Husky Highlights

December News
Happy December! The weather will be changing soon. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately to go outside. School district policy states that we will be inside if the weather is 10 degrees or colder with the wind chill, so students need to plan on being outside. If your child needs hats, gloves or a coat, please let us know.
This month we are really working on SAFETY. Snow is beautiful to look at, but it is not for throwing or kicking at other students. Please have your student tell you about our rules for snow at school.
We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season!
In the morning before school if your child is not planning to eat breakfast and the song has not ended, they need to go around the outside of the building to the playground. The song ends at 8:00 and if your child is here before then and not going to the cafeteria, they need to be out back. They can access the playground by walking along the sidewalks on either side of the school, or can be dropped off in the back of the building on Polk Street.
Christmas Photo Opportunity
If you are interested in having a family photo, here is your chance to help Harrison at the same time!
December Dress Up Days
We will be dressing up the week of December 16th through the 20th. The days are:
Monday - Ugly Sweater or Shirt Day
Tuesday - Mad About Plaid (Wear plaid colors for Christmas)
Wednesday - Wear Red & Green
Thursday - Winter or Christmas Movie Character Day
Friday - Polar Express Day - Wear your pajamas
Twin Falls Education Foundation Teacher of the Month Program
The Twin Falls Education Foundation is an organization committed to the students and teachers of the Twin Falls School District. One of their many programs to give back to our school is the Teacher of the Month program. Community members have the opportunity to tell them how amazing our teachers are. Please go to the link below to learn more or nominate your favorite Harrison teachers.
Harrison Food Pantry
Harrison offers a food pantry for families in need of food. To request a food box, Please email Mrs. Ballard at ballardli@tfsd.org or contact your student's teacher. We will need to know how many are in the family and when you can come pick it up. Food boxes will be available for pickup on Mondays from 12:45 - 2:00 and Thursdays 1:00 - 3:00. We are happy to help.
Christmas Break
No School from December 21 - January 6.
School Resumes Tuesday, January 7th, 2025.
Have a safe and relaxing holiday season.
Mark your Calendars
December 3-6: Monthly ISIP Testing
December 13: Monthly ISIP Iditarod Run @ 8:30 AM
December 10: Christmas Program @ Roper Auditorium - 7:00 PM
December 20: Winter Vacation Begins - Early Release @ 12:45 PM
January 7: School Resumes
School Counseling
At Harrison, Mrs. Nelson, our school counselor is available to help students in a variety of ways. She works with individuals and small groups throughout the week. She is available to assist students during the school day.
How does a student receive counseling at school?: Students may be referred to the School Counselor for individual and/or small group counseling by their parents or guardians, school faculty, school staff, a concerned friend, or they may refer themselves. Once a referral is made the school counselor sets up a meeting with the referred student. In order to do this, Mrs. Nelson must have signed consent. The form for counseling consent is attached below. If you would like your student to have access to school counseling, the form below must be signed and on file, or you may click the button and fill out the form for Prior Consent. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out the school or visit https://www.tfsd.org for more information.
School Hours & Attendance
Attendance Matters!
We have learned that students who miss even two days of school each month are at far greater risk of academic failure and dropout than students who attend regularly.
We have set a goal that every student in our school attends regularly (has nine or fewer absences in a year). Please send your child to school every day unless he/she has a contagious illness or is running a fever. Please see the attachment below titled “How Sick Is Too Sick” when deciding to keep a student home.
What do I need to do if my child is not feeling well
1) Notify child's teachers prior to the school day beginning
2) If your child saw a doctor for illness, please provide doctor's note when student returns
*Students with chronic absences (students who miss 10% or more of the days school has been in session) will receive attendance letters and communication from the Assistant Principal, Mrs. Kenyon.
Possible recommendation to truancy court can take place for chronic absences, especially those that are not verified.
See Below for How Sick is Too Sick to come to school.
Meals are free for students attending Harrison. Meals are $5.00 for guests.
Click on the buttons below to see what is for lunch and breakfast the first two weeks of school.
Harrison Husky Handbook
Click on Harrison the Husky to visit our Harrison Family Handbook. If you have questions or concerns about items in the handbook or items that are not included, please reach out to
Mrs. Larson @ larsonmi@tfsd.org
Kindness Counts
The Kindness Academy is in effect this school year. Please talk with your student about keeping their language appropriate and showing respect for others at school. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work together to make Harrison Elementary the best it can be. We strive to make things safe and encourage all students to be respectful and responsible. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Larson.
You are welcome at Harrison! All parents wishing to volunteer in the classroom, help with class parties, or chaperone field trips need to have a background check completed at least two weeks prior to the event.
Click the following link to complete your background check. https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MjYyOmVuLVVT
Join us on Facebook!
We will keep you up to date on all of the current events and happenings at Harrison!
Join us on Instagram!
We will keep you up to date on all of the current events and happenings at Harrison!
The Harrison Elementary Website
Connect with Class Dojo
The teachers at Harrison are using Class Dojo to increase communication with our families as well. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you haven't signed up and she will get you the class info.