Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Use the Good Ones
― Lori Handeland, Crave the Moon
Week of June 1st - Recovery Phase 2 - Step 1 Extended (Week 5 of 4)
The length of each step within Recovery will vary. This week we prepared to move to Step 2 to increase our re-opening. During May, Excelsior Springs experienced zero new COVID cases. However on Thursday night, the Governor announced the need to maintain the status quo. According to our Emergency Plan, we follow Clay County Public Health Department's lead, so we have reversed our re-opening plans announced for this week, as conflicting messages are worked out between the County and Governor so we can re-open safely.
Monday, 6:00 PM - City Council Meeting
Monday - National Say Something Nice Day
Tuesday - Election Day
Tuesday, 11:00 AM - Communities of Excellence Webinar
Friday - National Doughnut Day
Council Actions
Staff Credits
Key Project Updates
- Re-opening Hall of Waters/Police Station next week, buildings were fogged this week to keep safe. [Funding: CARES] WHY? To disinfect surfaces/air to protect personnel & visitors.
- Work is underway on Shirewood, to install Sewers, continues on Crescent Lake Generator, starting on the Siloam Springs Wall [Funding: CIP, Sewer & CIP] WHY? Shirewood sewers will solve a pollution issue, Crescent Lake and the Wall represents ongoing maintenance and replacement requirements.
- Old Standard building sold & is under renovation [Funding: Private] WHY? New owner, continued interest expressed in redeveloping downtown.
- Several new projects in planning stages/in plan review - two new apartment projects, two new storage facilities, & Price Chopper has reno plans [Funding: Private] WHY? Developments in conversation stage, advanced to plan review, all will next advance to PZ or building permit stage.
- Administrative Warrant prepared for Royal Hotel [Funding: CIP] WHY? Prepare for Municipal Court.
- Communities for All Ages work advances to the implementation stage [Funding: GF, CC Senior Services] WHY? to train communities to consider an age lens during policy development & service delivery.
- Collecting reimbursable expenses incurred related to COVID, such as PPE, cleaning supplies, & costs to work remotely. [Funding: CARES] WHY? To recover cash that would not have otherwise been expensed, but for COVID.
Choose Your Attitude!
One of the things I love the most about this community is that you don’t have to be from Excelsior Springs to be accepted. Having lived in different communities, I’ve noticed that many places are not open to outsiders. Excelsior Springs isn’t like that at all! We have been welcomed from the first day we arrived! I love the enthusiasm that the people here have for the town. The hospitality and the welcoming nature of the people here is incredible. We love our church, our community, and the school district! Found in ES Families by C Cole, 2/2/2020.
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752