Jaguar Journal
December 2024
Jepson Families,
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the final weeks of 2024! Winter Break marks the half-way point of the school year, and I am so proud of what our students have been able to accomplish. If you haven't already done so, take a look at our This Is Jepson Video. It highlights some of the amazing things that make our Jepson community special!
Please remind your students that this is crunch time! December 20th is the last day of Quarter 2, so this is the time for students to make a final push to improve grades. I encourage you to consider sending your students to Super Saturday on December 7th. This a great opportunity for students to receive extra help, have some fun, and recover a full day of attendance credit. Click HERE to sign up. More info can be found below. Quarter 2 report cards will be sent out via Parent Square on January 15th.
We wish you a wonderful holiday season!
Go Jags!
Melissa Mainini
Important Upcoming Dates
- December 2: Jepson PTC Meeting
- December 7: Super Saturday
- December 10: Winter Showcase Concert for Jepson Instrumental Groups
- December 13: Jepson Choir Concert
- December 19: Minimum Day
- December 20: Minimum Day, End of Quarter 2
- December 23-January 3rd: Winter Break (No School)
- January 6: First Day of New Semester/Quarter 3, Minimum Day
- January 15: Quarter 2 Report Cards sent via Parent Square
- January 20: MLK Day (No School)
Please refer to the 24-25 VUSD Middle School Calendar for more important dates.
Our Counseling Team is offering a Crafts and Coloring Super Saturday session on December 7th! This session will take place in the Counseling Office/Zen Den. Sign up HERE. The team will also be offering a Coloring Workshop on December 18th during Study Hall.
Please note that many student schedules will change as the new Semester/Quarter 3 begins. Your student will receive their new schedule in class on December 20th. New schedules will be reflected in Aeries beginning December 21st.
Jepson PTC
It’s not too late to become a member or sign-up to get on the volunteer list for the Jepson PTC! Click the link below to fill out the membership/volunteer form! The next Jepson PTC meeting is TONIGHT (12/2)!
Jepson PTC Membership/Volunteer Form
Volunteers are needed to help run the snack shack for basketball season. The snack bar is held inside the gym with a great view of the game!
Jepson Sports
Solano County Library
Did you know that all VUSD students are able to access Solano County Library resources like online homework help and digital books? Click HERE to visit the Library's website to learn more.
Jepson Independent Study
As the holiday season approaches and travel plans are being made, we want to make sure that you are aware of our process for Short-Term Independent Study (STIS).
While we strongly discourage missing school due to the potential impact on learning, we understand that family emergencies or special events may necessitate travel. When a student is unable to participate in site-based instruction between 1 and 15 days, an application for STIS should be submitted.
To be eligible for STIS, students must
Have good attendance
Have good academic standing, and
Submit the STIS application with at least 10 school days notice.
To avoid penalties for class absences, students must complete work during their absence. All assignments must be turned in within 5 school days of the student’s return to school. Once assignments are turned in for each class, then students receive credit for attendance based on their work completion.
Click here or visit the Jepson office to access the STIS application.
PE Clothes
Our PE Teachers encourage students to have two sets of PE clothes. Students can purchase PE clothes anytime throughout the year from their PE Teacher. Sets of PE clothes consist of a shirt and shorts. The cost is $10 for an individual clothing item or $20 for the set. Cash and checks (made out to Willis Jepson Middle School) are accepted.
Lost and Found
Crutches & Medical Equipment on Campus
Students utilizing crutches and other medical equipment must provide our office with appropriate medical documentation. Please click HERE to read more about the guidelines.