Eagle Edition

Glennwood Elementary ~ Where Learning Takes Flight
Holly Brookins, PhD, Principal ~ Summer Clayton, Assistant Principal ~ Jill Tolsma, Instructional Coach
Email: hbrookins@csdecatur.net
Location: 440 East Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404.370.4435 * Website * Facebook
Calendar of Events
August 12-23
STAR Early Literacy Testing Window
Friday, August 23
1st Community Circle - Ms. Jones' Class Hosting
(All Families Invited)
Wednesday, August 28
Early Release Day at 12:50 pm
Thursday, August 29
PTA General Meeting - 5:30-6:00 pm
Curriculum Night - 6:00-7:15 pm
Monday, September 2
Labor Day Holiday (No School)
Where Learning Takes Flight
August Design Principle: The Responsibility for Learning
"Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding."
~Robert John Meehan
Hello Glennwood Families,
It has been a great first week back! Overall, things have run very smoothly. Everything always takes a little bit longer at first, but we will work the kinks out and settle into our routines.
An important note about 2nd Grade walkers arrival: please make sure that 2nd grade walkers enter at the front main doors. We closed the side entrance on Joyce Paris Lane in the spring of last year in order to be more efficient with our staff on duty locations. We apologize for any confusion.
Please save the date for Curriculum Night on Thursday, August 29 from 5:30-7:15 pm. We will begin with our first PTA General Meeting of the year at 5:30 pm. Please plan to arrive early enough to hear about our amazing PTA and all that they have planned for the school year. Following this meeting, you will have the opportunity to visit your child's classroom and hear more from their teachers about the upcoming school year and what students will be learning.
Thank you to everyone who has completed their Annual Data Update. We are at 76% completion. If you haven't already, please take a moment and review and update your child and family's information as soon as possible so we have the most current data. Here's how:
The Annual Data Update for returning CSD families is open and update was due on July 30! The ADU is how families verify or update critical communication and health information, and do sign-offs for the handbook and code of conduct. Please visit https://www.csdecatur.net/adufor more information, or log in directly to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Help make OUR school the first to reach 100% completion! If you need assistance accessing the Parent Portal, click Login Help at https://www.csdecatur.net/aduor contact our school manager Michelle Reynolds at mreynolds@csdecatur.net.
Warmest regards,
Holly Brookins, Ph.D.
News from Mr. Blase, Our School Counselor
To all the new parents (and maybe some that don't know me from before), I wanted to introduce myself. I am the professional school counselor at Glennwood. This is my 9th year at the school and 15th year overall in education! I have my EDS from Georgia State University (Go Panthers!). Additionally, I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). I love what I do and couldn't think of doing anything else professionally! Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family (including my almost 4-year-old son), time in the natural world, and enjoying music and movies.
Next week, I will be getting into the classrooms to do my school counseling introductory lesson. I will introduce myself, what I do as a school counselor, and all the different ways that I will be working with students. We will play lots of fun games, read exciting books, and deal with some important topics through engaging activities. I want students to know that the school counselor works with ALL students and it is not a bad thing. I work with students on academic skills to make them successful, career choices and skills for the future, and of course, social-emotional learning! Also, starting next week, I will begin Minute Meetings with all the students at school. I will check-in briefly to see how their summer went and welcome them to Glennwood! This ties in with one of our district Glennwood goals to increase the number of students that have a positive and trusting relationship with adults at school. If you ever feel you should need to make a referral for counseling services or are interested in consulting with a counselor, please fill out my referral form.
Hi! My name is Lea Di Leo, and I am the new nurse for Glennwood Elementary. I started my nursing career in 2012 as a middle school nurse in Boston, MA. I moved to Atlanta in 2016, and worked at Emory Decatur as a mother baby nurse, and then at Emory University Hospital in the neurosurgery clinic. I was then a City Schools of Decatur substitute school nurse, and now I am very happy to be full time here at Glennwood. My husband is a professor at Georgia Tech, and I have three kids; two boys at Winnona Park and a daughter at Talley. I love being in Decatur!
I look forward to getting to know our students and families. Please review these back-to-school health reminders and reach out to me anytime with questions. The easiest way to contact me is through my email at lea.dileo@csdecatur.net. For urgent communication, please contact the main school number. Additional health information is located on the CSD website under the Health and Safety https://www.csdecatur.net/Page/4403
- All students are required to have an updated immunization record on file or a notarized GA form 2208(Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization) in order to start and remain in school.
- All students new to the district are required to have a Georgia form 3300 on file as well (Hearing, Vision and Dental form). You can email me a copy or send it in with your student. If you are unsure if your child has one on file, please reach out to me.
- Please complete the Annual Data Update in the Infinite Campus Portal as soon as possible, including the health information portion. You should also receive a CSD Health Card in your child’s folder at the beginning of the year. If your child has a health condition that may require treatment at school, please be sure to include that information in the Annual Update and on the CSD Health Card. You can also reach out to me directly through email or by phone to provide additional information regarding your child’s health care needs at school.
- All medications require an updated Medication Authorization form each school year. I am unable to administer medications without this form completed in its entirety. Please note that prescription medications require the prescribing provider’s signature. All prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy packaging with the pharmacy label attached. Over the counter medications must be sealed in the original packaging. Please label these with your child’s name. I am unable to administer any medications provided without these parameters.
- Medical Care Plans (asthma, diabetes, allergy, seizures) for your child must also be updated prior to each school year. For the safety of your child and to ensure the most accurate, up-to-date health information, we are unable to accept a medical care plan from the previous school year.
- PLEASE have a current and working phone number of a parent or guardian in Infinite Campus in the event your child needs your urgent attention.
As always, regarding COVID-19 and other communicable illnesses, please monitor your child for symptoms of illness, and keep them home from school when they are sick, even if they test negative for COVID-19. Staying home when sick can lower the risk of spreading infectious diseases. Here is a helpful guide for illness and school attendance Sick Day Guidelines.
If anyone has extra pants they would like to donate to the school, we would greatly appreciate it! We are running low on pants of all sizes in case your child has an accident and needs to change. Please bring them to the nurse's office.
If you have questions as to whether your child is well enough for school, please feel free to reach out to me at lea.dileo@csdecatur.net.
Yours in health,
Nurse Lea
This form explains City Schools of Decatur’s screening process of identifying students in kindergarten through third grade who might benefit from extra reading support, including those students who may potentially exhibit characteristics of dyslexia. This letter outlines the screening process, next steps, and your right to opt out. Please contact our instructional coach, Jill Tolsma at jtolsma@csdecatur.net if you have any questions.
We're thrilled to start another year at Glennwood! As a Parent Teacher Association (PTA), we support the school, staff, and students by promoting inclusion, engagement, and community. Whether you're new or returning, we warmly welcome you and hope you’ll get involved through volunteering or participating. PTA Membership dues and fundraising efforts directly benefit our students with needed supplies and educational initiatives. We are currently looking for volunteers for the following roles:
Committees (sign up to volunteer)
Yearbook Chair, Fundraising Chair, Room Parent Coordinator
Room Parents (sign up to volunteer)
Check out our PTA Website to keep up to date on all events and announcements. Please use the code FV4WPY to join.
If you have any ideas or would like to volunteer with us, email: president@glennwoodpta.com.
Thanks for your continued support!
Nydia Almond & Lauren Wattenmaker, PTA Co-Presidents
PTA Corporate Sponsorships
If you are a Glennwood Elementary parent, friend or relative and your place of business would like to become a corporate sponsor for our school, we would love to have your support! Funds raised through corporate sponsorships benefits students, teachers and the entire school. This is also great exposure and advertising for your business. Visit GlennwoodPTA.PTBoard.com for details.
Join our Parents Facebook Group! Click HERE.
Join our PTA Facebook Page! Click HERE.
Glennwood Spirit Wear Sale
We've got spirit, yes we do! Get your spirit wear and MORE (youth and adult sizes available) before it sells out: shop at GlennwoodPTA.PTBoard.com
Infinite Campus Updates
◽Schedules ◽Grades ◽Lunch Money ◽Contact Information◽Test Scores ◽And More!
At the beginning of every school year, it is critical for families to use the Parent Portal for back-to-school readiness. Actions needed:
Complete the Annual Data Update (ADU). The ADU is how families verify or update critical communication and health information and do sign-offs for the handbook and code of conduct. From the Portal home screen, select More ⇒ Annual Data Update. More information about the Annual Data Update is available at https://www.csdecatur.net/adu, including a tracker showing which school is closest to hitting 100% submission! All new and returning parents must update student information via Infinite Campus.
Apply for Free/Reduced-Price Meal Benefits. We encourage ALL families to apply. Families that previously received benefits must reapply every year. In the Portal, select More ⇒ Meal Benefits. More information about the meal benefit is available at https://www.csdecatur.net/nutrition.
Add funds and set up balance alerts and auto-payment for meal account balances. In the portal, select Food Service.
If you need help with the portal, visit https://www.csdecatur.net/portalhelp or contact your school’s front office.
Name/Gender Change Requests
Parents and families can request a name change for your student. If you wish to have your child's chosen or preferred name updated in our records, please complete the name/gender change request form. Please note that the updated name and gender marker will be reflected in our Infinite Campus and Google Workspace applications. However, it's important to remember that CSD will only use legal names on official documents such as transcripts requested by outside sources.
If a legal name change has occurred, please contact your child's school to have the student's records updated accordingly. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for helping us ensure that our records are accurate and respectful of each student's preferences.
Accommodating Students with Disabilities and/or Special Dietary Needs
City Schools of Decatur will make accommodations for children with disabilities whose disability or special dietary need restricts their diet when that need is certified by a licensed physician. Milk intolerance is not considered a disability or food allergy. For modifications or substitutions to the school meals, the school’s nurse or nutrition manager must have a written Medical Statement to Request Accommodations for Disabilities in the School Meal Programs Form on file that is signed by a licensed physician or licensed health care professional who is authorized to write medical prescriptions under state law.
The accommodations and the milk substitution forms are located here.
New 2024-25 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Members Needed
Applications for the 2024-25 Student Advisory Councils opened in the Student Launchpad on Wednesday, July 31. The Superintendent's Council allows students to meet each other and discuss matters affecting their education with Superintendent Dr. Whitaker. Additionally, there will be opportunities for students to share creative ideas, concerns, or suggestions for improving our district. The application deadline is Wednesday, August 14, at 5 pm.
The application requires a Google account to enable students to upload submissions. While student CSD Google accounts are preferred, any Google account will access the form. Please contact your school's media specialist if support is needed to access the CSD Google account. Students may also access the application here using their Google account.
Elementary Orchestra Registration Open for Grades 3-5
Registration for Elementary Orchestra is now open for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Click here to register your child for class. Registration closes Aug 14, 2024, or once we reach class capacity.
Join Decatur Education Foundation, a Community of Problem-Solvers!
Welcome to another great year in City Schools of Decatur! Decatur Education Foundation is proud to be this community's - YOUR community's - local nonprofit dedicated to helping solve the problems that keep Decatur's kids from finding success. DEF hosts community events (a brand new one is coming soon - be on the lookout!) and generates resources from our community to support programs that provide opportunities, address unmet needs, and support educators and students in ALL of our CSD schools. But we can't do it without your help! Support our work by volunteering, attending our events, or making a donation in support of Decatur's kids. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn about upcoming events, and visit our website - www.decatureducationfoundation.org - to learn more about our work and how you can be a part of it! Our community. Our kids. Together, we make a difference.