January 10, 2025
January 17th- 1/2 day, Dismissal at 12:10pm
January 20th- No School
January 22nd- ELGA Deposit Day
January 27th- School Board Meeting @ 6pm
February 1st- Daddy/ Daughter Dance
February 2nd- Mother/ Son Dance
February 5th- ELGA Deposit Day
Cellphones & Electronic Devices
It appears there has been an increase in students bringing phones and smartwatches to school. As stated in our handbook: Students are not permitted to bring cell phones or other electronic devices to school unless for health reasons or with prior approval from the principal. Goodrich Area Schools is not responsible for any lost or stolen electronic devices, including smartwatches. Thank you for helping us keep these distractions out of the classroom.
Reid Elementary Watch D.O.G.S
Thank you Mr. Clark, Mr. Deleone, Mr. Arnesen, Mr. Baker, Mr. Beagle, Mr. Sneed & Mr. Roelandt for being our Watch D.O.G.S!
Remember Cold Weather Gear Every Day!
The weather is getting cold, our students go outside for recess every day. As long as the temperature is above 0 degrees we send them out to get fresh air! Please make sure your child has everything needed to play outside: a coat, snow pants (a must if we have snow), boots, gloves, and a hat each day!
Martian STRONG Family Newsletter
Nurse Corner
School is in full swing and the holidays are right around the corner. I want to encourage all of our students, families and staff to give yourself a little extra attention to stay healthy and happy. Every school day counts and too many absences can have a big impact on your child’s health and education. School is where children learn, socialize with friends, eat healthy meals, get exercise and find support to help them grow and thrive.
Here are a few healthy tips:
- Prioritize the basics: sleep, exercise and nutrition
activity and sleep.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the most effective ways to prevent
the spread of germs and sickness.
- Stay home if you feel sick and/or have a fever (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above)
Children should be kept home if experiencing fever, vomiting, rash, diarrhea or other symptoms of flu or illness. If in doubt, contact your child’s doctor.
Thank you for helping keep our school a happy healthy place to learn.
Robin Rees RN
Goodrich Schools
Title I Newsletter:
It’s getting close to that time of year… SNOW DAYS!!!!!!
If you would like to opt in to receive text messages from Goodrich Area Schools for school closings and other general information just send a text to 67587 and reply "Y" or "Yes".
iChat Information
Parents will have the opportunity to visit our building throughout the year for volunteer work, parties and special events. To maintain safety, our policy is that you must complete an iChat form each school year or you will not be allowed in the building or on field trips during school hours. This form can be found on our website by following the link below.
IMPORTANT Caravan Information
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the Reid caravan process. We need everyone to do their part, read the procedure below, and do the right thing in order for caravan to run smoothly:
If you are the first car in the caravan line, you will need to pull all the way up to the exit (Erie Street) and WAIT for the buses to pull away, BEFORE you start the line moving. Stay parked and wait in the driveway, do not pull out on Erie or block residential driveways. DO NOT pull up behind the buses when they are unloading/loading students.
Please make sure your caravan cards are cut and in your car, visible in the passenger side window before pulling up to pick up your child.
See the map below for guidance.
Line 1 fills first. Once line 1 is full, start to fill line 2, and then line 3. Once a line goes, the next car will start to back-fill the lines that have already gone (in the same order) and wait their turn. Do not keep going, you need to stop at the cones and wait your turn. Lanes should be going in the order they arrive. Lines and signs have been added to help this process.
Please do not allow children to play on the playground while you wait. Please also have your children inside your car at all times. If students are on the playground when you arrive, please do not drive on the pavement. You can pull up once students return inside the building. Student safety is out #1 priority.
It is not kind to cut the line in front of others. Please be patient, wait your turn and follow the procedures (just like we teach our students).
Our school bus system is always an option for families that do not want to be involved in the drop-off/pick-up procedures (actually your students will probably get home faster). Please call the bus garage to get your child set up (810-591-3454). Even school of choice kids have bus stop options.
Early office pick-ups are not allowed. If you need to pick up your student early in the office, they will be marked accordingly in the attendance system.
School Hours & Attendance
Reid's school hours are:
Full Day: 8:30am – 3:50pm, Half Day: 8:30am – 12:10pm.
Tardy: Students should be in their classroom ready to learn by 8:30. After 8:35, or if they miss the caravan line and are brought in the office for drop off, they are marked tardy.
Half Day (AM or PM Absence): Arrive after 9:15 or leave before 3:10. Please use the ParentVue app or call the attendance line to report your child’s absence. Parents will receive an automated phone call, text, and email if an absence is not verified to the office by 9:15 am. After receiving these communications, please call the front office or attendance line or the absence will remain unverified.
Excused Medical Absence: In the case that your child missed school because they were under the care of a physician, please turn all doctor’s notes into the office within one week of their return to school.
Cafeteria News
School breakfast and lunch are being offered for free to all students in grades DK-12 this year through the Michigan School Meals Program. We encourage all families to fill out the School Meals and Summer EBT Application that will be available at open house. Please take a moment to complete the form and return it to the Reid office. The Application for Summer EBT and Education Benefits with the Michigan School Meals Program collects information needed to ensure the school receives state and federal funding for education programs. Without this information, Goodrich Area Schools could lose important state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to. These supplemental grants and programs have the potential to offer support and services for our students. Please visit the Goodrich Food Service webpage for more information. Students wanting to purchase extra items or snacks in addition to the free breakfast and lunch can add money to their lunch account through the My School Bucks website. This site is also available under the “Parents” tab on the Goodrich website. You may also send a check with your child to give to the cafeteria. If you bring money to the office, we will get it to the cafeteria for you.
CARAVAN- Caravan will remain the same as last year. Information on this as well as your caravan pick up cards were sent home at open house.
Don't Miss Reminders, Follow Reid Elementary On Facebook!
PTO News & Happenings
Reid Elementary
We Believe:
- All students can learn.
- Every child grows under the conditions and at the time that's right for them.
- In teaching the whole child.
- All children have the potential to do great things!
- All children can learn, we just need to find the way to teach them.
- In growing the whole child—socially, emotionally, academically.
- Each child can make a difference!
- All students can be a leader
- Students learn best when actively engaged
Location: 7501 Seneca Street, Goodrich, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-3455