for those who look forward to reading it.
What I like about it ?
Part of the reason why it is shared on Saturday morning is because I spend Friday night reflecting on the week, and writing my thoughts, free of the distractions of the school day. Thinking back on the week allows me to celebrate successes and to plan for the week to come.
What it includes ?
A summary of events from the week, important updates/ messages for parents, a preview of the following week’s after school/ evening activities, explanations of academic programs and student progress-- usually with some attempts at humor sprinkled in. It always includes some photos from the week, and typically a large "final photo" at the bottom-- this week you can see a picture of a waning gibbous moon which science teacher John Mastrianni recently snapped-- he is a "night owl"-- I mean that literally-- he was out that night trying to see some owls, but couldn't help noticing that moon.
The upcoming first week of school, which begins on Tuesday, will feature opening assemblies on the first day and extended homerooms on the first two days. During the grade level assemblies, Mr. Coppola and myself will welcome the students, share important themes for the year, offer some important behavioral reminders, and hopefully kindle some inspiration. The extended homerooms offer the students, especially our new 6th graders, a chance to ease into things-- 6th grade teachers are able to spend sufficient time to ensure that our new students can interpret their schedules, locate the rooms and skillfully work the locks on their lockers.
Two of the topics which Mr. Coppola and I will cover with students on Tuesday are cell phones and dress code. This year every teacher has been provided with a "cell phone caddie"-- it is a school rule that cell phones cannot be out during class time. Students will be expected to place their phone in the assigned slot in the phone caddie before class begins, and then of course, take it back at the conclusion of class. We want our students to be focused and free of avoidable distractions.
As for our dress code, the following excerpt from district policy is the most relevant:
“Shirts and tops must completely cover the midriff and lower back when sitting or standing. Clothing should also provide appropriate coverage at the neckline. No tank tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, or see through clothing shall be worn in school.”
Please work with us to ensure that all of our students abide by the district dress code.
** Announcements **
Beginning this school year, parents in PK-12 will now have the ability to report full day absences, late arrivals and early dismissals via their Infinite Campus Parent Portal using the mobile app or website in place of calling the school attendance line. Please click here for more information on how to use this feature. If you need support signing into your Infinite Campus portal account please see this FAQ sheet.
Our Madison Apparel Store will have a beginning of year discount starting on Friday, 8/30 until 9/14.
In conclusion-- it was wonderful to meet so many 6th grade students and parents at our "Open House" on Tuesday. We hope that we did something to further promote a positive transition. We were thrilled to reunite with our teaching staff on Thursday and Friday, and look forward to the District's Opening Convocation on Monday. Most importantly, we are eager to open the building to all students on the first day of school on Tuesday, to begin another August to June journey.
Take care,
Peter Sullivan
How we spent our summer vacation
Peruvian Peak
Roman Ruins
Colleagues in China
Mrs. Baillargeon and Miss Moriello went abroad to teach at a STEAM summer camp in the Shandong Province.