Robert Hunter Report
Jan. 26, 2025
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
This past week, 4th grade students were able to view and learn about human organs with a visit from representatives from Hunterdon Health. Thank you to Mrs. Cunniff for organizing this educational experience for our students.
We were glad that the temperatures are rising a bit and that students were able to get back outside for recess this past Friday. We will always try to get our students outside, but we monitor winter weather closely along with our school nurse when making decisions about indoor and outdoor recess. Please always have your children prepared for outdoor winter weather!
This upcoming week, we recognize the Great Kindness Challenge and will have a whole school meeting on Friday. We’re looking forward to a great week!
As a reminder, this upcoming Tuesday, Jan. 28th will be an early dismissal for staff professional development.
Also, please note that MAP Growth assessment results will be available on Parent Portal on Feb. 3.
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Chain Reactions in 4th Grade
Presentation from Hunterdon Health
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Jan. 27, Day 4
Dream of Kindness - Wear Pajamas!
Building with STEM Toys Club
District Budget Town Hall Meeting, JPC 6:00
Tuesday, Jan. 28, Day 5
Color Our World with Kindness - Wear multiple colors!
Early Dismissal at 1:20pm
Wednesday, Jan. 29, Day 6
Kindness is Our Superpower - Wear something with a superhero on it!
Wednesday Project Enrich
Thursday, Jan. 30, Day 1
Kindness Makes Your Heart Grow Bigger - Wear red or pink!
Thursday Project Enrich
Friday, Jan. 31, Day 2
We have SNOW MUCH Kindness! Wear White!
Whole School Meeting 9am (families of students hosting are invited to attend)
Chess Club
Save the Date:
Feb 3 - MAP Growth Assessment results on Parent Portal
Feb. 7- Harlem Wizards Game
Feb. 14- School closed for staff professional development
Feb. 17- School closed for President's Day
Feb. 21 - Family Olympics
Feb. 23 - Movie Day
Great Kindness Challenge Week and RH “Snow Day”
We are excited to announce that this upcoming week is Great Kindness Challenge Week! This special event is dedicated to celebrating and promoting acts of kindness throughout our community. We encourage you to support this initiative by discussing the importance of kindness at home and helping your child brainstorm ways they can contribute. Together, let's spread kindness and make this a meaningful week!
Great Kindness Week Spirit Days will occur Jan. 26-31. Please note that Friday’s spirit day at RH will be different from what is listed on the district flyer - at RH, our special Friday theme will be “We have SNOW much kindness - wear white for our school snowball fight!” Students are encouraged to wear all white on Friday, and we will have a school snowball fight at our whole school meeting! The class in each grade level with the most “snow spirit” will be recognized with our RH spirit award!
See the Great Kindness Challenge Week flyer below:
Cold Weather
Now that colder weather is upon us, please be sure that your child is dressed for the weather, and remember to send your child to school with a coat, hat, and/or gloves for recess. These items should be labeled with your child’s name. In instances of extreme cold weather, and in consultation with our school nurse, we may decide to have a shortened outdoor recess or indoor recess, but please be prepared for students to go outside every day. Students are not excused from going out for recess and gym unless a doctor’s note is provided. The chart below is used as a guide to make a determination for outdoor recess.
After-School Enrichment Clubs
Building with STEM Toys and Chess Club start this week.
You do not need to complete a dismissal change form for clubs, as we have student rosters for all of the clubs. Please complete the form only if your child is NOT staying for a club that they are registered for. Staff will be taking attendance for the clubs at dismissal; however, you should still review with your child when they will be staying after school for their clubs.
When picking up your child from after-school clubs, please park and come to the overhang to pick up your child from the club advisor.
For all clubs, students must be picked up at 4:45.
If you have any questions about club enrollment, please contact roberthunterpto@gmail.com
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day parties are held in PreK-2 classrooms, and Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged in all grade levels. Your child’s teacher will provide any information needed.
If you have any Valentine’s Day card packages that you would like to donate to families in need, please drop them off in the main office. Thank you!
2025-2026 School Budget
Please visit Dr. McGann's website with information and updates on the 2025-2026 budget. There will be another Town Hall with Dr. McGann on January 27, 2025.
Family Olympics - Feb. 21
Join us for our annual Family Olympics Night! A fun-filled evening for all ages!
We invite you to participate in our Family Olympics event. Click the link below to fill out the registration form and be part of this exciting night! While early registration is encouraged, participants can also register on-site—just be mindful that doors will close promptly at 6:00 PM.
We can't wait to enjoy this special evening with everyone! If you have any questions, please reach out to Noelle Mazzaferro, Lauren Edelsberg, or Megan Migliore.
Preschool Lottery Open
The preschool lottery is now open and will close on Feb. 21. Click here for the form. You may email preschoolexpansion@frsd.us or call the preschool office line on the district website with any questions.
Robbie's Recognition
We encourage families to take some time to recognize our fantastic staff members throughout the school year. You can use the Google form here to submit a Robbie’s Recognition for a staff member, and we will read aloud your recognition to our staff. You can either add your name or recognize a staff member anonymously.
From the PTO:
PTO Board Positions Available
We are currently looking for passionate and committed parents to fill the following board positions:
- President
- Vice Presidents
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Event Coordinators
These positions are a great opportunity to contribute to the school community, meet fellow parents, and help shape the direction of the PTO’s initiatives.
No experience is necessary – just a willingness to volunteer your time and energy to make a positive difference. If you’re interested or would like to learn more, please send us an email at roberthunterpto@gmail.com or attend our next PTO meeting in March. We’d love to have you join us!
Robbie Raccoon's Adventure Camp - Register by May 30th
Teachers and support staff invite young adventurers to join them at Robert Hunter this summer. Register RH students entering first to fourth grade for 1 to 6 weeks of summer enrichment at https://roberthunterelem.membershiptoolkit.com/
Harlem Wizards - February 7th
Wizards Tickets Are Sold Out! Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets!
Though you can no longer secure a seat, you can gain entry to the game by signing up to volunteer HERE.
Attendants can donate to concessions HERE and pre-order pizza for the game HERE. Please reach out to Michele Mozingo at moussenme@yahoo.com with any questions.
Family Olympics - February 21st
Robert Hunter staff members are hard at work preparing for Family Olympics!! Please sign up to contibute to the concession stand HERE.
Day at the Movies - February 23
Hillsborough cinemas will be hosting a private screening of Dog Man for Robert Hunter friends and family on February 23rd at 11am. Order tickets while supplies last at https://roberthunterelem.membershiptoolkit.com/. Please contact Megan Pacyna at RobertHunterPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
PTO Meeting - March 11
Please join us in the cafeteria for our next PTO meeting on March 11th at 6:30pm. The meeting will be focused on assembling and wrapping baskets for the upcoming basket auction. We hope you can join us! All attendants will be entered into a raffle to win an after school club session or free admission to the upcoming rollerskating night in Frenchtown on March 23rd.
Spaghetti Dinner - March 21
Our 3rd Annual Spaghetti dinner night will be held in the cafeteria of Robert Hunter on Friday, March 21st.
Fourth graders will have the unique opportunity to seat guests, take orders and serve family and friends! Stay tuned for more details from the 4th grade events committee!
Robbie's Skate Night - March 23
Save the date for our annual skate night at Frenchtown roller rink on Sunday, March 23rd at 4:30pm. Additional details will be published in an event flyer soon.
Basket Auction - April 11
Save the Date for one of our most important fundraisers of the year! Our Annual PTO Basket Auction is Friday, April 11th!
Get Involved by:
1) Donating to your Homeroom class basket. (Homeroom parents will be reaching out soon!)
2). Donate a basket from your business or family. Sign up here:
3) Share our PTO Basket Auction Wishlist Link with family and friends: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1HZ5CA52XUCDC...
Please submit all donations by March 7th and contact Sherri Biniaros if you are interested in helping or have any questions at sbiniaros@gmail.com.
Order your yearbook and custom pages. Login at https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10160407073332
Please reach out to the yearbook committee at Roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.